Natural Circulation and Decay Heat

In summary, the conversation is about a problem related to a plant theoretically shut down on natural circulation and calculating the core ΔT and natural circulation flow rate. The problem is divided into two parts, with givens and the desired final values listed for each part. The conversation includes a request for equations or theory to assist with the problem, and a response providing equations involving power, core temperature, and natural circulation flow rate. The conversation also includes a derivation of these equations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am having issues with some problems relating to a plant theoretically shut down on natural circulation, and calculating the core ΔT and natural circulation flow rate.. Can anyone provide some equations or theory I could use to assist me? I'm not familiar with this material and have spent hours searching Google and cannot find much.

Problem 1:
Initial Decay heat = 2.5% rated thermal power.
Initial Core ΔT = 14 deg F
Final Decay Heat = 1% rated thermal power
Find: Final Core ΔT.

Problem 2:
Initial natural circulation flow rate = 3.5% full power flow rate.
Initial Core ΔT = 15 deg F
Final Core ΔT = 8 deg F
Find: Final natural circulation flow rate

Homework Equations

I don't know any equations for this, I have searched for hours and cannot seem to find anything. If someone could reference me to any material they know of I can attempt a solution on my own first.

The Attempt at a Solution

(see 2. above)
Physics news on
  • #2
thought about this overnight

make it a simple fluid flow problem.

piping configuration does not change.

driving head is in proportion to ΔT

flow is in proportion to √head

heat removed (power) is product of ΔT and flow

should be able to ratio things out

old jim
  • #3
Jim Hardy has outlined the correct approach. You will find that delta T and flow are proportional to fractional powers of decay heat. I will leave the specifics to you as an exercise! (Hint: the exponents involve 2 and 3). At SONGS, I had to do this evaluation to show the NRC that operating at 70% power led to a better natural circulation flow to power ratio. Alas, we never restarted.
  • #4
You might also check any licensing submittals that NuScale Power has made to the NRC for their SMR as their design does not used forced circulation and relies on natural circulation.
  • #5
Okay I got the equations that we are supposed to use...

For power and core temp:
where, Q=power (%)

For natural circulation flow rate and core temp:

From here, the problems are incredibly easy. So yes, I guess it is just a ratio. Not sure how the equations come about, but I guess proofs are not my main concern at the moment. However... It's me, and I'm curious.

Thanks for the responses!
  • #6
Her's a derivation:

W = Sqrt(Delta P)

W=Sqrt(Delta (rho*g*h))

W=Sqrt(Delta T*g*h) = Sqrt(Delta T)

Q=W*Delta T

Delta T = Q/W


W^2 = Q/W


So, W=Q^(1/3)

Q=Q^(1/3)*Delta T

So, Delta T = Q^(2/3)
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FAQ: Natural Circulation and Decay Heat

What is natural circulation?

Natural circulation refers to the flow of fluid in a system that is driven solely by natural forces such as gravity and density differences. In the context of nuclear power plants, it specifically refers to the circulation of coolant (usually water) in the reactor core without the use of pumps.

How does natural circulation work in a nuclear reactor?

In a nuclear reactor, natural circulation occurs due to the temperature difference between the hot fuel rods and the cooler water in the surrounding reactor vessel. The hot water rises, creating an upward flow, while the cooler water sinks, creating a downward flow. This natural circulation helps to remove heat from the fuel rods, preventing them from overheating.

What is decay heat?

Decay heat is the heat produced by a radioactive material as it undergoes radioactive decay. In the context of a nuclear reactor, it refers to the heat generated by the radioactive fission products left in the fuel rods even after the reactor has been shut down.

Why is decay heat a concern in nuclear power plants?

Decay heat is a concern in nuclear power plants because even after the reactor has been shut down, the decay heat can continue to produce significant amounts of heat. This heat must be removed to prevent damage to the fuel rods and potential meltdown of the reactor core.

How is decay heat removed in a nuclear power plant?

Decay heat is removed in a nuclear power plant through a combination of natural and forced circulation. The natural circulation, driven by the temperature difference between the hot fuel rods and the cooler surrounding water, helps to remove a portion of the heat. The remaining heat is then removed by pumps that circulate the coolant through the reactor and into a heat exchanger, where it is cooled before being recirculated back into the reactor core.

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