Most gruesome piece of music you've heard?

  • Music
  • Thread starter arildno
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In summary, I think that the majority of any genre of music is crap, but there are certain individual bands and musicians in almost all genres that are quite good.
  • #1
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Here's mine, Florence Foster Jenkins in "Der Holle Rache":
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  • #2
Anything metal I can't stand. Metal, punk, etc. Just sounds like a bunch of yelling and racket if you ask me.
  • #3
arildno said:
Here's mine, Florence Foster Jenkins in "Der Holle Rache":
:bugeye: :eek:

I thought the worst thing I'd ever heard was a recording by Fred Astaire's sister.
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  • #4
arildno said:
"Der Holle Rache"
I'm really mad at you for making me listen 10s of this :smile:
  • #5
BryanP said:
Anything metal I can't stand. Metal, punk, etc. Just sounds like a bunch of yelling and racket if you ask me.

My daughter went through a "screamo" about yelling and racket! One day I came home and heard the most horrible noise coming from upstairs. I thought, what the heck is she doing with a blender in her room?!? Futher inspection revealed it wasn't a blender, it was her new CD...!
  • #6
humanino said:
I'm really mad at you for making me listen 10s of this :smile:
I think Arildno should be flogged for this one!
  • #7
Here, at great personal risk, I present the Laughing song from "Die Fledermaus" ):
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  • #8
Very funny bio of this woman..."

After a taxicab crash in 1943 she found she could sing "a higher F than ever before." Instead of a lawsuit against the taxicab company, she sent the driver a box of expensive cigars.
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  • #9
arildno said:
Here, at great personal risk, I present the Laughing song from "Die Fledermaus" ):
What ever gave this woman the idea that she could sing? I cringe every time she tries to hit a high note.

How did you come across this atrocity?
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  • #10
I was given a CD with her music when I was a teenager..:smile:
  • #11
I did not know of Florence Foster Jenkins. It does remind me of personal experience. When you accompany a terrible singer, it is frustrating that the concert ends up both being very difficult for you (to adjust at every bar with the singer), and very disappointing for the public (since, despite the accompanists efforts, no miracle can be done).

Somehow, I hope this person never realized where her success really came from.
  • #12
lisab said:
Very funny bio of this woman..."
Thanks Lisa, that is just too funny. If the titles of the albums are the original titles, surely she did it as an elaborate joke.
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  • #13
arildno said:
I was given a CD with her music when I was a teenager..:smile:
Either you were a really strange teenager for someone to give you something like that, or the giver had quite a sense of humor. :smile:

Wait, they had CD's when you were a teenager? I remember getting my first portable 8 track tape player and thinking how cool I was to be the first kid on the block to have one.
  • #14
I was unable to listen to the whole retch.
  • #15
Roseann Barr's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

No link - I never want to hear it again.
  • #16
Probably one of the many Star Spangled Banner butcherings, including Hendrix's version of it.
  • #17
BryanP said:
Anything metal I can't stand. Metal, punk, etc. Just sounds like a bunch of yelling and racket if you ask me.

I came to the conclusion some time ago that the majority of any genre of music is crap (and perhaps a couple entire genres aswell) but that there are certain individual bands and musicians in almost all genres that are quite good. I do not like a lot of Punk but it is one of my favourite styles of music. I also like some Metal and, although I didn't like any for a long while, some rap aswell.

That said have many of you heard Charles Manson's music? Absolutely horrible, but sort of humourous at the same time. There is also a not so serious venture called The Sun City Girls who mostly fit in the 'nails on a chalk board' genre but are sometimes good in a kitch sort of way.

And William Shatner ought not be allowed near a microphone.
  • #18
TheStatutoryApe said:
I came to the conclusion some time ago that the majority of any genre of music is crap.

That is exactly the conclusion I came to. During a discussion with my dad, he was into his "they just don't make good music like in the 70's" mode. I pointed out that there was crap back then too, but it was much harder to make a record so the few good ones were better known.

