Need Career Guidance? | Pakistani Living in US

In summary, the speaker is from Pakistan and recently moved to the United States with the goal of being successful. They are currently taking 16 credit hours and have an A grade in all courses. They have a background in aviation but are now pursuing a business degree. However, they are considering changing their major to something related to weather or space. The speaker is seeking advice on which path would be better for them and is interested in studying heliophysics. The other speaker suggests that the speaker should make the decision based on their own interests and goals. They also recommend exploring careers related to aviation and weather, such as aviation-oriented weather services or space weather studies. They also mention the option of pursuing a degree in mathematics.
  • #1

I am from Pakistan and recently came to the United States. A short history, I did my high school in 2007 in Computer Science and the joined a flying school and got my pilot license. But due to the crisis in an Aviation industry in my country I couldn't continue my career and had to wait for 4 years. Now, in the beginning of this year I came to the U.S. with an aim to be a successful person. I am taking 16 credit hours and having an A grade in all of the courses. I am currently in a developmental course because of a gap and difference in the education system of my country and in US. I also found that I am good in Math and bad in Biology, but for other subjects like Chemistry, Physics, etc; I don't know because all I have this semester is English, Math, Psychology (contains most parts of Biology), and goal setting course. I am registered here for a Business degree. But for next semester I am getting a chance to change my major if I want to. So I am just curious to know which one would be better for me. After giving up the previous career plan it's really hard to plan anything new.
Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!
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  • #2
First, as a private pilot, first licensed in 1988, I can testify first hand to the problems with the aviation industry. For the most part the aviation industry offers very little in the way of steady careers. For those who don't mind changing careers frequently, it's not a bad choice. But most people are looking for a bit more stability in their lives. I chose to pursue aviation as a hobby. I haven't regretted that decision.

Second, don't expect others to make good choices for you regarding what you want to study. If you're looking for money, a business degree might not be a bad start. However, you haven't really given us much information as to why you might not want to be in the business program or what alternatives you're seeking.

I mean, I have three decades of experience as an engineer. I have seen a lot. I still enjoy it after all these years. But I'm not you. Others have left careers like mine for greener pastures. And they seem quite happy too. For more information see my blog on pf.
  • #3
JakeBrodskyPE said:
First, as a private pilot, first licensed in 1988, I can testify first hand to the problems with the aviation industry. For the most part the aviation industry offers very little in the way of steady careers. For those who don't mind changing careers frequently, it's not a bad choice. But most people are looking for a bit more stability in their lives. I chose to pursue aviation as a hobby. I haven't regretted that decision.

Second, don't expect others to make good choices for you regarding what you want to study. If you're looking for money, a business degree might not be a bad start. However, you haven't really given us much information as to why you might not want to be in the business program or what alternatives you're seeking.

I mean, I have three decades of experience as an engineer. I have seen a lot. I still enjoy it after all these years. But I'm not you. Others have left careers like mine for greener pastures. And they seem quite happy too. For more information see my blog on pf.

Thank you so much!

The post at your blog is really well written, and I liked it.
Well, I want to earn money, but by that money I want to help those who are in need, and just for myself only. It's something like making projects and thinking more about people. Second, I have an interest in weather and space because of aviation history. So, I am just bit confused either to go for Business or some Space/Weather studies.
  • #4
You're thinking about goals now. Good.

Your business degree is a generic starting point. You could use it to leverage your aviation education and perhaps focus on aviation oriented weather services. You could also branch out toward space weather studies, such as solar weather. If you haven't seen the site, I recommend it as an introductory starting point. If any of that fascinates you, you might want to look at further studies about heliophysics.

That's just a start. Again, you need to read this stuff yourself and ask yourself if you might like to build a career around this sort of thing. This is about you, not me, not your parents, not your friends, YOU!
  • #5
JakeBrodskyPE said:
You're thinking about goals now. Good.

Your business degree is a generic starting point. You could use it to leverage your aviation education and perhaps focus on aviation oriented weather services. You could also branch out toward space weather studies, such as solar weather. If you haven't seen the site, I recommend it as an introductory starting point. If any of that fascinates you, you might want to look at further studies about heliophysics.

That's just a start. Again, you need to read this stuff yourself and ask yourself if you might like to build a career around this sort of thing. This is about you, not me, not your parents, not your friends, YOU!

Heliophysics looks amazing to me, and I never heard of that before. I looked at Wikipedia and NASA to find about that field in more depth, and it looks pretty interesting.
Just a quick question, what if I continue with Mathematics (Bachelors, Master, & Ph.D), how good is that?
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Related to Need Career Guidance? | Pakistani Living in US

1. What are the career options available for a Pakistani living in the US?

There are various career options available for a Pakistani living in the US. Some popular options include working in fields such as technology, healthcare, finance, and education. Additionally, there are also opportunities in industries that cater to the Pakistani community, such as media and non-profit organizations.

2. How can I find job opportunities in the US as a Pakistani?

One way to find job opportunities in the US as a Pakistani is to network with other professionals in your field, both within the Pakistani community and outside of it. You can also make use of online job search engines and attend career fairs and networking events. It is also important to have a strong resume and cover letter that highlight your skills and qualifications.

3. What are some challenges that Pakistanis may face in the US job market?

Some challenges that Pakistanis may face in the US job market include cultural and language barriers, lack of understanding of the job market and industry norms, and potential discrimination or bias. It is important to be aware of these challenges and to actively work on overcoming them by networking, gaining relevant skills and experience, and seeking support and guidance from mentors or career counselors.

4. How can I advance in my career as a Pakistani living in the US?

To advance in your career as a Pakistani living in the US, it is important to continuously update your skills and knowledge, network with professionals in your field, and actively seek out opportunities for growth and advancement. It may also be beneficial to seek out mentors or career coaches who can provide guidance and advice on career development strategies.

5. Are there any resources specifically for Pakistanis seeking career guidance in the US?

Yes, there are several resources available specifically for Pakistanis seeking career guidance in the US. These include career counseling services, networking groups and events for Pakistani professionals, and online resources such as job search engines and career websites tailored for the Pakistani community. It is also helpful to connect with other Pakistanis who have successfully navigated the US job market for advice and support.

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