Need help and advice with a little work

  • Thread starter dead_devil_66
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In summary, the conversation is about a student working on a boomerang simulation project given by their teacher. The project involves calculating the angle at which the boomerang must be thrown to return to its original position, as well as drawing its flight path in the XY plane. The student is using a system of equations and the Runge Kutta 2 method to solve the problem. They also mention the forces acting on the boomerang and their relationship to the wind velocity and angular momentum. The student is seeking help with the project and apologizes for being unsure of where to post their question.
  • #1

Im coding a little boomerang simulation. This is what my teacher gave me:

Someone throws a boomerang against the wind, with initial velocity making 45º degrees (in the vertical plane) with respect to the wind.
There are 3 forces changing the behaviour of the boomerang: the lift force, the drag force and the torq. The torq is perpendicular to the angular momentum and points in the opposite direction of the wind velocity with respect to the boomerang.
My teacher wants me to give the angle between the initial velocity and the horizontal plane that makes the boomerang return to the same place from where it was thrown.
After that, he wants me to draw the flight path of the mass center in the XY plane.
By the way, the magnitude of the wind has the following relation: Vw/g = sqrt(h)

h represents the height of the boomerang with respect to the ground.

Initial data: lift coeficient, drag coeficient, boomerang mass, gravity, air density, side angle between the boomerang and the ground, torq module, magnitude of the initial velocity of the boomerang with respect to ground (or the not really sure >.<) and the wind velocity vector with respect to the ground.

(Note: everything that has a ´ before any letter, is a vector.)

the wind vector is within the XY plane

so...this is what i have done, so far:

a differential equation system, using the 2nd Newton Law:

M * (d(´Vb/g)/dt) = M * ´g + ´D + ´S

d´r/dt = ´Vb/g

TorqRes = d´L/dt

The relative velocity relations are given by:

V´b/g = V´w/g + V´b/w

b -> boomerang
w -> wind
g -> ground

I know that the area of boomerang that is exposed to the wind depends of the angle between the angular momentum and the wind velocity with respect to the boomerang.

Ad = |cos(angle(´L , ´Vw/b)| * R^2 * pi = arcos( (´L dot ´Vw/b)/(||´L|| * ||´Vw/b||) ) * R^2 * pi

Ad => drag area
R => boomerang radius

I know that the angle between the boomerang initial velocity projection in XY plane and the wind velocity is 45º degrees. So,

(Vi is the initial velocity, as you might have notice...)

´Vw/g dot 'Vib/w = (||´Vw/g|| * ||´Vib/w||) * cos 45º <=>

<=> (´Vw/g)X * (´Vib/w)X + (´Vw/g)Y * (´Vib/w)Y + (´Vw/g)Z * (´Vib/w)Z = (||´Vw/g|| * ||´Vib/w||) * cos 45º <=>

<=> Now what? *shame on me*

i guess its another system...

(´Vw/g)X * (´Vib/w)X = (||(´Vw/g)X|| * ||(´Vib/w)X ||) * cos 45º
(´Vw/g)Y * (´Vib/w)Y = (||(´Vw/g)Y|| * ||(´Vib/w)Y ||) * cos 45º
(´Vw/g)Z * (´Vib/w)Z = (||(´Vw/g)Z|| * ||(´Vib/w)Z ||) * cos 45º calculate the torq:

I know that the torq vector is withing the plane that has the angular momentum vector as the normal vector. So, given that ´L=(Lx,Ly,Lz) then

Lx * x + Ly * y + Lz * z + d = 0 is the plane equation.

i know that the torq point in the most opposite direction of the wind with respect to the boomerang. So, torq points in the opposite direction of the projection of the wind, with respect to the boomerang. So,

´N = ´L/||´L||

´U = ´Vw/b - (´Vw/b dot ´N) * ´N

´TorqRes = -´U


Now the system is something like this >.<

M * (d(´Vb/g)/dt) = M * ´g + ´D + ´S

d´r/dt = ´Vb/g

´Vw/b - (´Vw/b dot ´(´L/||´L||)) * ('L/||´L||) = d´L/dt


M * (d(´Vb/g)/dt) = M * ´g + (1/2)*(Cd*rho*Ad*(´Vb/w)^2) + (1/2)(Cl*rho*Al*('Vb/w)^2)

d´r/dt = 'Vb/g

-1*(´Vw/b - (´Vw/b dot ´N) * ´(´L/||´L||))) = d´L/dt


rho -> fluid density
Cd -> drag coeficient
Cl -> lifting coeficient
Al -> boomerang area exposed to the lifting force

If the angle between the boomerang and the horizontal plane is constant, then, Al is constant. Consider that to be the case.