Now a days, any idiot with $400 from flipping burgers can put out an album from his basement (and does. myself included. my band is quite quite terrible.), so it's becoming increasingly hard to shuffle through the myriads upon myriads of crap and find those 10, maybe 20 good bands that are out there... which is about the same number as there always was of good bands, just they are harder to find now. Few of them make it into the mainstream.
  • #19
BryanP said:
Anything metal I can't stand. Metal, punk, etc. Just sounds like a bunch of yelling and racket if you ask me.

Most metal is like that, but not all of it. Some of the industrial metal is good.
  • #20
I can't listen to modern metal (including all industrial), rap, hip-hop, opera, etc.

Blues, classical, country, rock, traditional jazz (some modern jazz is too free-form and jarring to be music) ragtime, bluegrass, folk, mariachi, reggae, skiffle, rockabilly, etc are all free game.

[rant]Kids who put a spoiler on an Accord and bolt in a subwoofer capable of rattling your windows when they drive by should burn all their CDs. By the time they're my age, they'll be deaf and they will be unable to appreciate any music that doesn't consist of "Thump, thump, thump".[/rant]
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  • #21
arildno said:
Here, at great personal risk, I present the Laughing song from "Die Fledermaus" ):

Hahah, she sounds like a chimpanzee at 0:33
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  • #22
Alfi said:
Roseann Barr's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

No link - I never want to hear it again.
Sorry for the double post but...

Maybe this is a little off topic but... if you type in certain bands or musicians on youtube and put shreds on the end you will get videos that were overdubbed by horrible musicians. I'm 99% sure that they are jokes but some are really funny.
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  • #23
Sweet Child of Mine is a lump of excement.

Axl Rose sings like a hinge. I wonder what on-the-road offense that his wife found out about that prompted this "I love my family" piece of tripe? Slash, with his stolen top-hat and dramatic wide stance (try not to think about members of congress) shows a guitar virtuosity that underwhelms. Maybe not the most annoying song in the world, but one that will push me to a different radio station EVERY time, within seconds.
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  • #24
No one has yet mentioned Yoko Ono.

(I can not find a link. Why not?)

(Don't worry).
  • #25
Chi Meson said:
No one has yet mentioned Yoko Ono.

(I can not find a link. Why not?)

(Don't worry).
<Bans Chi Meson>

I just woke up and now I'm going to hear Yoko screeching in my mind all day.
  • #26
I wish I hadn't rememberd this.

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  • #27
edward said:
I wish I hadn't rememberd this.
This guy is good (I mean technically) :approve:
  • #29
BryanP said:
Anything numetal I can't stand. Numetal, punk, etc. Just sounds like a bunch of yelling and racket if you ask me.

Fixed. You haven't heard real metal. Real metal is actually good.
  • #30
LightbulbSun said:
Fixed. You haven't heard real metal. Real metal is actually good.


Real Metal (mostly old school metal or power metal) is just a more complex form of rock with intelligent lyrics (usually) that differ from the usual girls/cars/partying lyrics of normal rock bands.

Numetal is the 90s MTV crap like Korn and these types of bands usually have simple music, and lyrics about aggression or personal problems.
  • #31
OK, "numetal" it is then.

Whatever it's label is, it's garbage.
  • #32
WarPhalange said:
Probably one of the many Star Spangled Banner butcherings, including Hendrix's version of it.

? you can't be serious... Hendrix's version of the Star Spangled Banner was a protest of US foreign policy and was, and still is a work of surreal genious...
  • #33
This here is just one small example of a German acoustical atrocity called "Volksmusik". My favourite online dictionary translates this to "Folk Music" - but this is neither accurate nor fair. See for yourself...

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  • #34
arildno said:
Here's mine, Florence Foster Jenkins in "Der Holle Rache":

I am hoping this performance was supposed to be a joke right ?

I don't get why there is a recording of this in the first place ?
Seems to me this is one of these persons that were famous because they are a joke to the public.

We have a dude like that in Belgium too : EDDY WALLY

ENJOY, pam pam pam :
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  • #35
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