- #36
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Let me think about your response.
Let me think about your response.
miosim said:So what are these key properties of HV (local) theories?
PeterDonis said:... they are that the probability distribution of measurement results at detector A cannot depend on the settings of detector B, and vice versa. That was Bell's key assumption. It is usually referred to as "locality", and is why the conclusion of the theorem applies only to "local" hidden variable theories.
miosim said:Therefore if we rotate the first detector the probability distribution at second detectors shouldn't change. Does it contradict with the QM prediction?
miosim said:Does it contradict with experiment?
miosim said:Therefore if we rotate the first detector the probability distribution at second detectors shouldn't change. Does it contradict with the QM prediction? Does it contradict with experiment?
PeterDonis said:Yes. That's what Bell showed, by showing that any probability distributions (of the results at A and B) that meet the conditions will have correlations (between the results at A and B) that satisfy the Bell inequalities
miosim said:Indeed the probability distribution of measurement results at detector A should not depend on the settings of detector B, and vice versa. Therefore if we rotate the first detector the probability distribution at second detectors shouldn't change. Does it contradict with the QM prediction? Does it contradict with experiment?
It is also my understanding.Nugatory said:The probability distribution at the second detector does not change - every incident particle has a 50% chance of passing and a 50% chance of not passing;
I have no problem with this conceptNugatory said:You may be finding yourself confused by the claim that the probability distribution of the detections at either detector is completely random, yet the correlations between them may not be
Nugatory said:Bell's theorem states that the quantum mechanical prediction for the coincidences can only be produced by theories in which the probability of a detection at one detector is affected by the position of and result at the other detector.
miosim said:The correlation predicted by QM is higher that any local HV theory can offer. Is it correct?
Understand.I have a question:Nugatory said:For other arrangements (such as the ones where QM predicts and experiments confirm perfect correlation or perfect anti-correlation) a local hidden variable theory could in principle produce the same results.
Nugatory said:Here's an easy example of how that could happen: You are watching someone tossing an honest coin, and you see a random sequence of heads and tails. I am also watching someone tossing an honest coin, and I see a random sequence of heads and tails. But when we get together afterwards and compare notes, we might find that the correlation is not random; for example if we happened to be watching the same guy flipping the same coin but we were looking at different sides of the coin, the every time that I saw a heads you would see a tails and vice versa. Yet the coin flips would still be as random as random can be.
I understand these examples. I just need a better understanding of physical side of the story.jtbell said:Or to make things a bit more interesting, imagine the two of you watching someone rolling a six-sided die, but from different directions, say from the top and from one side.
miosim said:does the wave function collapse first produces a photon with some polarization, and then this original polarization is rotated by detector and then pass/or_not_pass result depends on match between orientation of the detector and the original polarization of photon?
I understang what are you saying and will try to use the language compatible with interpretation.Nugatory said:But do remember that this is an explanation in terms of wave function collapse and collapse is not a fundamental part of quantum mechanics; it's just one way of interpreting the statistical predictions that the theory makes. You'll hear this interpretation a lot because it makes a sort of intuitive sense (as long as you're willing to swallow the spooky bit) and because it is a very helpful way of thinking about many single-particle problems. However, it also has some very serious conceptual problems. The most serious might be that it only makes sense if we can say that one interaction unambiguously happened before the other, and as we discussed earlier in this thread, we cannot.
Nugatory said:In this model, if the first polarizer is set to angle α \alpha then the second photon will always interact with its polarizer as if its polarization is α \alpha or α±π/2 \alpha\pm\pi/2, and this is the spooky action at a distance that you hear so much about.
miosim said:Or may be I should ask the more general question: What is polarization of a photon that pass polarizer in reference to orientation of this polarizer?
Nugatory said:In a collapse interpretation, that's because the wave function collapsed with the first interaction so now both particles are in non-superimposed polarization eigenstates. If you prefer a more ascetic interpretation, then the first measurement is a "preparation procedure" which prepares the system into a state such that a subsequent polarization measurement along that axis will be positive 100% of the time.
miosim said:Another word the photon pair after exiting corresponding polarizer lost symmetrical polarization. It is like polarizers align photons, after they lost entanglement, to follow polarizer's orientation. It seams the "ability" of photons to follow orientation of polarizers contributes into correlation making it higher than any local HV theory can be predict.
miosim said:Per local HV theory the the predicted by QM correlation may be derived from HV that measures orientation of the corresponding detector and change photon's polarization accordingly (using function similar to Malus' law). In this case there is no need for photon pair to influences each other over the distance to achieve sufficient correlation. Instead they need just "pay attention" to the orientation of local detector only.
Nugatory said:I don't understand what you're saying here.
Are you saying that the QM correlation can be derived from a hidden variable theory in which the result at one detector does not depend on the angle and result at the other detector? If so, you might want to try coding up a computer simulation - I expect that you'll find that it doesn't work.
Avodyne said:The goal of the Bell theorem is to show that local hidden variable theories cannot mimic QM.
Before Bell, it was not clear that the nonlocality in the wave function could not be mimicked by LHV.
Whether or not you think this is interesting is up to you.