Motion of a ball along a groove on a rotating disk

In summary, a ball placed tightly in a groove on a rotating disk will experience motion tangential to the circle of its radius, rolling along the groove. If the rotation is suddenly stopped, the ball will have a tendency to move perpendicular to the radius due to inertia, but this tendency will be hindered by the walls of the groove. This means that without rotation, the ball will not move outwards.
  • #1
Will a ball placed tightly (radius of ball=width of groove) in a groove(length of grove along radius) on a rotating disk have any motion along the groove. The frictional force is zero.
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  • #2
NANDHU001 said:
Will a ball placed tightly (radius of ball=width of groove) in a groove(length of grove along radius) on a rotating disk have any motion along the groove. The frictional force is zero.
Yes, outwards.
  • #3
It is not too important but, are you sure that you mean the radius of the ball equals the width of the groove and not the DIAMETER of the ball equals the width of the groove.
In the first case do you imagine the ball touching the bottom of the groove or riding along the edges of the groove.
Basically the ball will travel in a straight line tangential to the circle of its radius, this means you will see it roll along the groove I.e 'travel outwards'
  • #4
Thanks, for pointing out the mistake, it was actually diameter I had in mind while using radius. But still I can't imagine how the ball should move outwards. I'll put the question in a different manner. Suppose the ball was fixed to the groove during the course of rotation, all of a sudden the rotation is stopped by an external agency and the ball is made free to move along the groove simultaneously. The ball will then have a tendency to move perpendicular to the radius(or groove) due to inertia, but isn't this tendency hindered by the walls of the groove.
  • #5
NANDHU001 said:
But still I can't imagine how the ball should move outwards.
To clarify: By "move outwards" I meant increase the distance to the center of rotation, move radially relative to the table.
NANDHU001 said:
I'll put the question in a different manner ... rotation is stopped.
It's a different question, not a different manner. Without rotation it will not move outwards.
  • #6
While A.T. thoroughly answered your question already, I remembered a homework problem from Kleppner's mechanics text that was similar to the system you were describing. Maybe it will be of interest to you:

Toy around with the system as you see fit for your analysis purposes :).

FAQ: Motion of a ball along a groove on a rotating disk

1. What is the purpose of studying the motion of a ball along a groove on a rotating disk?

The purpose of studying this motion is to understand the principles of rotational motion and to analyze the effects of different factors on the motion of the ball, such as rotational speed and friction.

2. How does the rotational speed of the disk affect the motion of the ball?

The rotational speed of the disk directly affects the linear velocity of the ball and can also impact the centripetal force acting on the ball, which can change its trajectory and speed.

3. What role does friction play in the motion of the ball along the groove?

Friction between the ball and the groove can cause the ball to slow down or change direction, depending on the direction and magnitude of the force of friction. It can also impact the energy and momentum of the ball.

4. How does the shape or angle of the groove affect the motion of the ball?

The shape and angle of the groove can impact the trajectory and speed of the ball, as well as the amount of friction acting on the ball. A steeper angle or a curved groove may result in a faster or more curved motion for the ball.

5. What are some real-world applications of studying the motion of a ball along a groove on a rotating disk?

Understanding this type of motion can be applied to many real-world scenarios, such as analyzing the movement of a ball bearing in a machine or the motion of a roller coaster on a curved track. It can also be useful in designing and optimizing rotational machinery and vehicles.

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