MP4 Audio Help: DivX Can't Recognize AAC Format

In summary, the conversation discusses issues with playing MP4 files with audio. It is noted that Divx player can only play MP4 files with MP3 audio, but the standard audio format for MP4 is AAC, which Divx can't recognize. Other media players, such as Windows Media Player and Real Player, are also mentioned as not being able to play MP4 files. The conversation then delves into a discussion about different codecs and their potential interference with each other. Some helpful resources, such as GSpot and QuickTime, are also mentioned. The conversation ends with someone asking for help with a specific problem with their MP4 player.
  • #1
Pauly Man
I can't play MP4's with audio! Wherever I look it tells me that divx player can only play MP4 with mp3 audio, but that the standard audio format for MP4 is AAc, which dvx can't recognise, stupid I think. Everyone also says that MEdia player will play MP4 files, which it doesn't for me! I have WMP 9, any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
what is MP4?
I know MP3.
are they the same?[?]
  • #3
You mean divx? Do you have the latest codec? Divx5?[/URL]
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  • #4
Yes I have the latest divx codec. But windopws media player will not play mp4, neither will real player, or quick time, or divx player! Everyone else seems able to play them fine. But I've heard media player 9 is nothing but trouble, typical that I'm stuck with that one.
  • #5
Originally posted by Saint
what is MP4?
I know MP3.
are they the same?[?]
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  • #6
Hey there

I think I am playing Mpeg4 on my pc ( I am if that movie I tested with really is MPeg4... ) I use PowerDVD and Nimo codecpack 5 build 7. I also have Divx502 installed, but that shouldn't influence mpeg4 movies.

Hope it helps you
Best regards

Thomas Hansen
  • #7
Originally posted by Thomas1980
I use PowerDVD and Nimo codecpack 5 build 7. I also have Divx502 installed, but that shouldn't influence mpeg4 movies.
"mpeg 4" is a common name given to divx in general in addition to the official standard which isn't used as much as the divx knockoffs. I think when divx was invented, there was no "real" mpeg-4 yet so they used the name to make it sound more official.

I have found that Nimo's codecs interfere with each other. You may have a component of Nimo trying to play a file it isn't capable of playing. Try uninstalling Nimo.
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  • #8
4) DivX ;-) 3.11a Alpha - ASF without the drawbacks

Origins: A guy who went by the handle "Gej" used a hex editor and some other tools to modify the binary dll file of Microsoft's MS-MPEG4v3 ASF codec so that it would work under AVIs, so that you could use it to encode high-res movies (since ASF was restricted to 352x288 resolution). He then released it onto the net. This became the original DivX which was updated until version 3.11alpha

Taken from some interesting reading at;

Pauly Man,
You might try using G-Spot to identify the Video and Audio Codecs. See if it gives you the same thing (AAc). It’s a very handy utility to have, in case you don’t know about it. It is free and available here;

I had a similar problem to yours (no audio), but what was missing was the ac3 filter, not AAc. After using GSpot to identify the problem I was able to hunt down what I needed off the web.

-Good Luck

Just like Russ was saying about the Nimo codecs interfering, I have found conflicting codec troubles too. For that reason I never use any more codecs than those actually needed, and I avoid those packs containing gadzooks of codecs all bundled up in one package.
GSpot is a great tool for keeping the number of codecs to a minimum.

One example, the DivX5.05 Codec (which I’ve been playing with recently) will write itself over the place of the 5.02 codec, and then fail to work with one of my programs. If I uninstall either one then reboot and perform the install I won’t get this problem.

Maybe you can get lucky with AAC utilizing a google search;
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  • #9
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Just like Russ was saying about the Nimo codecs interfering, I have found conflicting codec troubles too. For that reason I never use any more codecs than those actually needed, and I avoid those packs containing gadzooks of codecs all bundled up in one package.
GSpot is a great tool for keeping the number of codecs to a minimum.
What would be nice is if MS built into Media Player an easy way to manually select the codec you want to use.
  • #10
I've downloaded QuickTime 6.3 and it can play .mp4 no problem by the looks of it. =]
  • #12

Originally posted by Meeshoo
can anyone please tell me what codecs i need to see the mp4 vidos on this site?
It says on the bottom of the page, Quicktime 6.
  • #13
Can't remember if I told anyone. But GSpot couldn't identify the video, all it said was that it was a non-AVI format. Also Quicktime no longer allows me to play mp4 videos. SO I downloaded real one, (I hate it), but at least it allows you to download an mp4 specific codec and use it easily.
  • #14
Gspot only works with an .avi extention (as I too realized recently), and those little jaspers are .mp4. Quicktime couldn't play them, claiming they were not valid MPEG-4 files, and that they either contained no 'moov' atom, or the file has been corrupted.
  • #15
Saint said:
what is MP4?
I know MP3.
are they the same?[?]

hay I've got a problem with my mp4 were the screen jus goes blue whenever the mp4 is on i was wondering if anyone knows how to fix it?
  • #16
hay I've got a problem with my mp4 were the screen jus goes blue whenever the mp4 is on i was wondering if anyone knows how to fix it?
  • #17
Hi guys I had some problem with my player as well but recently I found a great tech support site that have a huge knowledge base of" products. They also have live chat support and guaranteed solution. I am sure you will find some answers there.

Good luck

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  • #18
hey there,
i have a problem i have this movie.mp4 but i can't seem to burn it i have DivX codec 6.5.0 but it doesn't help me if there is someone who can help me convert this .mp4 to a Avi please help me...

thank you

FAQ: MP4 Audio Help: DivX Can't Recognize AAC Format

What is MP4 Audio Help: DivX Can't Recognize AAC Format?

MP4 Audio Help: DivX Can't Recognize AAC Format is a common issue that occurs when trying to play an MP4 video file with AAC audio on DivX media player. It means that the player is unable to recognize or decode the AAC audio format.

Why can't DivX recognize AAC format?

DivX media player does not support AAC audio format by default. It only supports MP3, AC3, and DTS audio formats. Therefore, if your MP4 video file has AAC audio, the player will not be able to play it and will display an error message.

How can I fix the issue of DivX not recognizing AAC format?

To fix this issue, you can either convert the AAC audio to a compatible format using a video converter or install a codec pack that includes AAC support. You can also try using a different media player that supports AAC audio.

Can I still play MP4 files with AAC audio on DivX without converting the audio?

Yes, you can still play MP4 files with AAC audio on DivX without converting the audio by installing a codec pack that includes AAC support. This will enable DivX to recognize and play AAC audio formats.

Is there a way to prevent this issue from happening in the future?

If you frequently encounter this issue, it is recommended to use a different media player that supports AAC audio or convert the audio to a compatible format before playing the video on DivX. You can also check the audio format of the MP4 file before downloading or playing it to avoid this issue.
