Need help building FM Transmitter

In summary: WarrenI know, it make no sense, I can not figure out why it works with the Power Supply and not the AA. I mean as I already psoted there is a .0005 difference in the amps, but is the really enough to make a difference? I doubt it, I'd be willing to bet that the +/- % of the Digital multimeter would neglect the .0005...- Warren
  • #1
So I'm trying to get my fm circuit to work. I've taken the design from the website below.

My current issue is that the circuit works, but only when hooked to a DC transformer. I get a signal of ~ 102 megahertz, but that's with a DC transformer hooked to it. Note the DC transformer is one we use at school, it has a varriable setting of 1-6 volts, and then 50/100/150/250/500 volts. I used the 1-6 connetions, and experimented between 1 and 1.5v, and same minimal difference.

Doesn't work:
AA battery, 1.3 volts, .0010 amps
9volt battery 8.8volts .03 amps

DC transformer 1-1.5v, .0015 ampsWHY? Why do I get no frequency with the battery but with a DC transformer I get a frequency?

Only thing I can remotely think of is maybe something having to do with the transformer converting the AC current to DC and causing a ~100 MHz frequncy? But I don't know as AC current is only 60 herts here in the USA...

Pics of circuit, and in these pictures the transistor is flipped. I made a mistake, and since then the transistor was repositioned and soldered intot he correct spot, so don't worry about that. (I had flipped the B and C of the transistor. I had E-C-B, its suppose to be E-B-C, and right this moment and during my test with the DC transformer and batteries it was E-B-C.)
(^^ the gray stereo cable is for input, the to wires stuck to the ductape are unitl I go get a AA size battery holder, and the long black wire that's curled is the antenna)Thanks for the help guys. I've been looking for a Engineering forum for a while, this beats posting on (computer forums;)).
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  • #2
Why don't you give us a schematic of your circuit? Your pictures are useless.

Also, there's no such thing as a "DC transformer."

- Warren
  • #3
chroot said:
Why don't you give us a schematic of your circuit? Your pictures are useless.

Also, there's no such thing as a "DC transformer."

- Warren (the schematic of the circuit was on the page I linked)

DC generator then?..You know what I am talking about.
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  • #4
No, I have no idea what you're talking about. Is this "DC Generator" just a variable-voltage DC source? How exactly are you "hooking" this into your circuit?

- Warren
  • #5
chroot said:
No, I have no idea what you're talking about. Is this "DC Generator" just a variable-voltage DC source? How exactly are you "hooking" this into your circuit?

- Warren

It a unit, it converts AC current to DC current. I plug it into a wall outlet. On the front of the unit I hav several choices of were I can plug wires into (several female jacks) to get different voltages. 1-6v(its adjustable with a knob) and then it goes 50/100/150/250/500, and those are not adjustable, they are just straight connetions.

What I did was plug hook the unit up to my circuit where the battery would go. So instead of the battery I used wires that have alligaotr clips on one end and male connection on the other, to attach the DC power unit to my circuit.

DC Power supply is what I should have called it.

Look at this:

Thats not the unit I have, and the one I use only has DC options and other stuff that is different. But that unit is the same idea as mine.
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  • #6
Okay, it's just a variable-voltage DC power supply. If you have at one time applied 9V across your transistor, though, you might have damaged it. There should be no difference between a 1.5V battery and a 1.5V power supply, given that each can supply the same amount of current.

- Warren
  • #7
chroot said:
Okay, it's just a variable-voltage DC power supply. If you have at one time applied 9V across your transistor, though, you might have damaged it. There should be no difference between a 1.5V battery and a 1.5V power supply, given that each can supply the same amount of current.

- Warren

I'm pretty sure the transistor is fine, as after I ran 9v through it I tried the AA and ths Power Supply again. With the Power suply working and the AA not. I'll swap out the transistor again tomrrow though, just to check.

I know, it make no sense, I can not figure out why it works with the Power Supply and not the AA. I mean as I already psoted there is a .0005 difference in the amps, but is the really enough to make a difference? I doubt it, I'd be willing to bet that the +/- % of the Digital multimeter would neglect the .0005 difference...
  • #8
Well, the AA battery definitely has a higher series resistance than does your DC power supply, but it's not going to be anywhere close to the 330 ohm biasing resistor on the schematic.

When you say it "doesn't work" with a AA battery, what exactly do you mean? How are you verifying the functionality of the circuit?

