Need help with proof of Vector Space (Ten Axioms)

In summary: Now you need to show that ##\mathbf u+\mathbf v## is also in V.In summary, V with the designated operations forms a vector space because it satisfies all ten Vector Space Axioms. To prove that it forms a vector space, we define the operations as (+) for vector addition and (·) for scalar multiplication. For every u ∈ V and v ∈ V, u+v = (arctan (tan(x1)+tan(x2)), arctan (tan(y1)+tan(y2))), which shows that the sum of two vectors in V is also in V.
  • #1
Let S={x ∈ R; -π/2 < x < π/2 } and let V be the subset of R2 given by V=S^2={(x,y); -π/2 < x < π/2}, with vector addition ( (+) ).

For each (for every) u V, For each (for every) v ∈ V with u=(x1 , y1) and v=(x2,y2)

u+v = (arctan (tan(x1)+tan(x2)), arctan (tan(y1)+tan(y2)) )Note: The vectors are ordered pairs of real numbers between -π/2 and π/2, and we are using non-standard vector addition.

Show that V with the designated operations forms a vector space.
Make sure that you show verification for EACH of the ten Vector Space Axioms.

My question is how would you apply the additive identity to prove that u+0=u to show that V forms a vector space?
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  • #2
Note: I moved this thread here from the linear algebra forum.

Aristotle said:
My question is how would you apply the additive identity to prove that u+0=u to show that V forms a vector space?
You simply find a ##z\in V## such that ##u+z=z+u=u## for all ##u\in V##. Once you have found such a ##z##, you move on to verify the next axiom.

This is a textbook-style problem, so I have moved it to homework forum. If you need further assistance, you will have to show us your own attempt to solve the problem up to the point where you're stuck.
  • #3
arctan (tan x + tan 0) = ?
  • #4
Aristotle said:
Let S={x ∈ R; -π/2 < x < π/2 } and let V be the subset of R2 given by V=S^2={(x,y); -π/2 < x < π/2}, with vector addition ( (+) ).

For each (for every) u V, For each (for every) v ∈ V with u=(x1 , y1) and v=(x2,y2)

u+v = (arctan (tan(x1)+tan(x2)), arctan (tan(y1)+tan(y2)) )Note: The vectors are ordered pairs of real numbers between -π/2 and π/2, and we are using non-standard vector addition.

Show that V with the designated operations forms a vector space.
Make sure that you show verification for EACH of the ten Vector Space Axioms.

My question is how would you apply the additive identity to prove that u+0=u to show that V forms a vector space?

How are you defining "multiplication by a scalar": ##c \cdot \vec{u}, \: c \in \mathbb{R}, \vec{u} \in V##?
  • #5
this seems "trivial", if looked at correctly. i.e. R^2 is a vector space under the usual operations, so if V is any set at all and f:V-->R^2 and g:R^2-->V are mutually inverse bijections, then defining a+b as g(f(a)+f(b)), for all a,b, in V, and ca = g(cf(a)), for all c in R and a in V, makes V a carbon copy of the vector space R^2. That's what your exercise is doing, with f = (tan,tan), and g = (arctan,arctan). I.e. the operations are the ones in R^2, which we know satisfy the axioms, but we are renaming the vectors (x,y) in R^2 as the pair (arctan(x), arctan(y)) in (-π/2,π/2) x (-π/2,π/2).

Checking all this stuff directly is silly in my opinion as it teaches you nothing except review of the axioms. Thus I advise you try to understand what I said here.
  • #6
That's true if you know that f and g are "one to one, onto" functions.
  • #7
I figured that one out...but for the Closure Under Addition, how do I go about actually "testing" to see if u+v is in V? Kinda stuck there..
Do i choose numbers between -pi/2 to pi/2? Somebody please show me one example so I can understand. :(
  • #8
Yes, you have to choose them from the space itself which is defined on (-pi/2 , pi/2).
The areas where this could break down would be for 2 negative values close to -pi/2 or 2 positive values near pi/2.

If you can show that the sum of the tangents is still in the domain of the arctan function, and that the arctan function will still return something in (-pi\2, pi/2), you should be done.
  • #9
RUber said:
Yes, you have to choose them from the space itself which is defined on (-pi/2 , pi/2).
The areas where this could break down would be for 2 negative values close to -pi/2 or 2 positive values near pi/2.

If you can show that the sum of the tangents is still in the domain of the arctan function, and that the arctan function will still return something in (-pi\2, pi/2), you should be done.

