Need help making a cloud chamber

In summary, a cloud chamber is a device used in physics to show tracks of particles in supercooled gas. It is similar to a bubble chamber, but with LEDs and a strobe.
  • #1
OK I know many people here are familiar with cloud chambers particularly those of you who are teaching. I have never built one but I want to go all out on my first attempt. I have seen plenty of instructions from researching through google and I was wondering if you guys have any additional tips from past experience?

I am thinking of using a 10 gallon fish tank. Is there any way to make it so I don't have to keep adding alcohol?

I am going to use some really bright LEDs and I am going to have dials for red green and blue intensity as well as strobe frequency. I would rather have them on top but where is the best place to put these?

I also want to make this a plug in cloud chamber so I want to make it without any dry ice. Is there a certain temperature I have to get down to? Will thermal diodes get me there? Any ideas?
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  • #2
superpaul3000 said:
OK I know many people here are familiar with cloud chambers particularly those of you who are teaching. I have never built one but I want to go all out on my first attempt. I have seen plenty of instructions from researching through google and I was wondering if you guys have any additional tips from past experience?

I am thinking of using a 10 gallon fish tank. Is there any way to make it so I don't have to keep adding alcohol?

I am going to use some really bright LEDs and I am going to have dials for red green and blue intensity as well as strobe frequency. I would rather have them on top but where is the best place to put these?

I also want to make this a plug in cloud chamber so I want to make it without any dry ice. Is there a certain temperature I have to get down to? Will thermal diodes get me there? Any ideas?

10 gallon tank? Wow. You really are going all out!

I know nothing about these things, but I saw your thread when I was searching, because it came up in [post=2712301]a reply I wrote[/post] suggesting someone interested in building a betatron start out with a cloud chamber instead. There are some links in that reply, but I think they are at a more basic level than you need.

I am giving your thread a late bump to see if anyone more competent notices and can say something useful!

But just for my own interest... why colours like red green and blue? What does this allow you to do?

Also, why a strobe? I am guessing this is useful if you have a chamber that is able to pick up a lot of tracks, but in that case don't the tracks last long enough that a strobe would make little difference? Or does it just let you have a more intense light for flash photography of tracks?

Cheers -- sylas
  • #3
sylas said:
10 gallon tank? Wow. You really are going all out!

I know nothing about these things, but I saw your thread when I was searching, because it came up in [post=2712301]a reply I wrote[/post] suggesting someone interested in building a betatron start out with a cloud chamber instead. There are some links in that reply, but I think they are at a more basic level than you need.

I am giving your thread a late bump to see if anyone more competent notices and can say something useful!

But just for my own interest... why colours like red green and blue? What does this allow you to do?

Also, why a strobe? I am guessing this is useful if you have a chamber that is able to pick up a lot of tracks, but in that case don't the tracks last long enough that a strobe would make little difference? Or does it just let you have a more intense light for flash photography of tracks?

Cheers -- sylas

I'm not trying to do any science with this, you might be thinking of a bubble chamber. It's more like a physicist's version of an aquarium. So the LEDs and strobe are just to make it look cool.
  • #4
superpaul3000 said:
I'm not trying to do any science with this, you might be thinking of a bubble chamber. It's more like a physicist's version of an aquarium. So the LEDs and strobe are just to make it look cool.

Oh! Sorry, I misunderstood. But now I am interested, your project sounds like it would be interesting. What do you have in your cloud chamber? Have you a link to other sites that give an idea of what you are trying to do?

Cheers -- sylas

PS. I think in physics it is usual to refer to a "cloud chamber" as a device that shows tracks of particles in supercooled gas, while a "bubble chamber" is a device that shows tracks of particles in superheated liquid. The links I had given above were for cloud chambers in this sense of the word.
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  • #5
superpaul3000 said:
...I also want to make this a plug in cloud chamber so I want to make it without any dry ice. Is there a certain temperature I have to get down to?

Search for Peltier and cloud chamber---there are some 'instructables' about diy cloud chambers and at least one of them uses Peltier junctions instead of dry ice.


FAQ: Need help making a cloud chamber

1. What materials do I need to make a cloud chamber?

To make a cloud chamber, you will need a clear plastic container with a lid, dry ice, isopropyl alcohol, a flashlight, black felt, and a source of ionizing radiation (such as a piece of uranium or a radioactive source).

2. How do I assemble a cloud chamber?

Start by placing a layer of black felt on the bottom of the plastic container. Then, place a small amount of dry ice on top of the felt. Next, pour a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on the dry ice. Close the lid of the container and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the chamber to cool. Finally, shine a flashlight into the chamber and observe the particle tracks.

3. What type of particles can I see in a cloud chamber?

You can see charged particles such as alpha and beta particles, as well as cosmic rays, in a cloud chamber. These particles leave behind visible tracks as they ionize the alcohol vapor in the chamber.

4. How long will the cloud chamber last?

The cloud chamber will last for as long as the dry ice is present. As the dry ice sublimates, the chamber will gradually warm up and the particles will no longer be visible. You can add more dry ice and alcohol to continue observing particles.

5. Is it safe to use dry ice and radioactive sources in a cloud chamber?

Dry ice and radioactive sources should be handled with caution and proper safety precautions should be taken. Make sure to wear gloves and handle the dry ice with tongs. If using a radioactive source, follow all safety guidelines and regulations. It is also important to use the cloud chamber in a well-ventilated area.

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