Need Help With Laurent Series Struggles?

In summary, Laurent series are difficult to do correctly, and it is helpful to have a step-by-step guide when trying them.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello, I'm having massive troubles with Laurent series'. I'm pretty shocking with series', so I'm probably making some fundamental mistake that you'll want to slap me for, but everytime I try one of these questions I'm wrong ever so slightly. I've attached a couple of examples of how I suck at this, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Note; I don't just need solutions to these problems, I need to understand the entire process. If anyone can be bothered, once I know how exactly I'm wrong, a several step walkthough on these problems would be infinitely helpful.

Homework Equations

Taylor Series
f(z) = sum((1/n!).((f^n)(z_0)).(z-z_0)^n)

Standard Taylor Series Expansions
1/(1-z) = sum(z^n)

exp(z) = sum((z^n)/n!)

The Attempt at a Solution



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  • #2
You have to do the series expansions around the point that you are told, not around zero. For example, e^z around z=1 is [tex] e^z = e + e (z-1) + e/2 (z-1)^2 +... [/tex]

One thing that you can do to check if your answer is even plausible is to check how it behaves around the pole you're expanding around of. For example again, the result that you got for 1/[z^2(z-1)] is obviously wrong, since the leading order term is proportional to 1/(z-1)^2 instead of 1/(z-1).
  • #3
I'm sorry, I still don't quite understand. So my problem's going from the problem statement to the Taylor series? Could you perhaps show me exactly where in my workings I am wrong and the correct alternative?

  • #4
Okay, let [tex]f(z) = \frac{1}{z^2(z-1)}. [/tex]

First, note that there's a first order pole at z=1. This is why you're doing a Laurent series, not a Taylor series (Taylor coefficients would be infinite).

Now, to solve it, you can expand the part without the pole; g(z) = 1/z^2. To expand it around z0=1, just write it out as an ordinary Taylor series,

[tex] g(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{g^{(n)}(z_0)}{n!} (z-z_0)^n [/tex]

This is easy to do and the answer is

[tex] g(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n (n+1) (z-1)^n. [/tex]

Now, just write f(z) with the help of this (notice how it's now convenient to multiply the pole inside the sum):

[tex] f(z) = g(z) \frac{1}{z-1} = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} (-1)^n (n+1) (z-1)^{n-1}. [/tex]
  • #5
Ahh, I get it now. Just did a few more problems and managed to (finally) get them right.

Thankyou very much for you help and patience.

FAQ: Need Help With Laurent Series Struggles?

1. What is a Laurent series?

A Laurent series is a type of mathematical series used to represent a function as an infinite sum of terms. It is a generalization of a Taylor series, allowing for the inclusion of both positive and negative powers of the variable.

2. How do I find the Laurent series of a function?

To find the Laurent series of a function, you must first identify the singularities (such as poles or branch points) of the function in the complex plane. Then, you can use the formula for the Laurent series to express the function as a sum of terms with coefficients determined by the singularities.

3. What are the applications of Laurent series?

Laurent series are commonly used in complex analysis, as they allow for the representation of functions with singularities in the complex plane. They are also used in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics to model various phenomena and make predictions.

4. How do I determine the convergence of a Laurent series?

The convergence of a Laurent series depends on the values of the coefficients and the singularities of the function. If the series converges for all values of the variable, it is said to be absolutely convergent. If it only converges for certain values, it is conditionally convergent. To determine the convergence, one can use various tests such as the ratio test or the root test.

5. What are some common challenges when working with Laurent series?

Some common challenges when working with Laurent series include identifying the correct formula to use for a given function, finding the coefficients of the series, and determining the convergence of the series. It is also important to understand the concept of singularities and how they affect the series.

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