Okay so here's my approach on it. I chose my u=(x1, y1) and my v=(x2, y2) as to be u=(pi/4,/pi/6) and v=(pi/3,-pi/4) and plugged in my numbers
u+v = (arctan(tan(pi/4)+tan(pi/3)), arctan(tan(pi/6)+tan(-pi/4)) = (arctan(1+srt(3)), arctan( srt(3)/2 - 1))

Is that on the correct path? Also thank you for helping me.
  • #10
I think the broader question is what are the domain and range of the arctan function?
If you can show that the arctan( tan x + tan y ) for x,y in (-pi/2, pi/2) is in that same interval, you don't need to show it with test values.
The test values should help you to get a sense of what the function is doing...and of course if you see something that doesn't work, you have disproof by counterexample.
  • #11
Aristotle said:
Okay so here's my approach on it. I chose my u=(x1, y1) and my v=(x2, y2) as to be u=(pi/4,/pi/6) and v=(pi/3,-pi/4) and plugged in my numbers
u+v = (arctan(tan(pi/4)+tan(pi/3)), arctan(tan(pi/6)+tan(-pi/4)) = (arctan(1+srt(3)), arctan( srt(3)/2 - 1))

Is that on the correct path? Also thank you for helping me.
That's not the correct path. You don't get to choose the choose the numbers. You have to leave them arbitrary. The proof should start like this:

Let ##\mathbf u,\mathbf v\in V## be arbitrary. Let ##a,b,c,d## be elements of S such that ##\mathbf u=(a,b)## and ##\mathbf v=(c,d)##. We have
$$\mathbf u+\mathbf v=(a,b)+(c,d)=\cdots$$
  • #12
Fredrik said:
That's not the correct path. You don't get to choose the choose the numbers. You have to leave them arbitrary. The proof should start like this:

Let ##\mathbf u,\mathbf v\in V## be arbitrary. Let ##a,b,c,d## be elements of S such that ##\mathbf u=(a,b)## and ##\mathbf v=(c,d)##. We have
$$\mathbf u+\mathbf v=(a,b)+(c,d)=\cdots$$
Ah I see. So to make sure I fully understand the proof you're saying that as we let u and v be a member of V, a, b, c, d (the domain of x and y for arctan correct? e.g: S={x ∈ R; -pi/2<x<pi/2} , we can have two vectors that will satisfy to result in u+v?
  • #13
RUber said:
I think the broader question is what are the domain and range of the arctan function?
If you can show that the arctan( tan x + tan y ) for x,y in (-pi/2, pi/2) is in that same interval, you don't need to show it with test values.
The test values should help you to get a sense of what the function is doing...and of course if you see something that doesn't work, you have disproof by counterexample.
Well the domain for arctan is all real number..
The range, or output, of Tan–1 x is angles between –90 and 90 degrees or, in radians, between
  • #14
So then, using the method that Fredrik suggested, will the resulting sum be in your space?
  • #15
Aristotle said:
Ah I see. So to make sure I fully understand the proof you're saying that as we let u and v be a member of V, a, b, c, d (the domain of x and y for arctan correct? e.g: S={x ∈ R; -pi/2<x<pi/2} , we can have two vectors that will satisfy to result in u+v?
I don't understand your question. Note however that it's not enough to have two vectors ##\mathbf u,\mathbf v## such that ##\mathbf u+\mathbf v\in V##. We need ##\mathbf u+\mathbf v\in V## to be true for all ##\mathbf u,\mathbf v## in V.
  • #16
Thank you! Also last question..I'm down to my last axiom #9 of scalar multiplication where c1(c2u)=(cd)u

Heres my approach to the way am I suppose to do c1(c2u) or c1(c2v) ? Or does it even matter? I am not sure if it matters whether i use vector u or v to prove this? Should I do v because I'm given c x v = (arctan (c * tan (x2) ), arctan (c *tan(y2) ) ) to prove the last 5 axioms of scalar multiplication?

c1(c2u) = c1(arctan(c2(tan(x1))), arctan(c2(tan(y1))))

= (arctan(c1(tan[arctan(c2(tan(x1)))])), arctan(c1(tan[arctan(c2(tan(y1)))])))

= (arctan(c1(c2(tan(x1)))), arctan(c1(c2(tan(y1)))))

= (arctan(c1c2(tan(x1))), arctan(c1c2(tan(y1))))

= (c1c2)(x1,y1) = (c1c2)u
  • #17
That looks right based on the definition you gave for scalar multiplication.

Related to Need help with proof of Vector Space (Ten Axioms)

1. What is a vector space?

A vector space is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of objects called vectors, and a set of operations (such as addition and scalar multiplication) that can be performed on these vectors. It is a fundamental concept in linear algebra and is used to model various physical and mathematical systems.

2. What are the ten axioms of a vector space?

The ten axioms, also known as the vector space properties, are the fundamental rules that a set of objects and operations must follow to be considered a vector space. These include closure under addition and scalar multiplication, associativity and commutativity of addition, existence of a zero vector and additive inverses, and distributivity and compatibility of scalar multiplication with field multiplication.

3. Why is it important to prove that a set satisfies the axioms of a vector space?

Proving that a set satisfies the axioms of a vector space is important because it shows that the set is a valid vector space, which allows us to use the properties and operations of vector spaces to analyze and solve problems related to the set. It also provides a solid foundation for further mathematical analysis and applications.

4. How do you prove that a set satisfies the axioms of a vector space?

To prove that a set satisfies the axioms of a vector space, we need to show that all ten axioms hold for the set. This can be done by using logical reasoning and algebraic manipulation to show that the properties and operations of vector spaces are satisfied by the set. It is important to carefully consider each axiom and provide a clear and concise proof for each one.

5. What are some examples of vector spaces?

Some examples of vector spaces include the set of real numbers, the set of n-dimensional vectors, the set of polynomials of degree n or less, and the set of continuous functions on a given interval. These sets satisfy the axioms of a vector space and can be used to model various mathematical and physical systems.

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