My ballistic trajectory on the Moon looks wrong

In summary: Elliptic orbits require more data (e.g. height, time, velocity), but can be more accurate.In summary, your rail line in Tycho crater accelerates a train to a high velocity, then tosses it off the edge of the crater to Descartes where it is supposed to land on a ramp. However, the calculations show that the projectile will not reach its destination and will instead create an explosion.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm writing a science fiction story and I have managed to confuse myself. I have a rail line that accelerates a train in Tycho crater and tosses a heavy payload of ore to Descartes, about 1200 km, where it's supposed to land on another ramp... or something. I've used Google Earth to estimate my distance and ejection angle, then I fudged my figures into shape using this CalcTool:

Ejection angle: 9 degrees
Release velocity: 2500 m/s !?
g: 1.62 m/s^2

Which gives me

Max height: 49488.5 m
Distance traveled: 1192.2 km
Time taken: 482.2 s

The problem I see here is that 2500 m/s, mostly horizontal, is considerably more than the approximately 1000 m/s minimum orbital velocity of the Moon, and more than the 2380 m/s escape velocity of the Moon. It just doesn't seem right.

I'm aware that this calculation fails to account for the curvature of the Moon, its rotation, mass concentrations and the tenuous atmosphere that all these rockets would eventually create. But I had *hoped* that such considerations would not be significant enough to worry about.

(We also don't have to worry about such things because there is another railroad car parked across the tracks at the end of the ramp, and what we are really interested in is the size of the explosion it's going to create. Right now it looks... meteoric!)

I'd really appreciate some help in restructuring my calculations and helping me to understand what's going on here. Thank you in advance for your help.
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  • #2
stationheister said:
But I had *hoped* that such considerations would not be significant enough to worry about.
Your distance is a significant fraction of the circumference of the Moon, the two points are much more than 9 degrees apart. It will be relevant.

As approximation for a flat trajectory, you can calculate the centrifugal acceleration seen by the projectile, and subtract that from the gravity of Moon to get an effective gravitational attraction. Iterate until you have a solution that fits.

Alternatively, use elliptic orbits to find a solution.
  • #3

Hi there,

First of all, I just want to say that I'm impressed with the level of detail and research you've put into your science fiction story. It's always great to see writers incorporating real science into their work.

Now, onto your question. I can definitely see why you're confused about the release velocity of 2500 m/s. It does seem quite high for a train on the Moon. However, after doing some research, I think I may have an explanation for you.

The key factor here is the low gravity on the Moon. With a gravity of 1.62 m/s^2, objects experience much less resistance and therefore can achieve higher velocities than they would on Earth. In fact, the escape velocity of the Moon is only 2380 m/s, which means that an object needs to travel at least that speed to break free from the Moon's gravity and enter orbit around it.

So, while 2500 m/s may seem like a lot, it is actually within the realm of possibility on the Moon. And since your rail line is designed for transporting heavy payloads, it makes sense that it would have a higher release velocity.

Of course, as you mentioned, there are other factors to consider such as the Moon's curvature, rotation, and atmosphere. These may have some impact on the calculations, but for the purposes of your story, it's probably safe to ignore them.

In terms of restructuring your calculations, I would suggest double-checking your figures and making sure you've accounted for all the variables correctly. If everything checks out, then I think you're good to go with your current numbers.

I hope this helps and good luck with your story! Keep us updated on how the explosion turns out.

Related to My ballistic trajectory on the Moon looks wrong

1. Why does my ballistic trajectory on the Moon look wrong?

The trajectory of a projectile is determined by its initial velocity, the force of gravity, and the absence of air resistance. On the Moon, the force of gravity is only one-sixth of that on Earth, so the projectile will travel farther and fall at a slower rate. This may make the trajectory appear different from what we are used to seeing on Earth.

2. How can I calculate the correct ballistic trajectory on the Moon?

To calculate the trajectory of a projectile on the Moon, you will need to know the initial velocity, the angle at which it was launched, and the force of gravity on the Moon. You can use the equations of motion to calculate the trajectory or use a simulation program to model the trajectory.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of my ballistic trajectory on the Moon?

The accuracy of your calculated trajectory can be affected by factors such as the initial velocity, the angle of launch, the force of gravity, and air resistance if present. Small errors in these values can significantly impact the trajectory of the projectile.

4. Can the Moon's surface affect the trajectory of a projectile?

Yes, the Moon's surface can affect the trajectory of a projectile. If the surface is uneven or has varying levels of gravity, the projectile may deviate from its expected trajectory. Additionally, if the surface has a significant amount of dust or debris, it may also cause changes in the trajectory.

5. How does the Moon's lack of atmosphere affect ballistic trajectories?

The Moon's lack of atmosphere means there is no air resistance to slow down the projectile. This allows the projectile to travel farther and fall at a slower rate compared to Earth. It also means that there is no wind or other air currents to affect the trajectory, making it more predictable.

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