Moving mass good or indifferent?

  • Thread starter Nowbodylaterenergy
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In summary, the conversation touches on the idea of humans having the power to move masses in the universe and whether this could have negative consequences. The response suggests that this may be more of a philosophical question and that scientifically, humans are not significantly different from other particles in the universe. The conversation also delves into the concept of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
  • #1
Only curious about one thing right now. Has anyone thought that us as humans making the decision to move masses outside that of what is already in process in the universe might have been a bad thing. Like a weight having a conscious ablity to get up and move on any plane of a true(equilibrium)spinning object would unsettle the object causing an out of true rotation even the slightest movement...only asking
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  • #2
Greetings !

Welcome to PF Nowbodylaterenergy !

I believe your message should be posted in the
Philosophy forum rather than this one.
You could sum it there as "free will" and
"non-material mind" questions. As for the
scientific view on this (since you posted it
in this forum) - we are made of the same
particles, subject to the same chemical
reactions and are in no significant way more
special than a rock.

Live long and prosper.
  • #3
no I don't meen this as a hipothetical statement has anyone done the math on what happens when we as the only truly known creaters to have the countious freedom to move the now currently known universe into different places in the universe. think before you act for truth as it is will change when the slightest mistake is made. I throw a 10lb. rock in a lake the entire balance of that lake is then forever changed by me the countious one not the rock. so don't breath without understanding that all is changed with your one breath.
  • #4
Everything moves towards entropy and disorder, with or without mankind. It's the second law of thermodynamics. Life is no different in this respect.
You may breathe in safety now...
  • #5
the sencond law of thremodynamics sounds like Colossians 1:17 in the bible weird ...

FAQ: Moving mass good or indifferent?

1. Is it better to move a large mass or a small mass?

The answer depends on the specific situation and goal. In terms of force required, it is generally easier to move a smaller mass. However, if the goal is to generate momentum or energy, a larger mass may be more effective.

2. How does moving a mass affect its velocity?

Moving a mass requires a force to be applied, which can change the velocity of the mass. The direction and magnitude of the force will determine the change in velocity. For example, a constant force in the same direction as the mass's initial velocity will result in an increase in velocity.

3. Can moving a mass create energy?

Yes, moving a mass can create energy. When a force is applied to a mass, it can result in kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. This can be seen in actions such as pushing a car or throwing a ball.

4. How does mass affect the amount of work required to move it?

The greater the mass, the more force is required to move it a certain distance. This is because mass is a measure of an object's resistance to change in motion. As mass increases, so does the amount of work required to move it.

5. Is moving a mass good or bad for the environment?

The environmental impact of moving a mass depends on the source of the force used to move it. For example, if the force is generated by burning fossil fuels, it can contribute to air pollution and climate change. However, using renewable energy sources to move a mass can have a minimal environmental impact.
