Need help incorperating SOCKS5 Proxies into C++ program

  • C/C++
  • Thread starter x2Dread2x
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    C++ Program
In summary, The author is struggling to incorporate proxies into a chat program and is looking for help.
  • #1
Hi there. I've been trying to incorporate Proxies into a program I am currently making.

It's basically a c++ Chat bot that will load proxies from a list and connect from them into a chat, but I'm having a bit of trouble.

I've found a SOCKS 5 Wrapper, but I'm having trouble with that as well.

Any help would be appreciated greatly.


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  • #2
x2Dread2x said:
Hi there. I've been trying to incorporate Proxies into a program I am currently making.

It's basically a c++ Chat bot that will load proxies from a list and connect from them into a chat, but I'm having a bit of trouble.

I've found a SOCKS 5 Wrapper, but I'm having trouble with that as well.

Any help would be appreciated greatly.

Just a bit of advice: I would setup your network code to be as event-driven as possible. Since you're assuming the socket has a minimum version of 2.0 you should be able to setup a non-blocking socket function quite easily.

If you want cross platform, one method might be to have a thread class that is system specific, but use the select method (which I'm sure is universal for standardized socket libraries on linux, unix, and mac).

Even if you only have 2 people chatting, it is worth making the effort to do the above.

Have some OS class that does all of your OS specific initialization which will include you starting and shutting down OS specific stuff (WSAStartup and include the function to release the library handle!)

Then build your network classes with client and server classes. Track all of your system variables and make sure your Network Manager class shuts everything down properly.

It might seem like I'm having a dig but I'm not: I think you have to get into the routine of seeing where to encapsulate functionality and especially where centralized flow control can and should be used: as a rule of thumb any system resource should be tracked by specific manager classes as well as OS classes. When you do something to an object, post an event message that any class can subscribe to. If something is destroyed one class can get messages and update things like pointer lists and so on.

Like I said, it might not be what you want to hear, but if you do this most of your problems will be solved when you think about the design and do so in a way that is optimal for what you want to do.
  • #3
chiro said:
Just a bit of advice: I would setup your network code to be as event-driven as possible. Since you're assuming the socket has a minimum version of 2.0 you should be able to setup a non-blocking socket function quite easily.

If you want cross platform, one method might be to have a thread class that is system specific, but use the select method (which I'm sure is universal for standardized socket libraries on linux, unix, and mac).

Even if you only have 2 people chatting, it is worth making the effort to do the above.

Have some OS class that does all of your OS specific initialization which will include you starting and shutting down OS specific stuff (WSAStartup and include the function to release the library handle!)

Then build your network classes with client and server classes. Track all of your system variables and make sure your Network Manager class shuts everything down properly.

It might seem like I'm having a dig but I'm not: I think you have to get into the routine of seeing where to encapsulate functionality and especially where centralized flow control can and should be used: as a rule of thumb any system resource should be tracked by specific manager classes as well as OS classes. When you do something to an object, post an event message that any class can subscribe to. If something is destroyed one class can get messages and update things like pointer lists and so on.

Like I said, it might not be what you want to hear, but if you do this most of your problems will be solved when you think about the design and do so in a way that is optimal for what you want to do.

Yes, I get where you are going with this.. I've been working on a separate project, and it seems that all of it works much better and outputs with a better network code and event driven environment.

Would it be possible to use inFile to actually use a list text file with the proxies?.. I just can't wrap my head around it.

I suppose I can't say I've had too much experience with this.
  • #4
There is no reason why you couldn't do that. I would probably make sure the structure is correct before you accept it though. Basically every line you get tokenize the data using . as the separator and check that the values are numbers only (ie ascii value lies in range) and then use something like atoi to check the values.

Some advice for you is to kind of "super-analyze" everything. Think of the bounds of your variables, the structural definition in your class or struct defs, and make modular code that is as thorough as you can get: decompose everything into its tiniest data structure, check it, and build up your checking and testing from the lowest structure up.

Even if you have to get a blank paper out and draw it like a tree diagram to help you visualize it.

But yeah sorry to answer your question, no reason why you can't do that, just make sure you handle all the anomalies.
  • #5

Hello there,

Incorporating SOCKS5 proxies into a C++ program can be a bit challenging, but it is definitely doable. First, make sure you have a good understanding of how SOCKS5 proxies work and how they differ from other types of proxies. This will help you determine the best approach for implementing them in your program.

One option is to use a library or wrapper that already exists, such as the one you mentioned. Make sure you thoroughly read the documentation and understand how to use it properly. If you are having trouble with the wrapper, it may be helpful to reach out to the developer for support or look for online resources that can provide guidance.

Another option is to implement the SOCKS5 functionality yourself using the C++ socket library. This will require a good understanding of socket programming and the SOCKS5 protocol. There are plenty of online resources and tutorials available to help you with this, so it may be worth exploring if you are comfortable with programming at a lower level.

In either case, it is important to thoroughly test your program and make sure the proxies are functioning as expected. You may also want to consider implementing error handling and exception handling in case there are any issues with the proxies.

I hope this helps and good luck with incorporating SOCKS5 proxies into your C++ program!

Related to Need help incorperating SOCKS5 Proxies into C++ program

1. What is a SOCKS5 proxy and why would I need to incorporate it into my C++ program?

A SOCKS5 proxy is a type of server that acts as an intermediary between a client and another server. It allows the client to send requests to the server through the proxy, making it appear as if the requests are coming from the proxy rather than the client. This can be useful for anonymity, bypassing network restrictions, and improving network performance.

2. How do I incorporate SOCKS5 proxies into my C++ program?

There are several libraries available for C++ that allow you to incorporate SOCKS5 proxies into your program. One popular option is the libcurl library, which provides a set of functions for making HTTP requests through a proxy. You can also implement your own socket programming using the SOCKS5 protocol directly.

3. Do I need to have a specific type of proxy to use with my C++ program?

No, you can use any SOCKS5 proxy with your C++ program as long as it supports the SOCKS5 protocol. However, it is important to choose a reliable and trustworthy proxy to ensure the security and stability of your network connections.

4. Are there any potential drawbacks to using SOCKS5 proxies in my C++ program?

One potential drawback is that using a proxy can add extra overhead to your network connections, which may result in slower performance. Additionally, if the proxy is not configured properly, it can pose security risks to your network. It is important to carefully consider the pros and cons before incorporating SOCKS5 proxies into your C++ program.

5. Can I use multiple SOCKS5 proxies in my C++ program?

Yes, you can configure your program to use multiple SOCKS5 proxies in a chain. This is known as proxy chaining and can provide an extra layer of anonymity and security. However, it may also slow down your network connections, so it is important to consider the trade-offs before implementing this in your program.

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