- Warren
  • #9
chroot said:
Well, the AA battery definitely has a higher series resistance than does your DC power supply, but it's not going to be anywhere close to the 330 ohm biasing resistor on the schematic.

When you say it "doesn't work" with a AA battery, what exactly do you mean? How are you verifying the functionality of the circuit?

- Warren

Doesn't work. Meaning that I get voltages everywhere, but I get no frequency on the osciliscope, no reading, just a flat line.
  • #10
Shelnutt2 said:
Doesn't work. Meaning that I get voltages everywhere, but I get no frequency on the osciliscope, no reading, just a flat line.

Are you putting a signal into the "headphone jack," i.e. into the base of the transistor? What kind of signal is it?

- Warren
  • #11
chroot said:
Are you putting a signal into the "headphone jack," i.e. into the base of the transistor? What kind of signal is it?

- Warren

I plugged in my iPod shuffle to it. I had my iPod shuffle playing every time I had the circuit hooked to the osciliscope, and I made sure the same song was playing ever time. (Meatloaf-I'd do anything for love (but I won't that), so its a nice long song:-p ). So it was a stereo singal from my iPod Shuffle playing into the base of the transistor.
  • #12
So, using the AA battery, you can see your Meatloaf waveform at the base of the transistor, but you get nothing but a flat line at the collector of the transmitter?

- Warren
  • #13
chroot said:
So, using the AA battery, you can see your Meatloaf waveform at the base of the transistor, but you get nothing but a flat line at the collector of the transmitter?

- Warren

I've never measured to see the waveform/frequency, of the base. I never thoguh to check the it when it was comign off the iPod, I always just checked the at the antenna.
  • #14
Well, if you have a reasonable-looking waveform on the base -- with large enough amplitude to change the current through the transistor's collector significantly -- yet nothing changes on the transistor's collector, then it means you have a faulty transistor. I don't quite understand why it would work with any power supply at all, though, in that case.

What you should measure roughly are the average voltage and amplitude of the signal at the base of the transistor.

I assume that nothing changes when you vary the volume control on your iPod, right?

- Warren
  • #15
Ok, tomorrow I will use the osciliscope on the base of the transistor. If it appears fine, then what? I guess I'll swapp out the transistor, and if after I change the transistor and I am in the smae boat what else should I try? Or what other information would you like me to collect?

You are correct, when I alter the iPod volume nothing changes by my readings. That was the only input/suggestoin that my physics teacher had. He is a drop out civil engineer who doesn't like math..and that's why he is teaching physics now..lets not get into him. But anyway no the volume doesn't change a thing.
  • #16
How exactly are you determining it ever worked?

One thing is that component layout is critical in the FM range.
For example the 5pf should go C E with as short of leads as possible.
Best layout is probably just like the schematic pic keeping the leads short.
With the components spread out like your pictures you can get very odd operation.

Also, It looks to me to be an AM transmitter.
Some cheap FM demodulators will work with an AM signal by slope detection, but the better ones will not.
  • #17
NoTime said:
How exactly are you determining it ever worked?

One thing is that component layout is critical in the FM range.
For example the 5pf should go C E with as short of leads as possible.
Best layout is probably just like the schematic pic keeping the leads short.
With the components spread out like your pictures you can get very odd operation.

Also, It looks to me to be an AM transmitter.
Some cheap FM demodulators will work with an AM signal by slope detection, but the better ones will not.

Becuase I got a frequency of about 103Mhz from the osciliscope when reading off the antenna.

I'll double check all the connections and make them as short as possible.

I believe that this transimtter brodcast in mono, but it still si designed to broadcast inside the FM band. The designer of the circuit on his website said he used a walkman to pick up the station.
  • #18
Ok, my circuit doesn't work. Somethingis wrong.

The frequency is coming from the DC power unit. It creates a ~100-110 Mhz frequency.

The osciliscope reads a small frequency coming off the input stereo jack, from my iPod. I get ~15-20Mhz frequncy when I have the osciliscope set to .005v (50 milivolts). The iPod gives off .003volts over the stereo cable.

the transistor collect, is on the positive side, (side of the inductor and antenna)
the base is conected to stereo cable (via capacitor and resistor)
the emit part of the transistor is hooked ot the 330 ohms resistor and ground.

(I first had the collect and emit parts flipped, until I read online that the collect was the positive side.)

Whats wrong with the circuit? I have everything laid out the way it is supose to be, and I just don't know why I don't get a transmition.

