My expansion cloud chamber movie

In summary, the video shows a compilation of many expansions of my Wilson cloud chamber. The tracks shown are mostly alpha and cosmic rays. The chamber uses a rubber bulb from a turkey baster as the expansion piston. The object in the chamber is a cork with a radium paint coated pin. I'm using a constant clearing field ( not turning it off during expansion ).
  • #1
Russ Edmonds
Hi all,
below is a video showing a compilation of many expansions of my Wilson cloud chamber.
The tracks shown are mostly alpha and cosmic rays. The chamber uses a rubber bulb from a turkey baster as the expansion piston. The object in the chamber is a cork with a radium paint coated pin. I'm using a constant clearing field ( not turning it off during expansion ).
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  • #2
Please don't add music to videos, youtube will block the movies in Germany and I guess the music is not relevant anyway.
  • #3
Decay or collision process shown at 16.73 seconds

I acknowledged the third party music content on youtube so the ban in Germany should be lifted.

I think a decay or collison process is shown at 16.73 second into the movie.

  • #4
Russ Edmonds said:
I acknowledged the third party music content on youtube so the ban in Germany should be lifted.
Do you pay royalties to that third party source for each person that views your videos? Did you ask that group if it's okay to use their music without compensation? I strongly suspect the answer is "no". Acknowledging that you stole something does not make the theft okay.

Did you renegotiate the contract between youtube and GEMA? I *know* you didn't do that. Your video will remain blocked in Germany until that contract is renegotiated or until you remove the music from your video.
  • #5
Copyright holders submit to youtube samples of their copyrighted material for example music and video files. Every video uploaded to youtube is scanned for a match against this database of samples. If a match is found the person who uploaded the video can deny or acknowledge the match. If he acknowledges the match, he agrees to the terms and conditions that the copyright holder has established for this specific piece of copyrighted material. I acknowledged the match and the terms and conditions that the copyright holder wanted was an ad to be played after my video is played saying you can buy this music from amazon. This process of acknowledging the third party match was called by youtube a “win win” because the copyright holder gets free advertising and the person who uploaded the video gets to use the third party copyrighted material. In some cases the copyright holder wants the video containing the copyrighted material removed from youtube. In this case the person who uploaded the video get a copyright strike against his youtube account and starts to lose permissions to do things on youtube. Before I acknowledged the match my youtube video manager said I had an copyright ID match and the video was banned in Germany. After I acknowledged the match my video manager said that the third party content was acknowledged and it no longer said the video was banned in Germany. I also noticed the ad that now shows up after my video plays. I was going to remove the music from this video but the more I learned about the copyright ID match and acknowledge process I decided to leave the music in. Considering that youtube call this a “win win” am I wrong?
  • #6
I don't know who wins, but the video is still blocked here.
  • #7
Are you in Germany?

  • #9
mfb said:
I don't know who wins, but the video is still blocked here.

I'm sure you're aware that there are solutions to blocked YouTube videos.
  • #10
Here is a version without sound:
  • #11
Here is a frame from the expansion cloud chamber movie that I think shows a collision and/or decay. The range and ionization of the two collision/decay products seem consistent with the alpha particle energy from the radium paint coated pin. However I don't see the alpha particle track leading to the collision.



  • screen shot of decay or collision.JPG
    screen shot of decay or collision.JPG
    14.3 KB · Views: 534
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Related to My expansion cloud chamber movie

1. What is a cloud chamber and how does it work?

A cloud chamber is a scientific instrument used to detect and observe subatomic particles such as electrons, protons, and alpha particles. It consists of a sealed chamber filled with a supersaturated vapor, typically alcohol or water. When a charged particle passes through the chamber, it ionizes the vapor, causing droplets to form along its path, which can then be observed and photographed.

2. What is the purpose of your expansion cloud chamber movie?

The purpose of my expansion cloud chamber movie is to demonstrate the principles of particle detection and show the fascinating world of particle physics in action. By capturing the movement of particles in the cloud chamber, viewers can gain a better understanding of how these tiny particles behave and interact with each other.

3. How did you create the expansion cloud chamber in your movie?

I created the expansion cloud chamber using a clear plastic container, alcohol, dry ice, and a light source. The container was filled with a small amount of alcohol and dry ice was placed in a small container inside the chamber. As the dry ice sublimated, it produced supersaturated alcohol vapor, creating the necessary conditions for particle detection. A light source was placed underneath the container to make the droplets more visible for filming.

4. What particles can be detected in a cloud chamber?

A cloud chamber can detect a variety of charged particles, including electrons, protons, alpha particles, and even muons. These particles are produced by natural processes such as radioactive decay or cosmic rays. They can also be produced artificially in particle accelerators for scientific research.

5. What can we learn from observing particles in a cloud chamber?

By observing particles in a cloud chamber, we can learn about the fundamental building blocks of matter and their behavior. We can also study the properties of different particles and their interactions with each other, which can provide valuable insights into the structure of the universe and help us better understand the laws of physics.

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