Can We Discover Multiple Time Dimensions Like Space?

In summary, no one knows for sure if space has multiple dimensions or if time has multiple dimensions. If a 3rd dimension is discovered, it is possible that interdimensional travel will become possible.
  • #1
Diego Josephia
TL;DR Summary
Hello, I am not an physicist at all but i like too research stuff, but i was wondering, we live in 3 space dimensions(even tho research suggest there might exist over 10) what about space
Heloo guys, diego here,

I was wondering if there exist multiple space dimensions, and we can only see in the 3th dimension, it is entirely possible to have multiple time dimensions.

And another thing, we all learn(simplified version coming) 1 dimension is basically a point, 2nd dimension is a straight line and the 3th dimension is a cube.
Soo following that same logic since time is basically a constant, always moving 1 second(well longer and longer due to the slower rotation of the earth) but to simplify rhings its 1 second exact, if we can find a 2nd time dimension, would that mean you can time travel to places on the line.
And with the new evidence of parralel universes, would that also mean if there exist 3 time dimensions, we could travel interdimensional instead of time travel or even constant.

Soo to say it short:
-Is it possible to find multiple time dimensions, like space?
-is it possible to travel to any point on the second dimension?
- is interdimensional travel possible if a 3th time dimension is found

Friendly regards,
Diego josephia
Physics news on
  • #2
Diego, can you tell us what other threads on this topic have you found when searching the forum? I would be surprised if it has not been touched before.
  • #3
Diego Josephia said:
And another thing, we all learn(simplified version coming) 1 dimension is basically a point, 2nd dimension is a straight line and the 3th dimension is a cube.
A point is zero-dimensional. -- no length, height, or depth. A line is one-dimensional and has length, a plane is two-dimensional and has area, and space is three-dimensional and has volume.
  • #5
Diego Josephia said:
-Is it possible to find multiple time dimensions, like space?
-is it possible to travel to any point on the second dimension?
- is interdimensional travel possible if a 3th time dimension is found
There is no way to answer these questions without a specific model that appears in a valid reference (textbook or peer-reviewed paper--unfortunately Greg Egan's sci-fi novel doesn't count) to use as a basis for discussion. I'm not aware of any such model, so we have no basis for discussion.

Thread closed.

FAQ: Can We Discover Multiple Time Dimensions Like Space?

What are time dimensions, and how do they differ from spatial dimensions?

Time dimensions refer to the axes along which time can progress, similar to how spatial dimensions refer to the axes along which space extends. In our current understanding of the universe, we experience one time dimension and three spatial dimensions. Time dimensions are unique because they have a direction (from past to future), whereas spatial dimensions are typically considered to be isotropic, meaning they are the same in all directions.

Is there any theoretical basis for the existence of multiple time dimensions?

Yes, there are theoretical frameworks in physics that allow for the possibility of multiple time dimensions. Some interpretations of string theory and higher-dimensional theories, such as M-theory, suggest that additional time dimensions could exist. However, these ideas are highly speculative and have not been empirically validated.

What would the implications be if multiple time dimensions were discovered?

If multiple time dimensions were discovered, it would revolutionize our understanding of physics and the nature of reality. It could provide insights into the unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics, potentially leading to a theory of quantum gravity. Additionally, it might offer new ways to understand causality, time travel, and the fundamental structure of the universe.

How could we detect or observe multiple time dimensions?

Detecting multiple time dimensions would likely require experiments at energy scales far beyond those currently accessible, possibly involving high-energy particle collisions or astronomical observations of extreme environments like black holes. Advanced theoretical models would also need to predict specific, observable phenomena that could only be explained by the existence of multiple time dimensions.

What challenges do scientists face in exploring the concept of multiple time dimensions?

One of the primary challenges is the lack of empirical evidence and the difficulty of testing theories that involve multiple time dimensions. Current technology and experimental methods may not be sufficient to probe these high-energy scales or subtle effects. Additionally, the mathematical complexity of theories involving multiple time dimensions makes them difficult to analyze and interpret. Finally, reconciling these theories with our everyday experience of a single time dimension poses significant conceptual challenges.

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