BTW I have had the osciliscope set to 2v, 1v and .5v trying to see if I get a frequency and I don't. (I have also tried tunning on a walkman just incase my osciliscope is setup wrong or something..but still a no go).
  • #19
Ah... you're trying to use automated frequency measurements of a signal that isn't a pure sinusoid. That's never going to work. Are you actually looking at the waveform to see whether it makes sense, or just looking at the frequency measurement?

Your iPod should be producing something more like a complex waveform (not of any specific frequency!) with a peak-to-peak envelope of a couple of volts, depending upon its volume control. If you're only seeing a 3 millivolt (!) signal at the base of the transistor, then something is definitely wrong with your wiring. Are you sure you wired up your stereo cable the right way? There are three conductors in there, two for signal and one for ground.

- Warren
  • #20
chroot said:
Ah... you're trying to use automated frequency measurements of a signal that isn't a pure sinusoid. That's never going to work. Are you actually looking at the waveform to see whether it makes sense, or just looking at the frequency measurement?

Your iPod should be producing something more like a complex waveform (not of any specific frequency!) with a peak-to-peak envelope of a couple of volts, depending upon its volume control. If you're only seeing a 3 millivolt (!) signal at the base of the transistor, then something is definitely wrong with your wiring. Are you sure you wired up your stereo cable the right way? There are three conductors in there, two for signal and one for ground.

- Warren

The waveform is the onlything I ahve to look at, the osciliscopes I have at school don't give any readout but a waveform on a small screen. The waveform looked like the one linked below (the one on the bottom of the graph).

The iPod itself gives off 3milivolts, but there is 1volt going into the base of the transistor, 1.5 on the collect part and only .3volts from the emit part going to ground.

Warren I really appreciate your help. Your the first person who has been able to help me. Thank you for the help so far.

(and NoTime, thanks for the help too)
  • #21
Right -- 3 mV from the iPod is wrong. You need to figure that problem out before you can go any further. Your iPod should be producing a waveform of a couple of volts in amplitude. 3 mV is so small that it could never, for example, drive a set of headphones.

Try disconnecting your cable from your circuit board and see if you can measure the iPod's headphone output directly. It should not change when you connect it to your board. If it does, you've made some kind of bad connection and are grounding it accidentally.

- Warren
  • #22
Shelnutt2 said:
The iPod itself gives off 3milivolts, but there is 1volt going into the base of the transistor, 1.5 on the collect part and only .3volts from the emit part going to ground.

.3mv may not be that unreasonable if measured at the transistor base, but you should see a bigger signal on the emiter.
As Chroot says the iPod itself should measure around 1v.

Your coil does not look, from the picture, like it matches the winding instructions, being a few turns short. Check the tank circuit resonant frequency with a grid dip meter.

Don't know what your scopes bandwidth is, but you may be above it.
Try a demod probe or frequency counter to see if its working.
  • #23
Well I took the stereo cable off, and measured the voltage of the iPod without it attached to the circuit. It measured only 3milivolts again. The iPod works fine, if I unplug it and put it in headphones I can hear music. So I'm not sure what's up.

I measured 3milivolts from the stereo cable when it was attached to my circuit, before it went through the resistors, but the fact that I get the same voltage outside the circuit...

grid dip meter? Is that different than a regular oscilloscope? I'm not sure if I have a grid dip meter.
  • #24
Are you measuring this 3 millivolts between the right and left signals in the headphone cable? Perhaps that's the confusion -- the difference between the left and right channels, with normal audio, is energetically insignificant, on average. The difference betwen the channels should go way above 3 mV though, even with normal music.

Try measuring the potential between one channel and ground -- it should be significant.

You are, by the way, connecting the ground from your stereo cable to the ground of the rest of your circuit, aren't you? Are you sure you haven't accidentally shorted some parts of your stereo cable together? It really sounds like you're essentially tying the two audio channels together (or to ground) somehow by accident, thus getting basically zero signal out of the iPod. Try using an ohm-meter to make sure that all three conductors in your cable are distinct, and are not accidentally connected to any other conductors.

It's quite likely that your RF signals are too high for your oscilloscope to display, but your audio signals should not be.

- Warren
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  • #25
ok, I just cut a new stereo cable. So I have about 3 inches of cable and then the jack. When I hook my iPod to it, I measured from the red wire and the ground I got .003 volts. Then I measured from the white wire and ground and got .003 volts too. The volume is on max, its louad enough to hear with the headphones away from your ears. Why am I getting .003 volts? I am completely disconted from the circuit, so the iPod is giving off .003 volts. I can take a picture of what I'm doing if you want. I just not sure what else I can do to check the voltage.

