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"Mt. Rushmore as seen by the Canadians" refers to the perspective of the famous Mount Rushmore monument in South Dakota, as viewed by people from Canada. It can also refer to the Canadian perspective on the history and significance of the monument.
The perspective of Canadians on Mt. Rushmore is important because it offers a different cultural and historical viewpoint on the monument. It can also provide insight into how the monument is perceived and interpreted by people from different countries.
The Canadian perspective on Mt. Rushmore may differ from the American perspective in terms of historical significance and cultural symbolism. Canadians may have a different understanding and interpretation of the monument based on their own cultural background and history.
Canadians have had a significant impact on Mt. Rushmore through tourism and appreciation for the monument. They also contribute to the ongoing preservation and promotion of the monument through their interest and visitation.
There may be notable differences in the way Canadians view Mt. Rushmore compared to other countries, as each country has its own unique cultural background and perspective. For example, Canadians may have a different understanding of the monument compared to people from Europe or Asia.