Need help with proving a number is irrational

  • Thread starter thenthanable
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In summary, the real solutions to the equation x2-1=0 are irrational, but there are integer solutions if the leading coefficient is a non-zero integer other than 1 or -1.
  • #1
Prove that if x satisfies
'xn +an-1xn-1+ ... a0=0'​
for some integers an-1,..., a0, then x is irrational unless x is an integer.

My main question is that I don't quite understand what the question is trying to ask me prove. I'm fairly new with this so pardon me if this question is really basic. Am I suppose to prove that x is irrational or an integer? The 'unless' in the question really throws me off.

Nonetheless, I came up with a few ideas because I must say I really suck at proofs so I always begin by writing down things I notice about the equations given.

I wrote that the above equation is the binomial expansion of (x+(ao)1/n)n = 0, and if ao gives an integer solution, then x= -(ao)1/n so x is an integer? But then again, I'm not very sure what the question really wants. :S This question is madly confusing to me! :(
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  • #2
thenthanable said:
I'm fairly new with this so pardon me if this question is really basic. Am I suppose to prove that x is irrational or an integer? The 'unless' in the question really throws me off.
Consider x2-1=0. This has solutions at x=1 and x=-1. Now consider x2-2=0. This is very similar in form to the previous equation, but now the solutions are irrational.

You are supposed to prove that the real solutions are either irrational or are integral. Another way to put it: There are no rational, non-integral solutions to such equations. This rephrasing suggests an attack: Assume a rational, non-integral solution exists show that this results in a contradiction.

Note that you can get rational, non-integral solutions if the leading coefficient is a non-zero integer other than 1 or -1 (and there's no reason for a leading coefficient of -1; it easily converts to the canonical form without loss of generality). Example: 2x-1=0.
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  • #3
Oh I think I sort of get it. I thought 'unless' might imply something that I might have missed, because in my mind, if 'unless' could simply be replaced by 'or', then they would have written 'or' in the first place. Ah, this Maths stuff is killing me. Thanks a lot! :)

FAQ: Need help with proving a number is irrational

1. How do you prove that a number is irrational?

To prove that a number is irrational, you need to show that it cannot be written as a ratio of two integers (i.e. a fraction). This can be done using proof by contradiction, where you assume that the number is rational and then show that it leads to a contradiction. Alternatively, you can use the decimal expansion of the number and show that it is non-repeating and non-terminating.

2. What is an example of an irrational number?

An example of an irrational number is π (pi). Its decimal expansion is non-repeating and non-terminating, and it cannot be written as a ratio of two integers. Other common examples include √2 (the square root of 2) and e (Euler's number).

3. Can a number be both rational and irrational?

No, a number cannot be both rational and irrational. By definition, a rational number can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, while an irrational number cannot. However, it is possible for a number to be both irrational and transcendental (not a root of any polynomial equation with integer coefficients), such as π and e.

4. How is proving a number irrational useful?

Proving a number irrational can be useful in various mathematical proofs and applications. For example, it can help establish the existence of transcendental numbers, which has implications in fields such as number theory and analysis. It can also be used to show that certain geometric constructions (e.g. trisecting an angle) are impossible using only a straightedge and compass.

5. Are there any shortcuts to proving a number irrational?

There are no shortcuts to proving a number irrational. It requires a rigorous mathematical proof, and there is no single method that can be applied to all numbers. However, there are some techniques and strategies that can be used to make the proof more efficient, such as using properties of algebraic numbers or using the fact that certain numbers (e.g. square root of prime numbers) are known to be irrational.
