My First Days of College: Confronting Extreme Partying

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In summary, the person is unhappy with their dorm situation and has issues with the people there. They are looking for a more peaceful place to study.
  • #36
apartment apartment apartment apartment
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  • #37
exequor said:
I know what people mean when they use university and college interchangeably but I am international also and the way that I know it is that a university is comprised of one or more colleges, and a college is comprised of schools or departments.
Yes, that is the way it is in the U.S. as with elsewhere, but most people use the two interchangeably when referring to their level of education.

I was supposed to be living in a shared room but I didn't want to deal with those roomate issues so as soon as my housing coordinator told me that a single room was available in a four bedroom suite i took it. Luckily all the other suitemates were academically inclined.
I think suites are a great thing. They were still fairly uncommon when I was in college (all the newer dorms being built at the time were suites, but there weren't many of them yet). They strike a nice balance between every person having their own defined space for their bed, a common space including bathroom to learn to share and be forced to interact with suitemates (learning to deal with your fellow students is a life skill that will help you later in life when you have to deal with office mates), and then some common lounges to get to meet more students aside from those sharing your suite. It also provides more of a sound barrier to have bedrooms off a central sitting room off a hallway so those who like/need quiet can get it.
  • #38
Perhaps you should start seeking a single for next year...
  • #39
JasonRox said:
I never said go around and screw women. I treat women with better respect than that, which is sad because most of them don't really demand respect.

Bad for my health? You don't sound like a healthy person to me because you didn't even mention going to the gym as one your activites. Seems to me that you sit around all day reading books. That must be GGGREEEAAATTT!

I go to the gym 2 times a week right now, but it will be 3-4 times soon because I don't work 60 hours a week anymore. I explained this in another thread. I eat relatively healthy too, but I just came out of a slump because it wasn't easy eating after breaking up with my gf. My main concern was just eating at the time.

Who said drinking and smoking is irresponsible? Did I not mention I would just drink to a certain extent because I would like to read a book the next day?

If you're trying to come out as a responsible mature freshmen, well you're doing a bad job.

Just because you don't smoke or drink, it does not make you responsible or mature. I personally wouldn't let anyone smoke in my room, apparently you would, and that my friend is irresponsible.

You should have looked into it first, which would have been the RESPONSIBLE THING TO DO! Now, you just screwed yourself.
Whoa, you sound like your angry at this guy just because he doesn't want to drink or smoke. You don't have to go to the gym to be healthy. You can just play sports or walk a lot. He didn't even say that he doesn't go to the gym. Even if he hypothetically doesn't get enough exercise, that doesn't make drinking, smoking, and going around with all kinds of girls healthy. There are real health risks to all of those activities. You say you would never let anyone smoke in your room. What would you have done if you were outnumbered like that and the RA's didn't care? He didn't say that not smoking or drinking made him responsible, but it is a start.
  • #40
The RA is very irresponsible in this case. The thing that strikes me most is that under Florida law (not sure about other states) smoking indoors is prohibited, but then again you said you were in an offcampus apartment, so I think that is why. Apart from that rooms should have smoke detectors. If your roommate is smoking near the window, I would like to think it is to avoid smoke detectors and not necessarily for the smell.
  • #41
LeonhardEuler said:
What would you have done if you were outnumbered like that and the RA's didn't care? He didn't say that not smoking or drinking made him responsible, but it is a start.

Stoners listen to big guys. :P
  • #42
Someone I know failed a drug{hair}test, because they smoked pot when they partied at the end of school last spring. He has now missed out on his dream job that would of paid him 40,000 a year to start.
With the price of hair testing becoming affordable, more companies are starting to do this. The thing is, you never know when opportunity is going to knock.
I'm getting ready to hire 25 plus people, every one of them will be hair tested. Not because I care if they smoke pot once in a while, but it can tell me if they smoke it all the time{hair history}. I don't want to hire party people.

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