Natural frequencies and mode shapes

This phenomenon is related to energy and power, as the higher frequencies require more energy to maintain the same amplitude. In summary, during the lab experiment, the group observed multiple mode-shapes at certain frequencies, which could be due to imperfections in the set-up or resonance phenomena. The same mode shape was observed at 80 Hz and 160 Hz due to damping of the system, causing the resonant frequency to shift. The decrease in amplitude of vibration at higher natural frequencies is due to energy dissipation, where higher frequencies require more energy to maintain the same amplitude.
  • #1
Hi people, we were doing an experiment in lab where we excite a plate clamped at the circumference at various frequencies to detect natural frequencies. My questions are:

1. Sometimes at certain frequencies, we were observing multiple mode-shapes (an overlap of two mode shapes, to be exact). What is the reason? It probably has to do something with the imperfection in our set-up. Does anyone have a more definitive answer?

2. The first theoretical natural frequency was 160 Hz. However, in reality, we observed the same mode shape at 80 Hz and 160 Hz. What may be a reason?

3. Why amplitude of vibration at natural frequencies decreases with increasing natural frequencies? i.e. first mode shape (and lowest natural frequency) has the highest amplitude, and the later shapes have lower amplitude. I was thinking frequency is proportional to the square root of the elastic modulus. But it's not the complete answer (TA told me). Does it have anything to do with energy and power?

Thank you a lot for your help!
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  • #2
1. The overlapping of two mode shapes could be due to the imperfection in your set-up, or it could also be due to resonance phenomena. Resonance occurs when an object is being excited with a frequency that matches its natural frequency, which causes the object to vibrate at a higher amplitude. In this case, two different frequencies could be resonating with the plate, causing the overlap of mode shapes. 2. The reason why you are observing the same mode shape at 80 Hz and 160 Hz could be because of the damping of the system. Damping is the dissipation of energy from the system, which can cause the resonant frequency to shift slightly. In other words, the damping of the system is causing the resonant frequency to shift, thus producing the same mode shape at both 80 Hz and 160 Hz. 3. The decrease in amplitude of vibration with increasing natural frequencies is due to energy dissipation. As the frequency of the plate increases, more energy is dissipated and the amplitude of the vibration decreases. This is why the first mode shape (and lowest natural frequency) has the highest amplitude, and the later shapes have lower amplitude.

FAQ: Natural frequencies and mode shapes

1. What are natural frequencies and mode shapes?

Natural frequencies and mode shapes refer to the unique vibration characteristics of a system or structure. Natural frequencies are the frequencies at which the system will naturally vibrate without any external force, while mode shapes are the patterns of movement that occur at these frequencies.

2. How are natural frequencies and mode shapes determined?

Natural frequencies and mode shapes are determined through a process called modal analysis. This involves measuring the structural responses to a range of vibration frequencies and using mathematical calculations to identify the natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes.

3. Why are natural frequencies and mode shapes important?

Natural frequencies and mode shapes are important because they can help predict the behavior and performance of a system or structure under different types of loading. They can also be used to identify potential structural weaknesses or design flaws that may lead to excessive vibrations or failures.

4. How do natural frequencies and mode shapes impact the design of structures?

Natural frequencies and mode shapes play a crucial role in the design of structures, as they help engineers and designers determine the appropriate stiffness, mass, and damping of a system to avoid excessive vibrations. They also guide the selection of materials and construction methods to ensure the structural integrity and safety of the design.

5. How can natural frequencies and mode shapes be controlled or altered?

Natural frequencies and mode shapes can be controlled or altered by changing the structural properties of a system, such as its stiffness, mass, and damping. This can be achieved through modifications in the design, material selection, or by adding additional support or damping elements. Modal analysis can also be used to identify potential changes in the system that can alter the natural frequencies and mode shapes.

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