Multivariate Inverse Functions: Understanding Equations with Multiple Variables

  • Thread starter IniquiTrance
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In summary: So the inverse mapping maps circles to vertical lines. In summary, the conversation discusses finding the inverse functions of two given functions, each with two variables. The process involves manipulating the equations and solving for x and y in terms of a and b. It is noted that when dealing with single variable functions, the variables are interchanged, but this concept is considered to be overrated. The conversation also addresses vector notation and how it can be used to represent the mappings.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If I am asked to find the inverse functions of two functions:

a=f(x, y)

Does this mean find the two equations:

x=m(a, b)

If so, how do m, and n compare to f and g? Inverses of single variables mirror their inverse on a graph. How does this work with multiple variables?


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Since f and g map R2 to R, their inverses would have to map R to R2. IOW, you would have (x, y) = f-1(a). Same for g-1.

EDIT: On second thought, I don't think it even makes sense to talk about the inverse of a function from R2 to R.
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  • #3
Hmm, not sure exactly what you mean.

I'm trying to get the inverse functions of the first two functions of x and y, f and g, which my text states to simply manipulate the equations and solve for x and y as functions of a and b.

Supposedly these new equations are the inverse functions.

Is this correct?

I'm also wondering, when dealing with a single variable function, we end up interchanging variables which is something not done above. Why are they inverses then?
  • #4
How about giving us the exact problem?

BTW, the whole business of switching variable names is highly overrated, IMO. If you have a one-to-one function f, such that y = f(x), then the inverse relationship is x = f-1(y). The graphs of y = f(x) and x = f-1(y) are exactly the same.

For example, log functions in a particular base and exponential functions in the same base are related as described above. If y = log x, then x = 10y, and both these equations have the same graph. The two equations are merely two ways of saying the exact same thing. The business of switching variables so that you get two different graphs obscures what is IMO the most important concept of functions and their inverses -- providing a way to take an equation in the form y = f(x) and solve it for x in terms of y.
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  • #5
I'm asked to find the inverses of:

u=f(x, y)=excos y
v=g(x,y)= exsin y

The inverses should be:

x=f-1(u, v)
y=g-1(u, v)

So far I've gotten:

y = arctan (v/u)

x = Ln[tex]\frac{u}{cos (arctan \frac{v}{u})}[/tex]

I'll be taking the Jacobian of this, so the more I can simplify it the better.
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  • #6
Try adding the squares of u and v together to solve for x. You'll get a nicer expression for x.
  • #7
Hi Vela,

I'm an idiot though, it was sin/cos y as updated above. Thanks though.
  • #8
Yeah, I figured as much, but my hint still works.
  • #9
Wow, thanks so much for that!
  • #10
It's better to think of it as




As Mark44 noted above, with the individual functions, you can't find inverses because they're not one-to-one. Generally, curves in R2 will map to a single point in R, so the inverse relation isn't a function.
  • #11
I'm not sure I follow... Is that combinatorial notation?
  • #13
Yeah, it's vector notation. You can think of it as one mapping from R2 to R2, rather than two individual mappings from R2 to R. The mapping you have for this problem, for instance, maps vertical lines in the xy-plane to circles in the uv-plane.

FAQ: Multivariate Inverse Functions: Understanding Equations with Multiple Variables

1. What is a multivariate inverse?

A multivariate inverse is a mathematical operation that finds the original values of a set of variables that have been transformed into a different set of values through a multivariate function.

2. How is a multivariate inverse different from a regular inverse?

A regular inverse only deals with one variable, while a multivariate inverse involves multiple variables. This means that a multivariate inverse requires the use of multivariate functions and techniques, whereas a regular inverse can be solved using basic algebraic steps.

3. Why is a multivariate inverse important?

A multivariate inverse is important in a variety of fields, including statistics, economics, engineering, and physics, as it allows for the analysis of relationships between multiple variables and the prediction of future values.

4. What are some common applications of multivariate inverses?

Some common applications of multivariate inverses include regression analysis, optimization problems, and data analysis in fields such as finance, marketing, and biology.

5. How can a multivariate inverse be calculated?

A multivariate inverse can be calculated using various methods, such as the Gauss-Jordan method, the Cholesky decomposition method, or the QR decomposition method. The specific method used will depend on the complexity of the multivariate function and the desired accuracy of the inverse values.

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