Multiplicity/Probability: Einstein model of Solids

In summary, the student attempted to model the problem as a coin toss, but this was incorrect. The student then incorrectly used the multiplicity associated with having 10 quanta in each to calculate the probability.
  • #1

Homework Statement

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I'm having some trouble with this problem as it seems my concept of the problem is completely wrong. Could someone look through my solutions and point out what I understood wrongly?

Thanks in advance.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

a) 21 macrostates - this was correct

b) If we take the entire system to be one big oscillator, this would be ##\binom{q + N - 1}{q} = \binom{20 + 20 -1}{20} = 6.89 \times 10^{10}## which was correct too

The following parts were wrong:

c) I thought I'd try to model the problem as a coin toss. For each quanta of energy, it could either be in oscillator A or oscillator B, which corresponds to heads or tails for a single coin.

By this logic, the multiplicity of having 20 quanta in either oscillator is 1. The total multiplicity is ##2^N = 2^{20}##. The probability is then ##1/{20^{20}}##

c) Again, by the same logic, the multiplicity associated with having 10 quanta in each is ##\binom{20}{10}##. Probability is then ## \frac{\binom{20}{10}}{20^{20}} ##

I have successfully used this method to solve a problem regarding ideal gases, but am not sure why it can't be used here. The problem regarding the ideal gas is shown below.

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  • #2
For (c), how can you get a multiplicity that is greater than the number of micro states you calculated in (b)? You need the fundamental principle that all microstates are equally probable.

Once you solve (c) correctly, the same approach can be used for (d).
  • #3
Thanks for the response.

DrClaude said:
For (c), how can you get a multiplicity that is greater than the number of micro states you calculated in (b)? You need the fundamental principle that all microstates are equally probable.

Once you solve (c) correctly, the same approach can be used for (d).

I've managed to work it out, but am struggling to rationalise the applicability of different approaches to solve the problem.

In terms of the logic behind the methods used, why can I use the "heads/tails" analogy in the ideal gas case but not in the Einstein Solid case?
  • #4
WWCY said:
why can I use the "heads/tails" analogy in the ideal gas case but not in the Einstein Solid case?
For the ideal gas, the energy is tied to molecules, which have individuality.
Consider two molecules which can be in any of four boxes, independently, two boxes to the left and two to the right. They can both be on the left in four ways: both in the far box, both in the near box, A in the far and B in the near, or A in the near and B in the far.
Packets of energy are different. Changing the above to be two packets of energy in four machines, there are only three microstates for both packets being in the machines on the left: both in the far, both in the near, and one in each.
  • #5
Thanks for the response!

haruspex said:
For the ideal gas, the energy is tied to molecules, which have individuality.
Consider two molecules which can be in any of four boxes, independently, two boxes to the left and two to the right. They can both be on the left in four ways: both in the far box, both in the near box, A in the far and B in the near, or A in the near and B in the far.
Packets of energy are different. Changing the above to be two packets of energy in four machines, there are only three microstates for both packets being in the machines on the left: both in the far, both in the near, and one in each.

However, if we talk about the gas particles being of the same species, won't there be 3 microstates as well? Since we'd be double-counting the cases with one particle in each box.
  • #6
WWCY said:
Thanks for the response!

However, if we talk about the gas particles being of the same species, won't there be 3 microstates as well? Since we'd be double-counting the cases with one particle in each box.
That is certainly not true of macroscopic objects, and I do not think it is true of molecules at everyday temperatures, even if they are the same species. Maybe it kicks in at low temperatures, where the molecules have fewer possible states, but I have never studied quantum theory, so I wouldn't know.
  • #7
haruspex said:
That is certainly not true of macroscopic objects, and I do not think it is true of molecules at everyday temperatures, even if they are the same species. Maybe it kicks in at low temperatures, where the molecules have fewer possible states, but I have never studied quantum theory, so I wouldn't know.

Allow me to rephrase what you've said to see if I understood it right.

Molecules are like coins in the sense that they can be "labelled" as molecules 1,2, and 3. This means that I can definitively say that the microstate where molecule 2 is in Box A and 3 is in Box B is different from the microstate where 3 is in A and 2 is in B. With quanta and oscillators I can't give these packets any label, a packet in oscillator A is merely a packet in A; it makes no difference which packet it is. Solving the problem with the coin analogy would have therefore caused overcounting.

Is this somewhat correct?
  • #8
WWCY said:
Allow me to rephrase what you've said to see if I understood it right.

Molecules are like coins in the sense that they can be "labelled" as molecules 1,2, and 3. This means that I can definitively say that the microstate where molecule 2 is in Box A and 3 is in Box B is different from the microstate where 3 is in A and 2 is in B. With quanta and oscillators I can't give these packets any label, a packet in oscillator A is merely a packet in A; it makes no difference which packet it is. Solving the problem with the coin analogy would have therefore caused overcounting.

Is this somewhat correct?
That is my understanding.
  • #9
haruspex said:
That is my understanding.

Thanks for your help!

Related to Multiplicity/Probability: Einstein model of Solids

1. What is the Einstein model of solids?

The Einstein model of solids is a theoretical model developed by Albert Einstein to explain the behavior of atoms in a solid state. It assumes that atoms are arranged in a fixed lattice and vibrate around their equilibrium positions, similar to a harmonic oscillator.

2. How does the Einstein model explain the heat capacity of solids?

The Einstein model explains the heat capacity of solids by considering the vibrations of atoms in a solid. According to the model, the heat capacity is directly proportional to the number of atoms in the solid and the frequency of atomic vibrations. This explains why the heat capacity of solids is temperature-independent at low temperatures.

3. What is the multiplicity in the Einstein model of solids?

The multiplicity in the Einstein model of solids refers to the number of ways in which the energy of a solid can be distributed among its atoms. It is a measure of the number of microstates or configurations that a system can have for a given energy. In the model, the multiplicity is calculated using the Boltzmann equation.

4. How does the Einstein model differ from the Debye model?

The Einstein model and the Debye model are two different approaches to explain the heat capacity of solids. While the Einstein model considers atomic vibrations as independent harmonic oscillators, the Debye model takes into account the collective vibrations of atoms in a solid. Additionally, the Debye model also considers the anharmonicity of atomic vibrations, which is not included in the Einstein model.

5. Can the Einstein model accurately predict the behavior of all types of solids?

No, the Einstein model has its limitations and cannot accurately predict the behavior of all types of solids. It works best for solids with low atomic densities and at low temperatures. For more complex systems and at higher temperatures, the Debye model or other more advanced models may be more accurate.

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