Musical Tube and String (Standing wave)

In summary, a brass tube with a mass of 20 kg and length of 1.1 m is closed at one end, and a wire with a mass of 9.6 g and length of 0.4 m is stretched near the open end. When the wire is plucked, it oscillates at its fundamental frequency, causing the air column in the tube to also oscillate at its fundamental frequency. To find the frequency of oscillation of the air in the tube, we can use the equation f = v/(4L), where v is the velocity of the wave and L is the length of the tube. To find the tension in the wire, we can use the equation T = u/(time*L), where
  • #1

Homework Statement

A brass tube of mass 20 kg and length 1.1 m is closed at one end. A wire of mass 9.6 g and length 0.4 meters is stretched near the open end of the tube. When the wire is plucked, it oscillates at its fundamental frequency. By resonance, it sets the air column in the tube oscillating at the column's fundamental frequency.

a) What is the frequency of oscillation of the air in the tube ?

b) What is the tension in the wire?

Homework Equations

Tension=(u/(time*L)) where u is the mass/length and L is the total length

The Attempt at a Solution

I know we need natural freq. but I don't know how to find it from the given data. I think the wave length is 1.1m or some fraction of that length. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • #2
The fundamental frequency can be surmised from the length of the tube can't it?

f = v/(4L)

Since it is the same fundamental frequency of the wire, and you know the mass/unit length of the wire, ...
  • #3

I would approach this problem by first understanding the concept of standing waves and resonance. A standing wave is a type of wave pattern that occurs when a wave is confined between two boundaries, creating nodes and antinodes. Resonance, on the other hand, is the phenomenon where a system oscillates at its natural frequency when it is driven by an external force at the same frequency.

To solve this problem, we need to find the natural frequency of the air column in the tube. The natural frequency is given by the equation f = v/λ, where f is the frequency, v is the speed of sound, and λ is the wavelength. In this case, the speed of sound can be approximated to be 343 m/s, and the wavelength can be determined by the length of the tube (1.1 m) and the number of nodes and antinodes in the standing wave pattern.

Next, we can use the equation for tension in the wire (T = μL/t), where μ is the mass per unit length and L is the length of the wire, to find the tension in the wire. We can determine the mass per unit length by dividing the total mass of the wire (9.6 g) by its length (0.4 m).

Therefore, the frequency of oscillation of the air in the tube can be calculated by f = v/λ, and the tension in the wire can be calculated by T = μL/t. These calculations will give us the answers to parts a and b of the problem.

In summary, as a scientist, I would approach this problem by understanding the basic principles of standing waves and resonance and using the appropriate equations to calculate the frequency of oscillation of the air in the tube and the tension in the wire.

FAQ: Musical Tube and String (Standing wave)

What is a musical tube and string?

A musical tube and string (also known as a standing wave) is a phenomenon that occurs when a sound wave is trapped between two boundaries and creates a pattern of nodes and antinodes. This can be seen in instruments such as a guitar string or a flute.

What factors affect the frequency of a musical tube and string?

The frequency of a musical tube and string is affected by the length, tension, and density of the string or tube. The longer the length, the lower the frequency. The higher the tension, the higher the frequency. And the denser the medium, the higher the frequency.

How is a musical tube and string different from a regular sound wave?

A musical tube and string differs from a regular sound wave because it is a stationary wave that does not travel through a medium. It is created by the interference of two waves traveling in opposite directions, resulting in a pattern of nodes and antinodes instead of a continuous wave.

What are the applications of musical tube and string in science and technology?

Musical tube and string phenomenon has various applications in science and technology, including musical instruments, medical imaging, and earthquake detection. It is also used in the fields of acoustics and optics to study wave behavior and interference patterns.

How does the frequency of a musical tube and string affect the pitch of a musical instrument?

The frequency of a musical tube and string directly affects the pitch of a musical instrument. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch, and vice versa. This is why adjusting the length or tension of a string on a guitar can change the pitch of the sound produced.

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