- #1
Descartes tell us that the primary qualities of an object, those properties of an object which are truly immutable, include: extension, number and motion. Locke includes in his list these properties plus solidity. For Descartes, the difference between primary and secondary qualities is that primary qualities inhere the object; whereas, secondary qualities only exist in the mind. For Locke, all qualities come from the object; however, primary qualities reflect the true nature of that object whereas secondary qualities do not.
In light of recent advances in physics, I am not certain that extension and motion should be on this list. For Einstein's theory of special relativity tells us that extension and mobility are dependent on the observer's frame of reference. If an observer is required for the property to be measured, then I do not see how it can be a primary quality of an object.
Also, I think that solidity is nothing more than number. If objects are composed of quantized entities than there should be nothing special about solidity. I suppose one could argue that the quantized entity has solidity, but when decomposing the structure of matter, one finds that matter and energy are one and the same. Energy takes no solid form; therefore, I would say that solidity of an entity is dependent on the spatial proximity of neighboring entities. In some sense, neighboring entities act as observers which change the properties of the entity that they are observing. Let's take this to the macro level. If an observer views the spin state of an electronic system, he/she collapses the Schrodinger wavefunction forcing it to take a single value. Let's look at the atomic level. If a proton is in the vicinity of an electron, the end result is a hydrogen atom. Let's look at the sub-atomic level. If two down quarks and an up quark are in close proximity, the end result is a proton. I'm sure there must be some external mechanism which determines how strings end up with a quark flavor... but I'm certain what that mechanism is. Anyway, my point is that solidity depends on outside mechanisms; therefore, it cannot be a primary quality.
I believe there is only one true primary quality and that is number.
In light of recent advances in physics, I am not certain that extension and motion should be on this list. For Einstein's theory of special relativity tells us that extension and mobility are dependent on the observer's frame of reference. If an observer is required for the property to be measured, then I do not see how it can be a primary quality of an object.
Also, I think that solidity is nothing more than number. If objects are composed of quantized entities than there should be nothing special about solidity. I suppose one could argue that the quantized entity has solidity, but when decomposing the structure of matter, one finds that matter and energy are one and the same. Energy takes no solid form; therefore, I would say that solidity of an entity is dependent on the spatial proximity of neighboring entities. In some sense, neighboring entities act as observers which change the properties of the entity that they are observing. Let's take this to the macro level. If an observer views the spin state of an electronic system, he/she collapses the Schrodinger wavefunction forcing it to take a single value. Let's look at the atomic level. If a proton is in the vicinity of an electron, the end result is a hydrogen atom. Let's look at the sub-atomic level. If two down quarks and an up quark are in close proximity, the end result is a proton. I'm sure there must be some external mechanism which determines how strings end up with a quark flavor... but I'm certain what that mechanism is. Anyway, my point is that solidity depends on outside mechanisms; therefore, it cannot be a primary quality.
I believe there is only one true primary quality and that is number.