Need help with a torsional vibration problem

  • Thread starter hanson
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In summary, the conversation discusses a problem on torsional vibration involving two shafts, A and B, that are geared together. The speed of shaft B is 2.5 times that of shaft A, and both shafts have different diameters and lengths. The goal is to determine the natural frequency of torsional vibration while ignoring the inertia effects of the gears and shafts. One person is struggling to understand how to find the equivalent length of shaft A and has attempted to calculate the equivalent stiffness and moment of inertia of shaft B. However, the answer they obtained is different from the given answer. Another person suggests considering the moment of inertia for the disc attached to each shaft and potentially finding an equivalent length of shaft corresponding to the disc.
  • #1
[Urgent] Need help with a torsional vibration problem

Hi all!
I am doing a problem on torsional vibration as follow:
"Two shafts A and B are geared togather such that the speed of B is 2.5 times that of the speed of A. The shaft A, of 50mm diammeter and 600mm length carries a wheel of moment of inertia of 1.7 kgm2 at the free end. The shaft B is of diameter 38mm and length 760mm, carries a wheel of moment of inertia of 0.64 kgm2 at its free end. By finding the equivalent length of shaft A, determine the natural frequency of torsional vibration if the inertia effect of the gears and shafts may be ignored. Modulus of rigifity of shaft material = 80x10^3 MN/m2.

I don't really understand the meaning of "By finding the equivalent length of shaft A". As I know from geared torsional vibration problem, the system is transform into an equivalent system of different stiffness, k, but with the same length, right? So how to do this question actually?

I tried determining the equivalent stiffness of shaft B by multipying it by 2.5^2 and the equivalent moment of inertia of the wheel on shaft B by 2.5^2, also. By doing so, I find the new diameter of shaft B and find the equivalent length of A if it is to have the same diameter of B.
But the answer I got is different from the one provided...

Anyone please kindly help?
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  • #2
Each axle has a 'wheel' (disc) at the free end, and I imagine that the moment of inertia for the disc is different than the shaft to which it is attached.

Then perhaps there is an equivalent length of shaft corresponding to the wheel.
  • #3

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out for help with your torsional vibration problem. Torsional vibration can be a complex and challenging topic, so it's understandable that you are struggling with this question. Let's break it down and try to understand it better together.

Firstly, the problem states that the inertia effects of the gears and shafts can be ignored. This means that we can assume that the gears and shafts have no impact on the natural frequency of torsional vibration. This simplifies the problem and allows us to focus on the two shafts and their respective wheels.

Now, let's look at the phrase "By finding the equivalent length of shaft A". This means that we need to find a single shaft that has the same stiffness and moment of inertia as both shafts A and B combined. This equivalent shaft will have the same natural frequency of torsional vibration as the original system.

To find the equivalent length of shaft A, we need to use the concept of equivalent stiffness. This is where we transform the original system into an equivalent system with a different stiffness, but the same length. In this case, we need to find the stiffness of the equivalent shaft that would produce the same natural frequency as the original system.

To find the equivalent stiffness, we can use the formula:

keq = k1 + k2 + k3 + ...

where k1, k2, k3, etc. are the stiffnesses of each component in the system. In this case, we have two components - shaft A and shaft B. So our formula becomes:

keq = kA + kB

We know that the stiffness of a shaft is proportional to its length and the modulus of rigidity of the material. So we can write:

keq = kA + kB = (lA x 80x10^3) + (lB x 80x10^3)

where lA and lB are the lengths of shaft A and B, respectively.

Now, we can use the formula for the natural frequency of torsional vibration:

ωn = √(keq/Ieq)

where ωn is the natural frequency, keq is the equivalent stiffness, and Ieq is the equivalent moment of inertia.

From this, we can find the equivalent length of shaft A by rearranging the formula:

lA = [ωn^2 x Ieq - (lB x 80x10^3)] / (80x

FAQ: Need help with a torsional vibration problem

What is torsional vibration?

Torsional vibration is a type of vibration that occurs in rotating systems, such as engines or turbines, when there is a twisting force or torque applied to the system. This can cause the system to oscillate or vibrate in a twisting motion.

How is torsional vibration different from other types of vibration?

Unlike other types of vibration, such as linear or transverse vibration, torsional vibration occurs in a twisting motion rather than a back-and-forth or up-and-down motion. It also typically occurs in rotating systems rather than stationary objects.

What are the common causes of torsional vibration problems?

Torsional vibration problems can be caused by a number of factors, including imbalances in the rotating system, misalignments of components, or changes in the stiffness or damping of the system. It can also be caused by external forces or excitations, such as uneven road surfaces for vehicles or wind forces on tall buildings.

How can torsional vibration problems be solved or prevented?

The best way to solve or prevent torsional vibration problems is to carefully design and engineer the rotating system, taking into account factors such as component stiffness and damping, proper alignment, and balancing. Regular maintenance and monitoring can also help identify and address any potential issues before they become major problems.

What are some tools or techniques used to analyze torsional vibration problems?

There are various tools and techniques used to analyze and study torsional vibration problems, such as finite element analysis, modal analysis, and frequency response analysis. These methods can help identify potential problem areas and provide insights for designing and optimizing the system.

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