Natural-Born Cyborgs: Exploring the Mind-Tech Connection

  • Thread starter Mentat
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In summary, Cyborgs (by Andy Clark), deal with a much deeper relationship that we can have with non-organic extensions: namely: extensions of our mind beyond the lump of fat in our skulls.
  • #1
What comes to mind when you hear the word "Cyborg"? Is it an organic being with cybernetic technologies surgically added to it? Such a thing would surely meet the criterion of being both "cyb(ernetic)" and "org(anic)". However, there is another, even more interesting, way in which humans not only will become cyborgs, but already are. Indeed, it is an intrinsic part of our nature (as humans) to do this...we are natural-born cyborgs.

Instead of surgical enhancements, however, Natural-Born Cyborgs (by Andy Clark), deals with a much deeper relationship that we can have with non-organic extensions: namely: extensions of our mind beyond the lump of fat in our skulls.

In this excellent, layman-oriented, book, Clark looks both at ways in which we are already cyborgs (in this new, deeper, sense), and at the ways in which we will become more so, as our cultures and technologies evolve.

To give a taste of just how rich a relationship we have already begun to have, let's look at an example of a mental process. Let's say that I ask you "Do you know the year that Man first landed on the moon?". You would probably say "Yes, 1969". This doesn't mean that you were consciously thinking about the lunar landing at the time of being asked. You, most likely, were not constantly visualizing the year "1969". Yet, when I asked you if you knew, you did not hesitate to say "yes", because you could quickly retrieve it from your memory. This is how our brains naturally work (a very economical strategy). Well, now let's say that I had not asked you about landing on the moon, but instead asked "Do you know what time it is?". You would probably say "Yes" and then quick-check your wristwatch, and say "11:50" (or whatever the time actually was). You didn't say "No, but I can check", you treated the watch as though it were just another ready-at-hand part of your mind.

This may seem like somewhat irrelevant thing, but Clark gives many more compelling examples, as well as predictions of how our minds can continue to become more and more "cyborg" as culture and what he calls "human-oriented" technology evolve.

A very good read for anyone interested in the mind; written with clarity, intelligence, and humor. I highly recommend it.
Physics news on
  • #2 by Donna Haraway.

(It seemed like a relevant link... Even though the text is pretty incoherent.)
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  • #3
Mentat said:
Well, now let's say that I had not asked you about landing on the moon, but instead asked "Do you know what time it is?". You would probably say "Yes" and then quick-check your wristwatch, and say "11:50" (or whatever the time actually was). You didn't say "No, but I can check", you treated the watch as though it were just another ready-at-hand part of your mind.

This reminds me of something that I noticed about myself (and other people).

Let's say I was waiting for the time to be 2:00 PM. As the the time draws near, I would look at my watch from time to time to see if it is 2:00 PM.

After I look at my watch, I don't know what time it is, I only recognized that it was not 2:00 PM.

If someones sees me look at my watch and asks me what time it is, I have to look at my watch again because I don't know the answer. (I guess if they asked me if it was 2:00 PM yet, I would have an answer.)

Does this happen to anyone else? (Maybe it's just me and few other mid-westerners.)

FAQ: Natural-Born Cyborgs: Exploring the Mind-Tech Connection

What is the concept of "Natural-Born Cyborgs"?

The concept of "Natural-Born Cyborgs" refers to the idea that humans are innately connected with technology and have the potential to merge with it in a seamless manner. This concept challenges the traditional view of humans and technology as separate entities and instead emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between the two.

What evidence supports the existence of a "mind-tech connection"?

There is a growing body of research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and human-computer interaction that suggests that our brains are highly adaptable and can integrate technology into our daily lives. Studies have shown that our brains can physically change and adapt in response to our interactions with technology, and that we can use technology to enhance our cognitive abilities.

Can anyone become a "Natural-Born Cyborg"?

Yes, anyone has the potential to become a "Natural-Born Cyborg". However, this potential may vary from person to person depending on their individual preferences, experiences, and exposure to technology. Some individuals may have a stronger inclination towards integrating technology into their lives, while others may be more hesitant.

What are the potential benefits of embracing our "cyborg" nature?

Embracing our "cyborg" nature can lead to numerous benefits, such as enhancing our cognitive abilities, improving our communication and problem-solving skills, and allowing us to access and share information more efficiently. It can also open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth and foster innovation and progress in society.

Are there any potential drawbacks or concerns associated with the "Natural-Born Cyborg" concept?

As with any new technology, there are potential drawbacks and concerns that must be considered. These may include issues of privacy, security, and the potential for technology to replace human interaction and skills. It is important to carefully consider and address these concerns as we continue to integrate technology into our lives.

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