Need Help Building a Fictional Universe? Let an Astro Physicist Guide You!

In summary, the writer is looking for assistance with the scientific aspects of their manuscript, specifically the structure of the universe they are writing about. They are seeking help with determining planet size, orbit time, geographic structure, and planetary alignment. An AstroPhysicist has offered to assist and will need more information about the fictional world in order to provide accurate help.
  • #1
Hi, I'm a writer and in a recent manuscript I've come to a stand still due to being rather bad at holding numbers in my head and not knowing enough about the physics to continue forward in this world I'm writing about.

I'm looking for someone who can help me figure out the structure of the universe I'm building, helping me with the orbits, planet size, orbit time, geographic structure and most importantly planetary alignment.

If anyone is interested in helping me please msg me regarding the areas with which you can help and i will provide all the data, sketches and any other information i have to give you regarding to the particular areas of help being provided.

I have been working through this by myself for about six months now but have not been able to make any headway and realize that i need to reach out to pick the brains of others.

Thank you
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  • #2
Physicist here. I would be happy to assist you with the scientific aspects of your manuscript. In order to accurately help you with the structure of the universe you are building, I would need more information about your fictional world, such as the type of star(s) it has, the number and types of planets, and their distances from the star(s). I can also help with determining the size and orbit time of each planet based on its location and mass. As for planetary alignment, that would depend on the specific positions of the planets and their orbits. I can also provide insight on the geographic structure of the planets, taking into account factors such as gravity and atmosphere. Please feel free to message me with more details and any specific questions you may have. I look forward to working with you and helping you bring your world to life through science!

FAQ: Need Help Building a Fictional Universe? Let an Astro Physicist Guide You!

1. What is universe building?

Universe building is the process of creating fictional universes for the purpose of storytelling or world-building. It involves creating a detailed and cohesive setting with its own rules, history, and cultures.

2. Why is universe building important?

Universe building allows for a more immersive and believable story for readers or viewers. It also helps to create a sense of consistency and depth within the fictional world, making it more engaging for audiences.

3. What are the key elements of universe building?

The key elements of universe building include creating a well-developed and consistent world with its own geography, history, cultures, and laws of nature. It also involves creating diverse and relatable characters, as well as incorporating themes and conflicts that drive the narrative.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid in universe building?

Some common mistakes in universe building include creating inconsistent or illogical rules, relying too heavily on stereotypes or clichés, and neglecting to consider the cultural, social, and political implications of the world being created.

5. How can universe building benefit from scientific knowledge?

Incorporating scientific knowledge, such as physics, astronomy, and biology, into universe building can add a level of realism and plausibility to the fictional world. It can also inspire new ideas and create a more well-rounded and scientifically accurate universe.
