Mystery Stain Solved with Fertilizer Chemistry!

  • #1
I mixed some fertilizer based on a soil test. The chemistry contained Ammonium Sulfate prills (NH4)2SO4, Potassium Sulfate prills K2SO4, Superphosphate CaH4P2O8, trace of Manganese Sulfate MNS04, and trace of Boric Acid H3BO3.

I mixed it and wiped my hands on the front of a white tee shirt. It remained white. When washed today with tide and bleach NaClO, the front of the shirt turned dark brown and the rest of the sizeable laundry load, all whites, towels etc., turned a deep beige. We were unable to remove the stain which was more like a dye. finally guessing that the stain was some form of manganese I added some lemon juice to about the 4th or 5th try to get rid of the stain. Then added some Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2. The stain instantly dissappeared as soon as the H2O2 hit it.

A rewash with tide and a little bleach it did not come back. Any ideas what might have been the reaction that turned the whole load beige, reddish brown. There was no iron listed as an ingredient of any of the minerals used.
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