Now, i need to divide each equation in 3 equations, each one representing each vector component. So:

In X component:

M * (d('Vb/g)X/dt) = M * ´gX + (1/2)*(Cd*rho*Ad*(´Vb/w)X^2) + (1/2)(Cl*rho*Al*(´Vb/w)X^2)

(d´r/dt)X = ('Vb/g)X

-1*((´Vw/b)X - (´Vw/b dot ´(´L/||´L||)X) * '('L/||´L||))X) = (d´L/dt)X

In this component, i think the lifting force isn't making i right? Or is it changing the angular momentum? If that is

In Y component:

M * (d(´Vb/g)Y/dt) = M * ´gY + (1/2)*(Cd*rho*Ad*(´Vb/w)X^2) + (1/2)(Cl*rho*Al*('Vb/w)Y^2)

(d'r/dt)Y = ('Vb/g)Y

-1*((´Vw/b)Y - (´Vw/b dot ´(´L/||´L||)Y) * (´L/||´L||)Y) = (d´L/dt)Y

In Z component:

M * (d(´Vb/g)Z/dt) = M * ´gZ + (1/2)*(Cd*rho*Ad*(´Vb/w)Z^2) + (1/2)(Cl*rho*Al*(´Vb/w)Z^2)

(d´r/dt)Z = (´Vb/g)Z

-1*((´Vw/b)Z - (´Vw/b dot ´N) * (´L/||´L||)Z) = (d´L/dt)Z

Does the drag have any value in this component? :|

So...the one of the objectives of this work is to find the angle between the initial velocity and the horizontal plane. I guess that angle is a variable in some Z component equation. Am i right? Damn work...there are some aspects in this work that i don't even have in my course study plan. >.<

To have the values for the trajectory, a teacher told me to use Runge Kutta 2 method. Well, that's easy to code. I guess that when i have the equations, i just need to give them as the input to the RK2 algorithm. Then, it will give me the results. Am i right?

Help needed.

Thanks in advance :')
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  • #2
Are you sure you meant to post this question in this section?
  • #3
daveyinaz said:
Are you sure you meant to post this question in this section?

im not sure where to put this...sorry...can anyone help me? >.<
  • #4
hello? =/
  • #5
seems this is too difficult even for this forum :/

Related to Need help and advice with a little work

1. How can I find someone to help me with my work?

There are several ways to find help with your work. You can ask a friend, family member, or classmate for assistance. Another option is to seek help from a tutor or academic support center at your school. Additionally, there are many online resources available, such as study groups or forums, where you can connect with others who can offer advice and assistance.

2. What should I do if I am struggling with a particular concept or assignment?

If you are struggling with a specific concept or assignment, it is important to first try to identify where you are having difficulty. Then, you can reach out to your teacher or professor for clarification or extra help. You may also want to review class notes, textbooks, or online resources for additional information and practice exercises.

3. How can I manage my time effectively to complete my work?

One helpful way to manage your time is to create a schedule or to-do list. Prioritize your tasks and set realistic goals for each day. It can also be helpful to break larger assignments into smaller, more manageable tasks and set aside dedicated time to work on them. Additionally, try to eliminate distractions and find a quiet, comfortable workspace to maximize your productivity.

4. What should I do if I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed about my work?

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed about your work, it is important to take a step back and assess your situation. Make sure you are taking breaks and practicing self-care. It may also be helpful to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor about your feelings. If you are struggling with anxiety or other mental health issues, seek professional help.

5. How can I improve my study habits and become a more efficient learner?

There are many ways to improve your study habits and become a more efficient learner. Some tips include creating a designated study space, taking notes while reading or listening to lectures, practicing active reading and listening techniques, and using mnemonic devices to remember important information. It can also be helpful to review material regularly and to seek clarification when needed.

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