Multiple FLV video files with single player

In summary, the conversation discusses how to play a single FLV file using code that can be inserted into a webpage. The code allows for the file to be changed by using a list of filenames, but the exact method for doing so is unclear and assistance is requested.
  • #1
Mike Phan

Here is code that can play a single FLV file:

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%" height="570" align=middle />
<param name="movie" value="player.swf?file=videofile&autostart=true" />

I want to make a list:

Anytime I click on each item of the list, for example video1, the "file = videofile" will become "file=video1.flv". In other words, I want to make the "filename" as variable.
I think it is possible for javascript, but I don't know how to write the code.


Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Can reload the page with passing the video file name in the query string
  • #3

I would suggest using a programming language such as JavaScript to create a function that dynamically changes the "file" value based on the user's selection from the list. This can be achieved by assigning a unique ID to each video file and using that ID to update the "file" value in the code. This way, the player can play multiple FLV files without needing to change the code each time. Additionally, you can also use a loop to automatically generate the list of videos and assign IDs to them. This will make the code more efficient and scalable. I would also recommend researching and using a video player library or framework to make the process easier and more robust.

Related to Multiple FLV video files with single player

1. What is the benefit of using a single player for multiple FLV video files?

Using a single player allows for a more seamless viewing experience as the viewer does not have to switch between different players for each video. It also saves time and effort for the user as they do not have to download and install multiple players.

2. Can different FLV video files be played simultaneously using a single player?

No, a single player can only play one video at a time. However, some players may have the option to queue multiple videos to play in succession.

3. Do all video players support multiple FLV video files?

No, not all video players support multiple FLV video files. It is important to check the features and specifications of a video player before using it for multiple FLV video files.

4. Are there any limitations to using a single player for multiple FLV video files?

There may be limitations depending on the capabilities of the video player and the size and quality of the FLV video files. It is recommended to test the player with different file sizes and formats to ensure smooth playback.

5. How do I embed multiple FLV video files into a single player?

The process of embedding multiple FLV video files into a single player may vary depending on the video player being used. Generally, it involves uploading all the FLV video files to the player and then creating a playlist or selecting the videos to be played in succession. It is best to refer to the player's documentation for specific instructions.
