Naked Ring Singularities and Jets from AGNs

In summary, the conversation discusses the value of the cosmic censorship hypothesis and the possibility of observing a ring singularity. The speaker also brings up the idea of jet formation and its relation to black hole spin. They suggest that a naked ring singularity could potentially produce a more efficient jet than a black hole with a horizon. They also question whether a jet can carry away momentum from a black hole and discuss the effects of colliding two rotating extreme black holes. The conversation ends with the speaker mentioning a study on the effects of radiation on black hole spin and questioning the validity of the cosmic censorship hypothesis when considering the merger of two rotating black holes.
  • #1
At first, I don't see any value in the cosmic censorship hypotesis. If ring singularity (RS) is directly observable (interesting how it looks like. Any simulations?) inside the second horizon, why outside we should be afraid to look at that beast?

So I started to thing about RS and Jets.

0. I don't know of there are any decent theories of jet formation, but I see a big problem there: any jet formation process must happen outside the horizon. In order for matter to be heated to extreme temperatures it must be as close as possible to the singularity. But when it is so close, it is difficult to emit anything: light become too redshifted, for the matter it is even more difficult to escape, finally time dilation slows down the friction

What is more important, this process is less efficient for the supermassive black holes where there are almost no tidal forces outside. They are big, so matter is not dense outside the horizon.

On the contrary, we see jets from the AGN - from the supermassive black holes and I don't know about the huge jets from stellar balck holes!

1. That is why I started to think about naked RS. For the extreem BH with naked RS the jet formation is almost obvious: matter fall to the ring and hits infinitely. When heated, it expands in all directions, and is repelled by the ring as it repels matter from the poles!

So Naked RS can convert not 35% (dont remember exact number for that limit) of invariant mass into energy of a jet, but may be much more.

2. Can jet carry away a momentum from a BH? I doubt it. The jet itself can not spin, otherwise it won't be so callimated on long distances as we see it in galaxies. Individual particles can carry momentum with their spin, but I doubt it is possible that the extremely heated jet can remain so accurately polarized.

3. So matter falls into BH, but then some part of it (0.35<x<1.0) is emitted in a form of a jet. But the moment is accumulated! So the BH becomes more and more exteme!

4. If jet formation is possible for slowly rotating BH with a horizon, then #2 and #3 are still applicable, so the singularity might become naked.

5. Where should I get my Nobel Prize? :)
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  • #2
Hm, I found something
We find the radiation has a tendency to increase the ratio of the angular momentum to mass of the black hole, which is completely different from the non-extreme case, while the contribution of the test particle is to decrease it.

Also, how the cosmic censorship hypotesis can stand if we:
1 Take 2 extreme black holes
2 Collide them. THe result is also an extreme black hole (if they rotate in the same direction)
3 But now let's say that before they merge these 2 black holes also rotate around each other!
4 Definitely their J/M becomes super-extreme and singularity becomes naked!
  • #3

Thank you for your interesting thoughts on naked ring singularities and jets from AGNs. I agree that the cosmic censorship hypothesis may not hold much value if we are able to observe a naked RS inside the second horizon. However, it is important to note that the cosmic censorship hypothesis is still a widely accepted principle in general relativity, and there is no definitive proof that naked singularities actually exist.

As for simulations of naked ring singularities, there have been some attempts to model them in numerical relativity, but it is a difficult problem due to the extreme conditions near the singularity. So far, there is no consensus on what a naked RS might actually look like.

Your thoughts on jet formation from naked ring singularities are intriguing. It is true that the lack of tidal forces outside the horizon could make it easier for matter to be heated and expelled in all directions, potentially leading to more efficient jet formation. However, as you mentioned, there are still many unknowns about the process of jet formation and whether it can actually carry away momentum from a black hole.

Your idea that the continued emission of matter in the form of a jet could lead to an increasingly extreme black hole is also interesting. It is certainly possible that the accumulation of momentum from the jet could contribute to the overall spin of the black hole, potentially leading to a naked singularity. However, this is still a theoretical concept and would require further investigation and evidence.

Overall, your thoughts on naked ring singularities and jet formation raise some intriguing possibilities, but further research and evidence will be needed to fully understand these phenomena. While a Nobel Prize may be a bit premature, your ideas certainly contribute to the ongoing discussion and exploration of these fascinating topics in astrophysics. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

FAQ: Naked Ring Singularities and Jets from AGNs

1. What are Naked Ring Singularities?

Naked Ring Singularities are hypothetical objects that are predicted by certain mathematical models of the universe. They are essentially points in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape, making them invisible and undetectable.

2. How are Naked Ring Singularities related to Jets from AGNs?

Naked Ring Singularities are thought to be the source of powerful jets seen emanating from active galactic nuclei (AGNs). These jets are high-speed streams of particles and radiation that are created when matter falls into the singularity and is ejected back out into space.

3. Are Naked Ring Singularities real?

While there is strong evidence for the existence of AGN jets, the existence of Naked Ring Singularities is still a matter of debate and is not yet proven. Due to their nature as invisible and undetectable objects, it is difficult to gather observational evidence for their existence.

4. What implications do Naked Ring Singularities have for our understanding of the universe?

If Naked Ring Singularities do exist, they could potentially challenge our current understanding of the laws of physics. They also have the potential to provide insights into the behavior of matter in extreme conditions, such as those found near black holes.

5. How are scientists studying Naked Ring Singularities and Jets from AGNs?

Scientists are using a variety of methods to study Naked Ring Singularities and jets from AGNs, including computer simulations, observations with telescopes and other instruments, and theoretical models. However, due to the difficulty of detecting these phenomena, much is still unknown and further research is needed to fully understand them.

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