Mysterious Booms: What's the Punishment?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, the boys who allegedly caused the mysterious booms in North Side are being charged with making the booms, and the community is discussing what to do with them. Some people believe that community service is appropriate, while others believe that harsher punishment is warranted.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
...Which brings us to the boys charged with making the mysterious booms in North Side.

Allegedly, the boys used household chemicals in soda bottles they chucked into the sewers, giving the time-release detonations a ground-rumbling thud. The formulas for these types of chemical-reaction explosions are commonly known and can be easily found on the Internet.

But the mystery booms were a smash success by stupid testosterone standards. No one was hurt, but lots of folks got worked up about it. It has been a front-page story for two weeks now - the ultimate reward for any prankster-vandal boom-maker...

...What should be done with them if they are, indeed, guilty? Community service? Time in a detention center? Felony convictions that could haunt them? [continued]!news!columnists&s=1045855935174

If I did today what I have done in years past I would probably be at Guantanamo.
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  • #2
I don't think anything more than Community Service is necessary myself, we were all young and stupid (ok, maybe I still am) once.
  • #3
Sind Sie für uns oder gegen uns!

  • #4
Nietzsche said:
Thus I speak to you in a parable--you who make souls whirl, you preachers of equality. To me you are tarantulas, and secretly vengeful. But I shall bring your secrets to light; therefore i laugh in your faces with my laughter of heights. Therefore I tear at your webs that you rage may lure you out of you lie-holes and your revenge may leap out from behind your word justice...

You preachers of equality, the tyrannomania of impotence clamours thus out of you for equality: your most secret ambitions to be tyrants thus shroud themselves in words of virtue...

Yay for liberal progress!

I read a story once, when i lived in sacremento about a kid who rescued his friend from a bully. The bully had been beating his friend punching him in the face, and this kid came up and pushed the bully off. Doctor said that the friend would have died from nasal cartilage being pushed into his brain if the kid hadn't saved him.

BUlly was suspended, but the kid got expelled, because he started his won fight with the bully.

The point: Yay for liberal progress! We don't need reason, we have my own idiotic idea of what the rules should be! Zero tolerance! **** honor!
  • #5
Smurf said:
I don't think anything more than Community Service is necessary myself, we were all young and stupid (ok, maybe I still am) once.

I'm definitely still young and stupid, and I'm looking forward to dying old and stupid. What can i say, I'm only human. As much as i hate to admit it...
  • #6
I don't even think community service should be required. Nobody got hurt, nothing was damaged, all they did was make loud noises. But, since they seem to have upset a lot of people, I think they should be made to write a letter in their local newspaper (and keep rewriting it until the grammar and spelling are perfect) apologizing for scaring their neighbors (if it was a smaller scale, I'd make them go door to door apologizing, but this sounds like too many people were affected to do it that way).

I may have mentioned it before here, but I'm a big fan of the 10 page essay as a teaching tool for kids who have done dumb things.
  • #7
It could have been a terrorist attack. ;)

Related to Mysterious Booms: What's the Punishment?

1. What causes mysterious booms?

Mysterious booms can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural phenomena such as sonic booms from supersonic aircraft, meteorite impacts, and geological events like earthquakes or volcanic activity. They can also be caused by human-made sources, such as military exercises or explosions.

2. Are mysterious booms dangerous?

In most cases, mysterious booms are not dangerous and do not pose a threat to human safety. However, in rare cases where they are caused by man-made explosions or accidents, they can potentially cause harm to nearby structures and individuals.

3. How can scientists determine the cause of a mysterious boom?

Scientists can use a variety of methods to determine the cause of a mysterious boom, such as analyzing seismic data, examining eyewitness reports and footage, and conducting on-site investigations. They may also use specialized equipment, such as infrasound sensors, to help identify the source.

4. Can mysterious booms be predicted?

Currently, there is no reliable way to predict when or where a mysterious boom will occur. However, scientists continue to study these events in order to better understand their causes and potentially develop predictive methods in the future.

5. What is the punishment for causing a mysterious boom?

The punishment for causing a mysterious boom varies depending on the circumstances and the laws of the location where it occurred. In cases where the cause was an intentional explosion or act of negligence, the responsible party may face legal consequences. However, in most cases where the cause is a natural phenomenon or an accident, there is no punishment.

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