Motor Selection to Operate Golf Cart Steering Wheel

In summary, the conversation is about selecting a motor for a golf cart project with the goal of being economical. The problem is determining the required torque to move the steering wheel, and a recommendation is made to measure the torque using a torque wrench. Another suggestion is to use a stepper or servo motor with an encoder for positional control and feedback.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am trying to select a motor for a project that will have enough torque to operate the steering wheel of a golf cart. I'm trying to avoid over design as I want to be as economical as possible. The problem that I am having lies in determining the torque that is required to move the steering wheel. The golf cart will be operated on pavement at low speeds.

I am assuming the golf cart weighs 500lb that is evenly distributed to each tire. A requirement is that the motor be 12VDC.

I found an article ( that outlines the torque needed to move the steering wheel of a vehicle at low speeds, but I am not sure that I can apply the findings directly to my situation.

If anybody can make any motor recommendations, or recommend a way to measure the torque I need, that would be great.
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  • #2
Seems the best way to find out what torque is needed would be to measure it. Do you have an idea of how to do this?
  • #3
Put a torque wrench on the nut that holds the steering wheel on the column and measure the input torque. As far as the motor to turn the wheel, I would think about using a couple of sprockets and a chain to drive it from a stepper with an encoder or a servo motor so you can get some positional control as well as feedback if needed.
Sounds fun!

FAQ: Motor Selection to Operate Golf Cart Steering Wheel

1. How do I determine the appropriate motor size for a golf cart steering wheel?

In order to determine the appropriate motor size for a golf cart steering wheel, you will need to consider the weight of the cart, the terrain it will be used on, and the desired speed and torque. A general rule of thumb is to choose a motor with at least 1 horsepower for every 200 pounds of cart weight.

2. Can I use any type of motor for a golf cart steering wheel?

No, not all motors are suitable for use in a golf cart steering wheel. The motor needs to have enough torque to turn the wheels and be able to handle the weight of the cart. It is recommended to use a DC motor specifically designed for use in golf carts.

3. How does the motor selection affect the performance of a golf cart?

The motor selection directly affects the performance of a golf cart. A larger motor with higher horsepower will provide more power and faster speed, but may also drain the battery faster. A smaller motor may not be able to handle steep terrain or heavy loads. It is important to find a balance between power and efficiency.

4. What type of battery is recommended for use with a golf cart motor?

The recommended battery for a golf cart motor is a deep cycle lead-acid battery. These batteries are designed to provide a steady current over a longer period of time, which is necessary for the continuous use of a golf cart.

5. Can I upgrade the motor on my existing golf cart?

Yes, it is possible to upgrade the motor on an existing golf cart. However, it is important to make sure that the new motor is compatible with the existing electrical system and battery. It is recommended to consult with a professional before making any upgrades to ensure proper installation and performance.

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