Nearly 30 but want to study Physics

In summary, the person is considering going back to college to study physics, but has some concerns about the feasibility of doing so at a later stage in life. They are seeking advice and considering taking a night school course to see if they are truly interested in pursuing physics. They also mention potential challenges with balancing family life and a student's income. It is noted that studying physics is not necessarily a direct path to a specific career, but can be beneficial in various career paths.
  • #1
I finished High School and didn’t do too badly in my GCSEs; B in Maths, C in Science. I didn’t particularly try though, I just wasn’t interested at the time. Eventually, as a consequence of falling into a CAD Technician’s role I completed a HNC in Construction & The Built Environment. After a while I was producing images and 3D models of proposed new builds which lead to what I’m doing now, graphics. I’m 27 and I work for myself, earning good money and I can manage my own time, pretty much picking and choosing projects. This means I have the time and finances to begin studying a subject that I’m genuinely excited by. There are a few subjects that interest me but I can’t think of a better lifetime’s pursuit than attempting to help understand the universe, even in some tiny way – making the tea and coffee if necessary! I would gladly begin right where I left off and go to college to study Physics from A-Level standard, as I wish I had when I was 16. I also think I’d have to, in no way is my level of understanding University standard, nor do I think I’d be eligible for admission. My question is, how feasible do you think this is? If I make the time and I’m genuinely interested, can anyone think of a reason why attempting to forge a career in Physics later in life may not be advisable? It may seem like a weak question but I don’t want to rush into any decision without considering the consequences first.

I also don’t understand the procedural processes of higher education or what viable career prospects Physics can offer. Really I’m just after your thoughts and advice.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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  • #2
You might want to start out with a nightschool course on introductory physics - there's little committment, but it might give you a better idea of what the long term study will look like.

There's no reason why you couldn't do it. 27 is young.

One of the bigger issues to consider is family. Normally as people move into their thirties, it's the time in their lives where they settle down and start a family (if that's what they want to do). That means that in addition to the stresses of full time study, you'll have to deal with the stresses of parenthood and while on a student's income (or lack thereof). People do this successfully of course. But it's a hard road.

Something else to add: studying an academic subject like physics is not job training. Physics itself does not prepare you for a specific career. It can be extremely helpful in whatever career path you pursue, but the industrial world rarely seeks out physicists specifically. You seem to have the advantage though of already having a solid career skill set.

FAQ: Nearly 30 but want to study Physics

1. Can I study Physics if I am already nearly 30 years old?

Absolutely! Age should not be a barrier to pursuing your interests and passions. In fact, many people have successfully pursued a career in physics later in life.

2. Will my age affect my ability to understand complex physics concepts?

No, your age does not determine your ability to understand physics. What matters most is your motivation, dedication, and willingness to put in the effort to learn.

3. Is it too late for me to switch careers and study Physics at nearly 30?

No, it is never too late to switch careers and pursue your interests. Many people have successfully made a career change to physics, regardless of their age.

4. Will my previous academic background hinder me from studying Physics at nearly 30?

Not necessarily. While having a background in physics or a related field may be helpful, it is not a requirement. Many universities offer introductory courses for students with little to no background in physics.

5. How can I balance studying Physics with other responsibilities at nearly 30?

It may require some time management and sacrifice, but it is possible to balance studying physics with other responsibilities. Consider taking online courses or part-time classes, and make use of resources such as tutoring or study groups to help manage your workload. Also, do not be afraid to ask for support from friends and family.

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