Most Genius Physicists on Earth?

In summary, this thread is pointless and you should know better than to put it in the main physics section.
  • #36

Just let the thread die. Why do you care about what someone on an internet forum says about you. If you don't want him to annoy you, just ignore what he says. He was joking, please let it go and let the thread die. Cyrus's point was still valid. This topic has been discussed numerous times. Instead of starting a new discussion about it, how about continuing one that is already on the forum, instead of cluttering the forum with repeat topics?
Earth sciences news on
  • #37
cyrusabdollahi said:
Yeah...O.K., so then you are 13 like I thought. In that case, I am sorry I joked with you. You were too young to handle it, and I don't want to be mean to someone your age so I am not going to say something back to you. I'm sorry. :smile:

Cyrus can't even apologize like a man, he fills the first two lines berating me again and then says sorry afterwards. Now he owes me two apologies. One for his mother too, for raising him wrong and one for Ali for disgracing his character with his classless rhetoric.

As I thought, you are 12, so as it stands I am still older than you. In any case, I much smarter and wiser than you as you prove everytime you make a rebuttal. Keep making an azz of yourself cyrus, you are one entertaining loser. Don't disappoint your fans. :smile:
  • #38
Go watch the cartoon network or something chaos. :rolleyes:

Im not going to yell at a 13 year old.

I hope your not this sensitive around people in real life, or your going to be a basket case by the time you reach high school.

Anyways, if you want to post more insults feel free, I don't care... I am going to leave you alone......<walks backwards slowly>...
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  • #39
cyrusabdollahi said:
Go watch the cartoon network or something chaos. :rolleyes:

Im not going to yell at a 13 year old.

I hope your not this sensitive around people in real life, or your going to be a basket case by the time you reach high school.

Anyways, if you want to post more insults feel free, I don't care... I am going to leave you alone......<walks backwards slowly>...

Ya you said this a post ago. Guess you are too mature to leave when you said you would a post ago. I bet my brother 4-1 that you would reply because I keep intellectually dominating you and you would feel the need to reply, as all stubborn people do.

Its sad that you think I'm 13, because that just makes you look even dumber, as you have been outclassed in every post of our argument.

You win, if you don't reply to this.

  • #40
:smile: My mistake. It's yomamma who is 13. I thought you were the one 13.

In that case, I don't give a crap what I said to you or about your thread.

(1) anyone who knows anything about physics would know your question is bogus and shows that you dont know anything about physics.

(2) Out of all your 519 posts, try making at least one that has some physics content and not fuffy talking about physics. Maybe a course in physics I would do you some good.

(3) Dont send me another PM cursing at me.

(4) Get that brown stuff off your nose.

(5) Go read the other 4 threads on this topic and get yourself a life.

(6) I apologize to everyone else that has to read this sad excuse of a therad you made and our bickering contained within it.

Since you clearly know nothing about math or physics, I would start by reading this book and getting an education on the topic of science and technology.
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  • #41
Haha. Now the baby is trying to act scientific and mature again to try and win over any viewers of this thread to his side. Clearly all you have is co-funniest member for a reason, because your mind is so open and simple even a 13 year old could read it.

I'm done with you. I'm a gentleman and its not nice to laugh at a wounded duck. This thread is all yours. I'll be the man, since you are the woman.
  • #42
Thank god, this stupid thread can finally die.

Maybe some day you will pick up a physics book and post 1 technical thread on the subject. :rolleyes:

Take your metaphysics and get lost. This is what happens when art majors think they know physics because they read Brian Greene, sad.

I called you out on your nonsense thread that showed you know nothing about physics. Don't cry to me about what I said to you, I don't have any sympathy.
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  • #43
Keep sending me nasty PMs, real classy. :rolleyes:
  • #44
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  • #45
...I think I just gave you a link to that book half an hour ago. Really, this thread is pathetic. It has gone from pointless to offensive. I congratulate you. (And its not just me you have had a smart mouth with, but others that know much more physics than you do).

Go take a history course on science and technology so you don't make these kind of inane threads.

Why did you make ANOTHER thread called "Greatest Physics inventions ever"? It shows that you learned nothing from this tread. (BTW, nice job putting it in the wrong section again).
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  • #46
I can't believe no one mentioned Steven Weinberg. :frown:

You know, the "other" Steven who isn't as famous as his 4-wheeled contemporary, but did oh so much more important physics?

Well, I'm mentioning him now. :approve:
  • #47
OK, I'm locking this mess. I'm not handing out any warning points - yet - because it seems to me that there is enough blame to go around.

I would like people to make an effort to be civil to one another and not bicker with each other in the forum. And if anyone feels insulted, for whatever reason, I want to encourage them to report the post to the moderators rather than respond in the forum.

If I see a repeat of this sort of bickering, I and the other moderators are going to start handing out points - liberally - to all participants.