Multiverse Theory: Is Our Universe Weird?

In summary, the multiverse theory suggests that there are an infinite number of universes that are created from every possible event. However, it is possible for weird events to happen in some of these universes. Although this theory is difficult to understand, it may offer a solution to the time travel paradoxes.
  • #1
In one of the multiverse theories I think that I am right in saying that there are an infinite number of universes created from each possible event. If this is so then surely extremely weird events must happen in some of the unvierses so why not ours?
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  • #2
Originally posted by Jack
In one of the multiverse theories I think that I am right in saying that there are an infinite number of universes created from each possible event. If this is so then surely extremely weird events must happen in some of the unvierses so why not ours?

Philosophically speaking, you could say that the events in our universe are the ones that are actually "strange".

We should also realize that somethings are just impossible, and thus the infinite other universes are probably not all as eccentric as you might think.
  • #3
I can't really come to terms with the Multiverse theory, because it means that with infinite universes, there are infinite variables, and so that in another universe a certain law of physics may prohibit the existence of other universes, creating a somewhat paradoxical situation.

The only reason that I know that the Multiverse theory comes into play, is because of a desire for a solution to the time travel paradoxes.

Since going on a spaceship, traveling at several thousands km/h we find ourselves to have traveled forward in time slightly. But that doesn't mean we can encounter a future version of ourselves whatsoever.

The same would apply in traveling back in time. It makes no difference if it's a fraction of a second or 10 years, does it not? And if we are able to slow our own motion relative to the absolute movement of all matter in the universe, for we do have mass, meaning we are all moving when we seem to be standing still in space. That slowing ourselves down, relative to the absolute movement of all matter, then perhaps we can travel back in time, but for the same situation as in traveling forwards for 1 second or 1,000 years, we don't encounter ourselves, so that the grandfather paradox and whatever else does not apply. In that, perhaps the different times are not connected, for if we killed our grandfather right now, or 10 years ago, we exist perfectly like anyone else. If someone was to observe us, while we were traveling at that "negative" velocity, we would observe our absolute motion, whichever direction it may be, but if we could see to infinite, we would see that they are still there.

But perhaps it's a different approach than that, an argument to rebuff that, is that time will actually speed up for us, in that we still travel into the future with everyone else, but to go an hour, it may feel or take us 10 years.

In that, I don't think that we'll ever come into the scenario where we would be able to apply the multiverse theory, but who knows.
  • #4
Originally posted by Funkee
I can't really come to terms with the Multiverse theory, because it means that with infinite universes, there are infinite variables, and so that in another universe a certain law of physics may prohibit the existence of other universes, creating a somewhat paradoxical situation.

Is there a counter-argument to this?
  • #5
Hmm... I think the whole point of multiverses is that the laws of one universe do not extend to that of the other universes. So whether other universes can exist is outside a specific universe's jurisdiction, so to speak.
  • #6
Originally posted by Jack
In one of the multiverse theories I think that I am right in saying that there are an infinite number of universes created from each possible event. If this is so then surely extremely weird events must happen in some of the unvierses so why not ours?

Its only the POSSIBLE, probable (or whatever you want to call it) things that could happen that "branch" out from a certain event. I don't know what you mean by wierd, though. (do tell)
  • #7
Originally posted by FZ+
Hmm... I think the whole point of multiverses is that the laws of one universe do not extend to that of the other universes. So whether other universes can exist is outside a specific universe's jurisdiction, so to speak.

Is this like the multiple history theory? (if so, I've got "a lot" to say).
  • #8
Originally posted by Jack
In one of the multiverse theories I think that I am right in saying that there are an infinite number of universes created from each possible event. If this is so then surely extremely weird events must happen in some of the unvierses so why not ours?

what makes you think you would suddenly be able to pick out the one defining extremely weird event?
what if jesus(if you consider him god) was our weird event?
or dinosuars?
or men on the moon?
or all the world wars?
or atomic weapons?
what if our difference is humanity itself?

there all extreamly weird in a way and there are plenty more where they came from
  • #9
The whole matter is anisotropic, screwball, jack.

FAQ: Multiverse Theory: Is Our Universe Weird?

1. What is the multiverse theory?

The multiverse theory is a concept in which it is believed that there are multiple universes that exist alongside our own. These universes may have different physical laws, dimensions, and even different versions of ourselves and our world.

2. How does the multiverse theory explain the weirdness of our universe?

The multiverse theory suggests that our universe is just one of many possible universes that exist. In some of these other universes, the physical laws may be different, leading to different outcomes and appearances. This could explain the weirdness and uniqueness of our universe compared to others.

3. Is there any evidence for the multiverse theory?

Currently, there is no solid evidence for the existence of multiple universes. The multiverse theory is still just a hypothesis and is not widely accepted by the scientific community. However, some theories in physics, such as string theory, suggest the possibility of multiple universes.

4. How can we test the multiverse theory?

Since the multiverse theory is still just a hypothesis, it is difficult to test. However, scientists are working on developing new technologies and experiments that may be able to detect evidence of other universes. For now, the multiverse theory remains a topic of theoretical research.

5. What implications does the multiverse theory have for our understanding of the universe?

The multiverse theory challenges our current understanding of the universe and raises questions about the existence of other dimensions and realities. It also has implications for the concept of infinity and the idea that our universe is the only one that exists. Further research and evidence may lead to a better understanding of the multiverse theory and its implications.

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