Need help designing ADC system -

In summary, the conversation discusses the need to design an ADC system with specific specifications and concerns about maintaining an error rate of 1%. The individual also asks for advice on the necessary components and resources for designing the system. They are directed to consult manufacturers' application notes for helpful information and guidance.
  • #1
Need help designing ADC system - URGENT!

I have to design a system where an analog input is converted to a digital output which will be sent to a parallel digital data bus using a ADC chip.

the specifications are that the input should be between 300-3200Hz with a digitisation error of 1%. for this do i use a band pass filter or a low pass only? how do you maintain under 1%? is it by choosing the number of bits?

also, the sample rate is to be taken at 8kHz. but the the rates in the Chips are all very much higher than this. How do you control that?

if a basic block diagram is to be drawn, should it be like this?

analog input, filter, sample and hold, ADC, (timer?? to control the sampling rate??), (shift registers? to convert from series to parallel??), digital data bus :confused:
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  • #2
What textbook are you learning about ADC systems from? A good source of information is the manufacturers who make the ADC chips. It's in their best interest to help you design a good circuit using their chips, so their Application Notes sections are usually full of great info and help.

I checked out Analog Devices website, and they have a long list of helpful Application Notes:,3090,760%255F%255F43,00.html

Start with a basic one like AN-282, and then look for notes that may fit your device or system requirements.
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  • #3

First of all, it is important to understand the purpose and requirements of the ADC system you are designing. Based on the given information, it seems like you need to design a system that can accurately convert an analog input signal into a digital output that can be transmitted via a parallel digital data bus. The specified input range and digitization error of 1% suggest that you will need to use an ADC chip with appropriate resolution and sampling rate.

To answer your first question, whether to use a bandpass or low pass filter will depend on the specific signal you are trying to convert. A bandpass filter will allow only the desired frequency range (300-3200Hz) to pass through, while a low pass filter will attenuate any frequencies above the desired range. It is important to choose the appropriate filter to ensure that the signal is clean and free of any unwanted frequencies.

To maintain the digitization error under 1%, you will need to select an ADC chip with a high enough resolution. The number of bits will determine the resolution, so a higher number of bits will result in a more accurate conversion. However, it is also important to consider the trade-off between resolution and cost when selecting an ADC chip.

As for the sample rate, you can use a timer to control the sampling rate of the ADC. The timer can be programmed to trigger the ADC at a specific frequency, in this case 8kHz. This will ensure that the ADC is sampling the analog signal at the desired rate.

For the basic block diagram, your initial idea is correct. You will need an analog input, a filter, a sample and hold circuit, an ADC, and a timer to control the sampling rate. The use of shift registers will depend on the specific requirements of your system, but it can be used to convert the digital output from the ADC into parallel data for transmission via the digital data bus.

I hope this helps guide you in designing your ADC system. It is important to carefully consider all the requirements and select appropriate components to ensure the accuracy and functionality of your system. If you need further assistance, it may be helpful to consult with an electronics engineer or seek out additional resources online. Good luck with your design!

Related to Need help designing ADC system -

What is an ADC system?

An ADC system, or analog-to-digital converter system, is a device that converts analog signals into digital signals. It captures a continuous analog signal and converts it into a series of discrete digital values that can be processed and analyzed by a computer or other digital system.

What are the components of an ADC system?

An ADC system typically consists of a signal conditioner, a sample and hold circuit, an ADC converter, and a digital interface. The signal conditioner filters and amplifies the analog signal, the sample and hold circuit holds the analog value steady while it is being converted, the ADC converter converts the analog signal into a digital value, and the digital interface sends the digital value to a computer or other digital system.

How do I choose the right ADC system for my project?

The key factors to consider when choosing an ADC system are the sampling rate, resolution, and accuracy. The sampling rate is the frequency at which the ADC system captures and converts analog signals, while the resolution is the number of bits used to represent the converted digital values. The accuracy refers to how closely the converted digital values match the original analog signal. Consider your project's specific requirements and choose an ADC system with appropriate sampling rate, resolution, and accuracy.

What are the advantages of using an ADC system?

ADC systems offer several advantages over traditional analog systems. They provide more accurate and precise measurements, as well as the ability to store and analyze data digitally. They also allow for easier integration with digital systems and can handle a wider range of input signals. Additionally, ADC systems are more cost-effective and require less maintenance compared to analog systems.

What are some common challenges when designing an ADC system?

Some common challenges when designing an ADC system include noise, nonlinearity, and signal distortion. Noise can affect the accuracy and precision of the converted digital values, while nonlinearity can cause errors in the conversion process. Signal distortion can also occur due to interference or limitations in the ADC system's bandwidth. It is important to carefully consider these factors and use proper design techniques to mitigate them when designing an ADC system.

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