The oscilloscope I am using says on the box 20Mhz, but the display gives a graph from -40 to I thought that was -40Mhz to 150Mhz? The manual doesn't tell me anywhere what the -40/150 mean, so I just assumed they are Mhz.
And when I hook my circuit up to the oscilloscope now, I just get a flat line at the 2v setting. at the .5volt setting I get about a 20Mhz waveform, but its weird because If I hook a AA up to the oscilloscope I get a 20Mhz waveform on .5v setting..and its set to DC voltage. Why would I get a waveform on a DC battery?
  • #26
Well, there's something wrong with your measurement equipment, then, man. There's no way your iPod is producing a 3 millivolt signal on each channel. You could never hear such a tiny signal.

Some of the things you're saying don't make any sense. The "20 MHz" marked on the cabinet of the oscilloscope means it is not intended to display any signals with frequency components above 20 MHz; in other words, you'll never be able to see your RF signal on it. I have no idea what you mean by "gives a graph of -40 to 150," though. Oscilloscopes do not have fixed numbers on their displays; they have knobs which you can use to vary the scale of the display in both axes.

When the 'scopes probe is not connected to anything, you should see a flat horizontal line that can be adjusted until it's at the center of the graph. If you set the 'scope's vertical axis to 0.5 V / div, and then connect it to your battery, you should see the flat line jump up three entire grid divisions. You should see no oscillations of any kind. Are you actually using the 0.5V/div setting, or are you accidentally using the 0.5 mV/div setting? You might looking at very tiny noise!

Are you really sure you're using the oscilloscope correctly? Do you see anything resembling an audio waveform coming from the iPod? Do you have someone there who could help you set up and use the oscilloscope? It's starting to sound like this is all just a problem with your measurement equipment.

- Warren
  • #27
Sadly I know more about the oscilloscope than anyone else at my high school. I've read the manual, and I thought I had everything setup. I'm going to take pictures tomorrow of the oscilloscope, and maybe you can see if it appears that I have it set correctly?

On the little display screen, there is a grid with the Y axes labled from -40 to 150. I wish I knew someone here that could help me with this.

Well my Wavetek Meterman (28XT) reads fine on everything else. I just checked a brand new 9volt and it reads 8.9 volts. Also the multimeter at school reads .003volts too. I don't trust the one at school, that's why I came home and double checked the number today with a new stereo cable and my own multimeter. The number is right. Unless I am reading it wrong. (It is set to DC voltage also).
  • #28
Shelnutt2 said:
Sadly I know more about the oscilloscope than anyone else at my high school. I've read the manual, and I thought I had everything setup. I'm going to take pictures tomorrow of the oscilloscope, and maybe you can see if it appears that I have it set correctly?

We'd be happy to examine your pictures -- just make sure they're high enough resolution so we can see the positions of the knobs. :smile:

On the little display screen, there is a grid with the Y axes labled from -40 to 150. I wish I knew someone here that could help me with this.

That's actually pretty weird! (And no, it doesn't mean frequency.) Do you know the manufacturer and model number of the oscilloscope?

Well my Wavetek Meterman (28XT) reads fine on everything else. I just checked a brand new 9volt and it reads 8.9 volts. Also the multimeter at school reads .003volts too. I don't trust the one at school, that's why I came home and double checked the number today with a new stereo cable and my own multimeter. The number is right. Unless I am reading it wrong. (It is set to DC voltage also).

So you're putting a multimeter, set to measure DC voltage, between one audio channel and ground, and you're getting 3 millivolts? When it's set to measure DC voltage, you're only going to measure the average voltage. If ground is 0V and one audio channel is a sine wave centered around 0V, then the average voltage between them is 0V. (Half the time, the audio signal is above 0V, half the time, it's below 0V.)

Your oscilloscope should be able to display the actual waveform of the audio signal, though. It should be centered at 0V, and go as high as perhaps 1V and as low as perhaps -1V. Have you tried changing the AC/DC coupling switch on the oscilloscope?

- Warren
  • #29
I'll get the model number and manufactor tomorrow. All I can tell you is they are old. The Nelsons, you probably don't know them, but they were the physics teachers at my school for 16 years and all together they've taught for over 30 years. They were awesome. They were co authors of several textbooks. The book they taught out of was one they co-authored. But alas they retired for a few reasons.

Anyway long story short I wouldn't be supprised if these oscilloscopes were 16 or more years old. I found them sitting in the storage closet on a shelf.

