Need a lot of worked real analysis proofs (from easy to difficult)

In summary: I would recommend finance and economics books and papers.In summary, the book suggested is Berkeley Problems in Mathematics by Paulo Ney de Souza and Jorge-Nuno Silva. It has worked examples and solutions that covers all major topics in Math at undergraduate level. It is written for those who want to prepare for a Ph.D. in Operations Research.
  • #1
I was accepted into a top tier Ph.D. Operations Research program. I have six months to prepare independently on my own (at home). Everybody told me real analysis is the first thing I should look at (which makes sense, because I don't have proof experience).

Can you please recommend me a book that has a high number of worked examples (e.g., any solutions manual).

I got the Bartle and the Rosenlicht text, but there are no solutions to the exercises, and in the text there are not many worked proofs.

Remark: I posed this thread in two forums because I want to have higher exposure and I didn't know which one would be more fitting.
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  • #2
Since you posted this in 2 separate threads, the other one has been deleted, it was deleted exactly when I was clicking the "Post Quick reply" button, Lol!

Regarding the books, I would recommend "Berkeley Problems in Mathematics" by Paulo Ney de Souza & Jorge-Nuno Silva. It contains problems and solutions that covers all major topics in Math at undergraduate level (you may ignore Complex Analysis & Groups if you want to since they won't be of much use in Operations Research). The contents are:

1 Real Analysis
1.1 Elementary Calculus
1.2 Limits and Continuity
1.3 Sequences, Series. and Products
1.4 Differential Calculus
1.5 Integral Calculus
1.6 Sequences of Functions
1.7 Fourier Series
1.8 Convex Functions

2 Multivariable Calculus
2.1 Limits and Continuity
2.2 Differential Calculus
2.3 Intcgral Calculus

3 Differential Equations
3.1 First Order Equations
3.2 Second Order Equations
3.3 Higher Order Equations
3.4 Systems of Differential Equations

4 Metric Spaces
4.1 Topology of R^n
4.2 General Theory
4.3 Fixed Point Theorem

5 Complex Analysis
5.1 Complex Numbers
5.2 Series and Sequences of Functions
5.3 Conformal Mappings
5.4 Integral Representation of Analytic Functions
5.5 Functions on the Unit Disc
5.6 Growth Conditions
5.7 Analytic and Meromorphic Functions
5.8 Cauchy’s Theorem
5.9 Zeros and Singularities
5.10 Harmonic Functions
5.11 Residue Theory
5.12 Integrals Along the Real Axis

6 Algebra
6.1 Examples of Groups and General Theory
6.2 Homomorphisms and Subgroups
6.3 Cyclic Groups
6.4 Normality, Quotients, and Homomorphisms
6.5 S,. A,. D,
6.6 Direct Products
6.7 Free Groups. Products. Gcnerators. and Relations
6.8 Finite Groups
6.9 Rings and Their Homomorphisms
6.10 Ideals
6.11 Polynomials
6.12 Fields and Their Extensions
6.13 Elementary Number Theory

7 Linear Algebra
7.1 Vector Spaces
7.2 Rank and Determinants
7.3 Systems of Equations
7.4 Linear Transformations
7.5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
7.6 Canonical Forms
7.7 Similarity
7.8 Bilinear. Quadratic Forms. and Inner Product Spaces
7.9 General Theory of Matrices
  • #3
Do you mind to share your profile? I am pretty much interested in applying for Operations Research PhD myself!
  • #4
Thanks a lot, this is much more than I expected: I need to also cover rigorous linear algebra.

Not sure what you mean by profile. If you mean qualifications by that: undergrad GPA: 3.97, math GRE (not the subject test): 800.
  • #6
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  • #7
Baby Rudin is pretty good.
  • #8
Thanks for all the recommendations.
  • #9
If its for Real Analysis then I would recommend Real Mathematical Analysis by Pugh. It doesn't have solutions, but the text is very well written. If it is for an introductory course in Analysis I would recommend Calculus by Spivak followed by Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds or Analysis on Manifolds by Munkres.
  • #10
Helicobacter said:
I was accepted into a top tier Ph.D. Operations Research program. I have six months to prepare independently on my own (at home). Everybody told me real analysis is the first thing I should look at (which makes sense, because I don't have proof experience).

Can you please recommend me a book that has a high number of worked examples (e.g., any solutions manual).

I got the Bartle and the Rosenlicht text, but there are no solutions to the exercises, and in the text there are not many worked proofs.

Remark: I posed this thread in two forums because I want to have higher exposure and I didn't know which one would be more fitting.

A lot of OR involves probability theory and statistics. A good book on stochastic processes and read papers on applying stochastic models to real world problems e.g using kalman filters. There is a huge literature in finance.

FAQ: Need a lot of worked real analysis proofs (from easy to difficult)

1. How can I improve my ability to understand and solve worked real analysis proofs?

One way to improve your ability to understand and solve real analysis proofs is to practice regularly. Start with easier proofs and work your way up to more difficult ones. It's also helpful to break down the proof into smaller steps and try to understand each step individually before putting them together.

2. What are some common mistakes to avoid when working on real analysis proofs?

Some common mistakes to avoid when working on real analysis proofs include not fully understanding the definitions and concepts involved, not checking your work thoroughly, and not showing enough detail in your proof. It's also important to avoid using circular reasoning or jumping to conclusions without proper justification.

3. How can I check my work to ensure my real analysis proof is correct?

One way to check your work is to go through each step of your proof and make sure it follows logically from the previous step. You can also try to find counterexamples or alternative ways to prove the same result. It's also helpful to have someone else review your proof and provide feedback.

4. How can I approach more difficult real analysis proofs?

Approaching more difficult real analysis proofs requires a combination of strong understanding of the underlying concepts and techniques, as well as patience and perseverance. It's important to break down the proof into smaller, more manageable steps and try to make connections between different concepts and techniques. It's also helpful to consult with other mathematicians or resources for guidance.

5. What are some resources I can use to practice and improve my real analysis proof skills?

There are many resources available for practicing and improving real analysis proof skills, such as textbooks, online lectures and courses, practice problems and exercises, and working with other mathematicians. It's also beneficial to attend seminars or workshops focused on real analysis and to actively seek out challenging problems to work on.
