My Forum-Visiting Routine: One Forum, 15-30 min/day

  • Thread starter rootX
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In summary: I am an expat in Thailand, so I have frequented a Thai Expat forum ( for about 8 years or so. I flirt with one or two others - I was even a moderator on one for a while - and have written a few myself (the code for, not running them). However, I have pretty much settled down to just using these two on a daily basis - perhaps an hour or so between lessons.I'm happy to have found PF - though I have an advanced degree, it's in IT and I left Phyics behind at 18 (A levels) - minus a small fling with a foundation OU course I did for fun back in the early 90's

How many different forums (like PF) you visit activity?

  • Total voters
  • #1
How many forums you visit actively (on weekly basis or even monthly basis)? What kind of forums you visit and what's the purpose behind that? How much average time you spend on them?

I only visit one and I believe I spend between 15 and 30 minutes per day on average. I started on PF because I needed help with my homework, later I wanted to practice with my math skills through helping others, but now it's just a routine :rolleyes:.
Physics news on
  • #2
rootX said:
How many forums you visit actively (on weekly basis or even monthly basis)? What kind of forums you visit and what's the purpose behind that? How much average time you spend on them?

I only visit one and I believe I spend between 15 and 30 minutes per day on average. I started on PF because I needed help with my homework, later I wanted to practice with my math skills through helping others, but now it's just a routine :rolleyes:.
What about those of us that only go to PF?
  • #3
Evo said:
What about those of us that only go to PF?

That would be me also, Option: One?

edit: I should have picked PF then.
  • #4
There are other forums like PF :confused:?
  • #5
I may visit a gardening forum in the summer, but it's not the same subject.
  • #6
lisab said:
There are other forums like PF :confused:?

Evo said:
I may visit a gardening forum in the summer, but it's not the same subject.

I think I made the question confusion. I was only interested in number of forums people go to either they are like PF or not, but I just wanted to clarify what a forum is.
  • #7
I believe the last choice - "I only visit PF" - could be considered redundant with the first - "one" - (and to my memory was blocked by the bottom of my screen).
  • #9
Last option sounds cool, I wish I had picked it :cry:
  • #10
I used to go to more, but my interest in them has waned. Too much BS.
  • #11
lisab said:
I used to go to more, but my interest in them has waned. Too much BS.

I was at MSN Homework help around grade 9 (it was a small group of high school students and a retired British teacher) but it died after two years and then I moved to PF. I never really searched for any other forum or thought about that.
  • #12
I used to frequent a martial arts forum, but I quickly realized that I didn't know any martial arts. Then I moved onto a guitar forum, and it become apparent that I don't really know how to play the guitar. Now, I only frequent this forum, and it just dawned on me that I still don't know any physics...

  • #13
Fish fourm
Orthodox forum (woman only)
Orthodox forum (men only) :biggrin:
Lizard and Gecko forum
Rabbit forum

what ever crisis darling daughter may be going through forum. :cry:
  • #14
Typically, I might belong to several depending on what I'm involved in (I used to belong to 4 soccer refereeing forums). Currently, I don't really have time for forums, so only belong to two that have people I didn't want to lose contact with.

Divorce Support Forums
  • #15
Quite new here myself - I home school my kids and was looking for some information and the forum popped up in Google.

I am an expat in Thailand, so I have frequented a Thai Expat forum ( for about 8 years or so. I flirt with one or two others - I was even a moderator on one for a while - and have written a few myself (the code for, not running them). However, I have pretty much settled down to just using these two on a daily basis - perhaps an hour or so between lessons.

I'm happy to have found PF - though I have an advanced degree, it's in IT and I left Phyics behind at 18 (A levels) - minus a small fling with a foundation OU course I did for fun back in the early 90's). I have realized how out of date my physics is and its fun to read some of the posts here and even join in - I especially like the brain storming, ideas and concept threads, where people are applying science but also out-of-the-box thinking on solutions for practical problems - great fun.
  • #16
Chose PF only, and I barely have the time to visit here! I've only visited other forums for "one off help", I can't think of another forum I would join like I have PF. It seems to be unique. I'll spend at least an hour a day here. Don't quite know why, something to do with learning and self improvement, not so bothered about that now, I enjoy visiting, I trust the people on this site, and I'm open minded about my reasons. Just drifting, I guess.
  • #17
I guess it also helps if I actually place my vote (which I've just done) instead of just responding.
  • #18
Only PF :) Physics, Math, geniuses... what more do you need?
  • #19
Two, but I am moderator at four (apart from PF & CF there is a Warsaw War Memorabilia forum in Polish - I visit them now and then, and I still can moderate, but I am kind of retired, and forums - sadly there is zero interest in the quizzes, so there is no need for support forum, all I do is to delete spammers once a day).
  • #20
PF: I like the ability to get help, to see what other people are interested in/doing/seeing/working on, and the political debates here are also interesting.

Foraaugusta (small forum of like 20 people), just a group of "friends" that have met through various games/forums/places... a lot of trolling, but just fun really.

switchfoot forums: I have no idea why, I'm not a fan of the band (they're alright, but meh), but, like the above, just have friends who frequent them and have had a good time.

recoveryfrommormonism: This is just a funny site/forum filled with people who are either ex-mormons, current mormons, semi-non-mormons, and all about how they left the church basically. I have a personal reason for this, being born in utah mormonism was always pushed on me and I was "mormon" for a while (though didn't really share any beliefs of theirs), so this forum is really just a way for me to convene with my fellows who have suffered at the hands of the morg. :P

(the above was mostly jokes, but also true, don't take offense if you are mormon, as it was intended purely for comedic purposes)
  • #21
Greg Bernhardt said:
Trick question! There is only PF :D

Well, aside from that thread the other day about them stealing PF and the one I flagged the other day in a report.

FAQ: My Forum-Visiting Routine: One Forum, 15-30 min/day

1. What is a forum?

A forum is an online platform where people can engage in discussions by posting messages and responding to others' posts. It is similar to a chat room, but the conversations are organized into different topics or threads.

2. How does visiting one forum for 15-30 minutes a day benefit me?

Visiting a forum for a short period every day allows you to stay updated on the latest discussions and topics within the community. It also gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions on various topics, which can help you connect with others and expand your knowledge on different subjects.

3. Is it necessary to limit my forum-visiting routine to one forum only?

No, it is not necessary to limit yourself to just one forum. However, focusing on one forum can help you build a stronger presence within that community and become more engaged in the discussions. It also prevents you from getting overwhelmed by trying to keep up with multiple forums.

4. Can I spend more than 30 minutes on a forum per day?

Yes, you can spend more time on a forum if you wish. The 15-30 minute recommendation is just a guideline to help you maintain a balance between staying informed and not spending too much time online. You can adjust the time according to your preferences and schedule.

5. How can I make the most out of my 15-30 minutes on a forum?

To make the most out of your forum-visiting routine, you can start by setting a specific goal for each session. This could be to read and respond to a certain number of posts, contribute to a specific discussion, or learn something new. Additionally, you can also engage with other members by asking questions, sharing your experiences, and participating in polls or surveys.

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