Need helps for my final year project topic

In summary, the conversation revolved around an electronic and comm. engineering student who was having trouble choosing a final year project topic. They initially wanted to create a face-recognition based door lock app, but their supervisor felt it lacked innovation. The student then mentioned their interest in creating an app to control hardware, and ideas were suggested such as a door that keeps attendance for a teacher or one that monitors for gunshots and initiates a school lockdown. The student then mentioned wanting to involve an interaction between the app and hardware, leading to the suggestion of a smart emergency door that opens automatically during a fire and notifies other smart doors. The use of an android tablet and ioio card was also proposed.
  • #1
I am an electronic and comm. engineering student, I have trouble in choosing my final year project topic.

At first, I decided to build an passward/face recognition based Android app for wireless door lock/unlock system. However, this idea was banned by my supervisor because of lack of contribution and innovation, since there are already many face-recognition based door lock in the market.

My interest is to use an app as a remote control to drive some hardware, and I am stuck at choosing a suitable topic according to my interest. Can you provide some ideas to me please?
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  • #2
How about a door that keeps attendance for a teacher at school? Or one that monitors for gunshots, automatically closes and initiates a school lockdown or inform other smart doors in the network to also close.
  • #3
Good idea! But I want to involve an interaction between an app and a hardware.
You triggered me to think of a smart emergency door that it will open automatically when fire is catch and it sends out signals to other smart emergency door in the building to make them all open instantly. But this still does not involve any use of apps, any suggestion?
  • #4
The app could run on an android tablet and use an ioio card to control the hardware.

In the case of a fire its customary to close all doors to eliminate breezes that can stoke the fire. However the notification to other fire doors and to call 911 would be good.

Perhaps the tablet could be an android phone instead.

Check or for the ioio interfacing card. It comes is a mint tin box.
  • #5

I understand the importance of choosing a unique and innovative topic for your final year project. It is important to consider the current market and research trends, as well as your own interests and skills.

One idea could be to develop a mobile app that uses augmented reality (AR) to control hardware. This could involve creating a virtual interface that allows users to manipulate physical objects in real-time through their phone's camera and sensors. You could explore different applications for this technology, such as controlling a robotic arm or manipulating objects in a virtual environment.

Another idea could be to develop a mobile app that uses machine learning algorithms to predict and control energy consumption in a household. This could involve collecting data from various sensors and devices in the home, and using AI to optimize energy usage and reduce waste. This topic combines both electronic engineering and the growing field of AI, making it a unique and relevant project.

You could also consider developing a mobile app that uses sensors and GPS data to track and monitor air pollution levels in a specific area. This could involve creating a database of air quality data and developing algorithms to predict and visualize pollution levels. This project would not only be relevant to your field of study, but also have a positive impact on the environment.

I hope these ideas provide some inspiration for your final year project. It is important to discuss your ideas with your supervisor and do some research to ensure your topic is both innovative and feasible. Good luck!

FAQ: Need helps for my final year project topic

What are some tips for choosing a final year project topic?

1. Consider your interests and strengths: Choose a topic that aligns with your passions and skills to stay motivated and produce quality work.
2. Consult with your supervisor: Discuss potential topics with your project supervisor as they can provide valuable insight and guidance.
3. Conduct thorough research: Look into current trends, gaps in research, and potential opportunities within your field to find inspiration for a topic.
4. Consider the scope and feasibility: Choose a topic that is manageable within the given time frame and resources.
5. Be open to suggestions: Don't be afraid to consider new and unconventional ideas suggested by your supervisor or peers.

How can I make my final year project topic unique?

1. Brainstorm multiple ideas: Start by generating a list of potential topics and then narrow it down to the most unique and interesting one.
2. Incorporate a new perspective: Think about how you can approach a common topic from a different angle to make it stand out.
3. Consider interdisciplinary approaches: Look into integrating ideas and concepts from other fields to create a unique project topic.
4. Consult with others: Get feedback and suggestions from your supervisor, peers, and other experts in your field to help refine and improve your topic.
5. Follow your interests: Choosing a topic that you are passionate about and interested in will naturally make it unique as you bring your own perspective and ideas to it.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when choosing a final year project topic?

1. Choosing a topic based on popularity: It's important to choose a topic that interests you, rather than one that is popular or trending.
2. Lack of focus or specificity: Avoid choosing a topic that is too broad or vague, as it can make it difficult to conduct thorough research and produce a quality project.
3. Ignoring feasibility: Make sure to consider the resources, time, and skills required for your chosen topic to avoid taking on something that is too challenging.
4. Not consulting with your supervisor: Your project supervisor is there to guide and support you, so make sure to involve them in the topic selection process.
5. Not considering the relevance to your field: Choose a topic that is relevant and adds value to your field of study, rather than something too niche or unrelated.

How can I ensure the success of my final year project topic?

1. Plan ahead: Make a timeline and schedule for your project to ensure you have enough time to complete all necessary tasks.
2. Stay organized: Keep track of your research, data, and progress to avoid confusion and ensure a smooth process.
3. Regularly communicate with your supervisor: Keep your supervisor updated on your progress and seek their guidance and feedback throughout the project.
4. Continuously review and refine: Regularly review and assess your project to ensure it aligns with your objectives and make necessary changes if needed.
5. Stay motivated and dedicated: Remember the importance of your project and stay committed to producing the best work possible.

What are some potential resources for finding information on my final year project topic?

1. Online databases: Look for academic journals, articles, and research papers related to your topic on online databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR.
2. Books and textbooks: Visit your university's library or local libraries to find relevant books and textbooks on your topic.
3. Consult with experts: Reach out to professors, researchers, or professionals in your field for insights and recommendations on your topic.
4. Attend conferences and seminars: Attend conferences and seminars related to your field to gain knowledge and network with other experts.
5. Government websites and reports: Look for reports and data related to your topic on government websites, as they often provide valuable and reliable information.

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