My view on how to achieve the principle of locality in QM

In summary, the conversation discusses a new perspective on the EPR paradox in quantum mechanics, where time is treated in the same way as space. The experiment involves a particle with a simple wave function being detected by two detectors at the same time. It is suggested that the detection not only determines the particle's position in space, but also its journey in time. This challenges the causality of quantum mechanics, but does not contradict the special theory of relativity. The speaker is open to further discussion and possible mathematical explanations.
  • #1

For some moths ago I was thinking on the significance of the EPR-paradox and I think I have found a new way to tackle the refutation of locality in QM that was presented by Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky. The whole principle of my idea is the treat time in the exactly same way as we treat space when we consider the paradox.
Please take time to read through this post, I assure you that you will find the whole idea very interesting (if I am able to explain it well).

Let me begin:
The first thing I want to make clear is that to be able to explain my idea as simple as possible, I will concentrate on an one-dimensional example of the entanglement where a particle is entangled to the vacuum state and not another particle. But once you understand my idea you will be able to fit it on any example you want to (I am of course aware of the fact that a more advanced experiment is in need to prove the principle of entanglement and in that way Bells theorem).

The experiment is based on a particle with a very simple and unrealistic wave function- as mentioned it will be able to fit to more advanced and realistic cases- which can be detected in two detectors. The particle has two possible positions which each are traveling away from each other, towards the two detectors. Now, imagine that they will each reach a detector at the same point of time so it is clear that the wave function collapses faster that the speed of light. Otherwise, if no “information” was being sent we would be able to detect two particles from one wave function (belonging to one particle).

The experiment is being illustrated in the picture series where the x-axis is time and the y-axis is the space (one-dimensional because of my limitations in paint of course)

Now when we consider the EPR-paradox we think of the room being determined at the point of detection. We now know where it is, but according to the Copenhagen interpretation it is meaning less to consider the particle state before the detection. The travel it took in time is still undetermined.

The picture shows our view of the paradox (in this example) some communication must have been sent between the two points with uncertainty, there seems to be no other way to explain the phenomena.

Now my thought is that in the same point that we detect where the particle is in space our detection determine its journey in time! It’s in this way not only the uncertainty the space that is affected by a measurement but the uncertainty in time as well. When we think about it why shouldn’t time be affected by a measurement?
So when the measurement occurs we are not only determining which possible position it can receive but also which possible ways it cloud have taken.
I’m not saying that the way of the particle is totally determined because that would contradict the interference of a double split experiment, but it’s history is now restricted to the possible histories of the particle, i.e. after the detection we can be sure that the particle didn’t go further away from the detector that it would be able to reach back in time (see picture).

Of course treating time in this was, just as we treats space, seems to challenge the causality of QM but the price seems very fair when you consider the logical point in treating time this way. The only thing we do is the restric its position in time just as its position in space is beeing restricted when its being measured.
I am also aware of the fact that my view doesn’t contradict the results being predicted by the Copenhagen interpretation, but it clearly takes away an important an very unintuitive way of looking at the whole theory of QM, and does not contradict the special theory of relativity.

Best Regards Humble.

EDIT: Can add a new picture which shows the whole experiment again in the new perspective .
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  • #2
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Anybody that found the view interesting?
  • #3
Some math would be interesting.
  • #4
Well, I´m quite sure I would agree with you if my knowledge in math wasn´t so restricted (:cry:) . So I guess I only can deliver a theoretical part of this theory , but it still contains, in my view, a whole new possible way of looking on QM, with locality.
If anybody feels for it, youre more than welcome to try to describe the whole thing mathematically.

FAQ: My view on how to achieve the principle of locality in QM

1. What is the principle of locality in quantum mechanics?

The principle of locality in quantum mechanics states that an object can only be influenced by its immediate surroundings, and not by distant objects. This means that the effects of a measurement or interaction should not occur faster than the speed of light.

2. How do you achieve the principle of locality in QM?

To achieve the principle of locality in QM, the theory must be compatible with Einstein's theory of relativity. This can be done by incorporating the concept of local hidden variables, which account for the behavior of particles at a distance without violating the principle of locality.

3. Is the principle of locality well-supported by experimental evidence?

Yes, the principle of locality has been confirmed by numerous experiments in quantum mechanics. For example, the Bell test experiments have shown that distant particles do not have instantaneous effects on each other, supporting the idea of locality.

4. Are there any challenges to achieving the principle of locality in QM?

One of the major challenges to achieving the principle of locality in QM is the measurement problem, which questions the interpretation of the collapse of the wave function and its implications for locality. There is ongoing debate and research on this topic in the scientific community.

5. What are the implications of achieving the principle of locality in QM?

Achieving the principle of locality in QM would have significant implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. It would also have practical applications in fields such as quantum computing and communication, as well as potentially resolving some of the paradoxes and mysteries in quantum mechanics.
