Need Help with Applying the Point Form of Ohm's Law

In summary, the "Point Form" of Ohm's Law is a more general form of Ohm's Law that is more suitable for analyzing electrical properties of materials and gasses.
  • #1
Prince Rilian
Need Help with Applying the "Point Form" of Ohm's Law

I am quite familiar with the standard form of Ohm's Law

V = IR​

as I have been using it for years in circuit analysis. However, there is another form of Ohm's Law that is known as the "Point Form" of Ohm's Law:

E = Jρ​

Where E is a vector quantity expressing Electric Field, E is a vector quantity expressing Current Density, and ρ is a scalar quantity expressing Resistivity.

It seems that the "Point Form" of Ohm's Law would be quite useful for extending my knowledge of circuit analysis. I feel that if I use it right, I could tell what E is at any point in an electrical circuit. However, I do not have an "intuitive feel" on how to use it yet in circuit analysis. Could I have a few pointers on how to do this?
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  • #2

Long time since I did this but..

I don't think it will be very helpful for typical electronic circuits unless perhaps you just want to understand and work with conductance rather than resistance.

Might be more useful if you are analysing the electrical properties of materials or gasses?
  • #3

I had noticed a major difference between the two forms of Ohm's Law. Despite the similarity of appearance of the two forms, the standard form needs two points in space to operate off of, as V in the equation is the difference in voltage between the two ends of the resistor. This equation may better be written as

V2-V1 = IR​

where V2 and V1 are the nodal voltages at the two ends of the resistor. However, in the point form of Ohm's Law, there is only a single point in space in consideration.
  • #4

Everything you have said is correct.

It is, however more conventional to use conductivity, σ, rather than resistivity so

J = σE

Don't forget that 'voltage' is the unit for two distinct quantities potential and potential difference.

The E above is potential, (and subject to Faraday's laws)

The voltage across a resistor is potential difference, not potential, although we often foget this when referencing to zero in a circuit.

As to uses

Current density J is the given by multiplying the drift velocity(vector) by the charge density(scalar).


J = vdρ

Thus σ = ρ vd / E

= ρμ

Where μ is the charge mobility.
  • #5

Hmmm... it looks like the quantities of charge density and resistivity use the same symbol (ρ). For some reason that never hit me before. I wonder if that isn't the reason why conductivity is used in the Point Form of Ohm's Law more often than resistivity is?
  • #6

Conductivity is used because it is more general.

It is used when you split the sources eg in a dielectric and ionic solution, plasma etc.

FAQ: Need Help with Applying the Point Form of Ohm's Law

1. What is Ohm's Law and how is it applied?

Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance in an electrical circuit. It states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it, and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. To apply Ohm's Law, you can use the point form equation of V=IR, where V is voltage, I is current, and R is resistance.

2. Why is it important to use the point form of Ohm's Law?

The point form of Ohm's Law is important because it allows you to calculate the voltage, current, or resistance of a circuit with just two known values. This is useful for troubleshooting and designing circuits, as well as understanding the behavior of electricity.

3. What are the units of measurement for voltage, current, and resistance?

Voltage is measured in volts (V), current is measured in amps (A), and resistance is measured in ohms (Ω). These units can also be expressed in multiples, such as millivolts (mV), milliamps (mA), and kilohms (kΩ).

4. Can Ohm's Law be applied to all types of circuits?

Yes, Ohm's Law can be applied to all types of circuits, including series, parallel, and combination circuits. However, it is important to note that Ohm's Law is only accurate for linear circuits, where the resistance remains constant with changes in voltage and current.

5. How can I check my calculations when applying the point form of Ohm's Law?

You can check your calculations by using the full form of Ohm's Law, which is V=IR. Simply plug in your calculated values for voltage, current, and resistance and make sure they match up with the original values. Additionally, you can use a multimeter to measure the voltage and current in a circuit and compare them to your calculated values.

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