Need Help with Organic Spectroscopy & NMR?

In summary: Thanks!Yes, the methyl groups are in different places in the two spectra. This is why it is important to look at the HNMR to figure out which one is which.
  • #1
anyone here is good at organic spectroscopy ??
I really need help with NMR spec > <

thanks a lot !
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  • #2
I don't know if I'd call myself 'really good' with NMR spectra, but I've dealt with deciphering them before. I'm sure others here have too, so just tell us what your specific problem is rather than asking if we can solve it first...
  • #3
the question i am trying to solve has 3 structures given, all three are benzenes substituted with 3 CH3- groups but each with different substitution locations
and the question asks to look at 3 spectrums which corresponds to each of these 3 tri-methyl benzenes and to determine which spectrum is for which tri-methyl benzene..
mm...does that make sense ?
is there a way to determine the positions of the methyl groups ? like by looking at the H NMR or C NMR ?

Thanks alot!
  • #4
Yes it should be easy. The only possible ways you could trisubstitute w/ methyls would be
in the



1,2,4 positions.

Just look for the number of distinct proton signals you see in the aromatic region in the HNMR. If you see just 1 signal it must correspond to 1,3,5 substitution, 2 signals to 1,2,3 substitution, and 3 signals to 1,2,4 substitution.

You don't even need to worry about splitting or integration at all.
  • #5
mm...there are two singlets for two of the HNMR spectrum and the other one has a doublet of doublet...
is the aromatic region around 7ppm ?
  • #6
suski said:
mm...there are two singlets for two of the HNMR spectrum and the other one has a doublet of doublet...
is the aromatic region around 7ppm ?

Yes the aromatic region is down around 7 ppm. If you can't figure out which one is which from just the number of signals, then go a step further, either pick integration or splitting to figure out which one is which. I'd pick integration since H on aromatic rings can be tricky sometimes because you can have long range coupling. From integration you should be able to figure out which one is which.
  • #7
suski said:
mm...there are two singlets for two of the HNMR spectrum and the other one has a doublet of doublet...
is the aromatic region around 7ppm ?

Yeah, that happens. The carbon signal would act like GNW indicated but the Proton spectrum will give singlets for the regular (regular = symmetrical) isomers. The odd isomer (nonsymmetrical) will give you a more fully coupled spectrum in proton. Try looking at the methyl groups for the two spectra that have singlets. Notice anything?

FAQ: Need Help with Organic Spectroscopy & NMR?

1) What is organic spectroscopy?

Organic spectroscopy is a branch of chemistry that uses various techniques to study and analyze the structure, composition, and properties of organic molecules. It involves the use of different types of spectroscopic methods, such as infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry, to identify and characterize organic compounds.

2) How does NMR spectroscopy work?

NMR spectroscopy is based on the principle that certain atomic nuclei have a property called spin, which produces a small magnetic field. When placed in a strong magnetic field and exposed to radiofrequency waves, these nuclei will absorb and emit energy, allowing for the identification and quantification of different types of atoms in a molecule.

3) What types of information can be obtained from NMR spectroscopy?

NMR spectroscopy can provide information about the number of different types of atomic nuclei present in a molecule, their relative positions, and their chemical environment. It can also reveal the connectivity and symmetry of the molecule, as well as its purity and concentration.

4) What are some common applications of NMR spectroscopy?

NMR spectroscopy is widely used in organic chemistry to identify and characterize unknown compounds, determine the structure of newly synthesized molecules, and monitor reactions. It is also used in the fields of biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, and materials science for the analysis of complex biomolecules, drugs, and polymers.

5) What are some potential challenges in interpreting NMR spectra?

Interpreting NMR spectra can be challenging due to factors such as overlapping signals, solvent impurities, and instrument limitations. It also requires a good understanding of the principles of NMR spectroscopy and the chemical shifts, coupling constants, and other parameters that can affect the appearance of a spectrum.
