Mystery of the [Australian] Min Min lights explained

In summary, Australian neuroscientist claims he can conjure up the mysterious Australian outback phenomenon of the Min Min lights, now that he has worked out what causes them. The work was published in the current issue of Clinical and Experimental Optometry.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
An Australian neuroscientist claims he can conjure up the mysterious Australian outback phenomenon of the Min Min lights, now that he has worked out what causes them.

Professor Jack Pettigrew, of the University of Queensland in Brisbane claims the lights are actually an inverted mirage of light sources which are, in some cases, hundreds of kilometres away over the horizon.

The work was published in the current issue of Clinical and Experimental Optometry.

Pettigrew studied the phenomenon in the Channel Country, Western Queensland, where he said it has been disturbing the locals for many years.

“I talked to old timers out there who had seen it and they were terrified by it,” he told ABC Science Online. “It’s a bit embarrassing for them because hardened outback men can be brought to tears by this thing. It really is quite alarming.” [continued]
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  • #2
Boy, that's some skinny readin'!

This is much the same explanation that one person who came and talked about the Marfa lights proposed. The fact this guy reproduced it is quite persuasive.

They could try the same thing with the Marfa lights if they could pinpoint the source.

Nature's own fiber optics.
  • #3
OK-have read of old accounts of 'sailing ships' seen in the sky--and an old report of seeing 'marching soldiers' in the clouds...

quote:"Such mirages are caused by a temperature inversion, where cold dense air is trapped next to the ground under a layer of warmer air. A certain shape of temperature inversion will mean that light near the ground will be refracted in such a way that it travels in a curved path around the globe."

so then-can this explain 'foo fighters' and UFOs (do they show up on radar?)
  • #4
mouseonmoon said:
so then-can this explain 'foo fighters' and UFOs (do they show up on radar?)

This certainly does explain some "sightings". This can also happen on RADAR - RADAR ducting - for fixed, distant, grounded objects that can appear to be in the sky. Each UFO report has to be considered for this as a potential explanation for unexplained optical or RADAR events. I don't think an optical mirage can ever coincide with a RADAR mirage due to the same source, and at the same point. In other words, in nearly every case, the combination of visual and RADAR detection safely rules out a mirage as the source.
  • #5
I've seen the Aussie Min-Min Lights on many occassions. Although I agree with Ivan Seeking that SOME of this phenomena, can be explained as such. Take it from an experience observer, this explanation just doesn't wash for the MAJORITY of the Oz Lights.
I've talked with many Kooris (Australian Aborigines) about the phenomena. It is more than likely just another part of the UFO phenomena (ET Craft).
  • #6
Nommos Prime (Dogon) said:
Take it from an experience observer, this explanation just doesn't wash for the MAJORITY of the Oz Lights.
Why not?
I've talked with many Kooris (Australian Aborigines) about the phenomena.
What does this have to do with anything?
It is more than likely just another part of the UFO phenomena (ET Craft).
Can't you back bald assertions like this up with anything of interest?
  • #7
Have you ever seen the Min-Min lights of Australia?
No? Like I said, I have, on MANY occasions.
If you don't know what talking to Kooris has to do with the subject, it exposes your utter ignorance. Min-Min is an aboriginal (Koori) word. They have been here for (at least) 40 000 years (and retained that knowledge through their Dreamtime stories.

Now, that's interesting...
  • #8
Nommos Prime (Dogon) said:
Have you ever seen the Min-Min lights of Australia?
No? Like I said, I have, on MANY occasions.
And why should this mean you have any understanding of what you're looking at?
If you don't know what talking to Kooris has to do with the subject, it exposes your utter ignorance.
Enlighten me, then, oh wise Australian fellow.
Min-Min is an aboriginal (Koori) word. They have been here for (at least) 40 000 years (and retained that knowledge through their Dreamtime stories.
What knowledge did they retain?

The Native American's here all have their tribal explanations for every mysterious phenomenon, including the Marfa lights. I'm sure they'd say something along the lines of whatever the aboriginals there say. The Mandan tribe, for instance, used to explain that the earth, the flat earth, was supported at it four corners on the backs of giant turtles. Aboriginals are generally not so great at the principles of physics.
  • #9
Before you two go at it, I'd like to hear all that there is to know about Min Min lights, if you don't mind, then, have at it! :biggrin:

What have you seen Nommos Prime? What have you heard? What are the legends?

Related to Mystery of the [Australian] Min Min lights explained

1. What are the Min Min lights?

The Min Min lights are a phenomenon in the Australian outback where mysterious lights appear in the night sky. They are often described as floating or moving lights that can change colors and disappear suddenly.

2. Where do the Min Min lights come from?

The Min Min lights are believed to be a type of mirage caused by temperature inversions in the desert. This occurs when a layer of warm air traps cooler air near the ground, causing light to bend and creating the illusion of floating lights in the distance.

3. Can the Min Min lights be explained by natural occurrences?

Yes, the Min Min lights have been studied extensively by scientists and are believed to have a natural explanation. As mentioned before, they are likely a result of temperature inversions in the desert, but other factors such as bioluminescent insects or headlights from vehicles may also contribute to the sightings.

4. Are the Min Min lights a recent phenomenon?

No, sightings of the Min Min lights have been reported since the early 1800s. They have been a part of Australian folklore and have been documented in various newspapers and scientific studies throughout the years.

5. Are there any dangers associated with the Min Min lights?

There have been no reports of any physical harm caused by the Min Min lights. However, some people have reported feeling disoriented or frightened by the strange lights. It is always important to exercise caution and not approach the lights if you see them in the outback.