How does a .04v AC reading sound? That what I get from my iPod, when Is set the multimeter to AC.

I don't think I'm messed with the coupling switch. I believe the manual said to put it to AC.
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  • #30
0.04 VAC is also wrong. Keep in mind that an audio signal is composed of many different frequencies added together, and your multimeter is only capable of measuring AC of a single frequency. This means your multimeter is not going to be able to give you a meaningful number -- it may give you nonsense. The oscilloscope is the right tool for the job, but it sounds like your oscilloscope is not working properly.

The AC/DC coupling switch on the oscilloscope just determines whether or not it rejects the DC component of the signals you give it. If you put it on DC, it will show you the entire signal, with the DC offset visible. If you put it on AC, it'll just show you the AC content of the signal, centered around 0V.

If you have the 'scope set to AC coupling, then any DC source, including a battery, will just look like a 0V flat line. If you zoom really far onto it, you might see some "oscillation," which is really just microvolt noise.

For your purposes, I suggest using DC coupling for everything.

- Warren
  • #31 Its an Instek model OS-622G

I also have a B&K Percision Model 2120 oscilloscope I can use, if the Instek one will not work for me. Although the B&K one is 20Mhz too.
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  • #32
Okay, what are you measuring in those pictures? I do note that Channel 1 is set to be AC-coupled, which is going to cause you problems when you're trying to measure DC voltages.

- Warren
  • #33
chroot said:
Okay, what are you measuring in those pictures? I do note that Channel 1 is set to be AC-coupled, which is going to cause you problems when you're trying to measure DC voltages.

- Warren

At that time, I had nothing attached. I've got a picture of when I had both my iPod and my circuit hooked up, but I took those after school, I'll get those posted up in a bit.

I put the coupling to DC when I measured the circuit. My friend had two ideas that we tried and got slightly better results. 1) Used a CD player which takes 2 AA batteries to see if it worked better than the iPod, maybe the iPod doesn't push enough amps?

Then at the same time because I only had two double AA's at school, we used a D battery. With a D battery powering the circuit we got what appears to be ~30 Mhz on the .5v/Div setting.

2xD batterys in series got us 50Mhz on the .5v setting. So maybe the fact is that the AA is not giving enough amps? The load is too much on the battery.

What do you think? Is it possible that the AA can't give enopugh amps? Although that would be in direct contrast to what the author of this circuit has said it to be...
(Also I've swapped the 5 coiled inductor out for an 8 coiled one)
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  • #34
I strongly doubt that the circuit is functioning at all, much less in a way that depends upon the current capability of your battery. I strongly suspect that you are not using the oscilloscope correctly, or that it is broken. This makes all of your measurements suspect. Besides, your oscilloscope is not really capable of measuring anything beyond 20 MHz, so I do not suggest that you attempt to measure RF signals with it at all.

We need to start at the beginning. You said earlier that connecting a battery to the oscilloscope showed an "oscillation" in the MHz range. This is obviously wrong, and you need to sort it out first.

Put the scope on 0.5 V/div. The time/div does not really matter, but set it to something reasonably fast. Put channel 1 on DC coupling, and short the probe and its ground lead together. Use the vertical adjustment knob to put the horizontal line right in the middle of the display. Connect the battery to the probe, and observe that the horizontal line jumps up (or down) three divisions, and has no oscillations of any kind.

Once you have gotten this to work, let's proceed with more advanced measurements...

- Warren
  • #35
chroot said:
I strongly doubt that the circuit is functioning at all, much less in a way that depends upon the current capability of your battery. I strongly suspect that you are not using the oscilloscope correctly, or that it is broken. This makes all of your measurements suspect. Besides, your oscilloscope is not really capable of measuring anything beyond 20 MHz, so I do not suggest that you attempt to measure RF signals with it at all.

Lets assume that the oscilloscope is bad. I tried and couldn't seem to get the oscilloscpe to jump up or down at all when I attached a AA battery. What I did was I had a multimeter reading the coltage of the battery then I hooked the oscilloscope probe up to the positive side of the battery. It didn't seem to move the flat line at all.

If I can't seem to get it to do this then something is wrong.

In the end I don't care about the oscilloscpe or its readings. I want a working FM transmitter. I'm do not know what is wrong. I don't know enough information to guess. I've followed the circuit design to a T. Maybe my circuit is just too spaced out? Would that really cause such an issue though? I mean all my voltages are correct everywhere. I get 1.5v on the whole circuit, but I can't seem to pick it up on my walkman.