Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1

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  • Thread starter jack h
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In summary, two students in Ireland are conducting a project on martian cement and concrete and need a supplier for martian soil simulant. They have qualified for the next stage of a competition but the JSC Mars-1 supplier has stopped supplying. They are seeking recommendations or links for alternative suppliers.
  • #1
jack h
Myself and another (science keen) fellow student in Ireland are currently undergoing a project testing crucial properties of possible martian cement & concrete (sorel). In order to make the concrete we need to use martian soil simulant as an aggregate. We topped the senior category and qualified for the next stage of the competition. The supplier of the JSC Mars-1 has stopped supplying and we need a supplier asap. If you know of anywhere to acquire some, please let me know or link it below. Thank you :)
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  • #2
jack h said:
Myself and another (science keen) fellow student in Ireland are currently undergoing a project testing crucial properties of possible martian cement & concrete (sorel). In order to make the concrete we need to use martian soil simulant as an aggregate. We topped the senior category and qualified for the next stage of the competition. The supplier of the JSC Mars-1 has stopped supplying and we need a supplier asap. If you know of anywhere to acquire some, please let me know or link it below. Thank you :)
Have you tried ?
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Related to Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1

1. What is "Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1"?

"Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" is a type of simulated Martian soil or regolith that is used for research and testing purposes. It is created by the Johnson Space Center (JSC) and is designed to closely mimic the chemical and physical properties of soil found on Mars.

2. What is the purpose of using "Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1"?

"Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" is used for various research and testing purposes related to Mars exploration and colonization. It can be used to study the behavior of soil on Mars, to develop technologies for extracting resources from Martian soil, and to test the performance of equipment and instruments on simulated Martian terrain.

3. How is "Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" created?

"Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" is created by collecting and analyzing data from actual Martian soil samples, as well as data from Mars missions and remote sensing observations. The JSC then uses this information to formulate a mixture that closely resembles the composition and properties of Martian soil. This mixture is then processed and sterilized to ensure it is safe for research purposes.

4. Can "Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" be used for growing plants?

Yes, "Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" can be used for growing plants in simulated Martian environments. However, it may not be suitable for all types of plants, as the composition of Martian soil can vary in different locations on the planet. Further research and modifications may be needed to optimize the simulant for plant growth.

5. How does "Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" compare to actual Martian soil?

"Need Martian Regolith/Soil Simulant. JSC Mars-1" is designed to closely resemble the composition and properties of actual Martian soil. However, due to the limitations of simulating an entire planet's worth of soil, there may be slight differences between the simulant and the real thing. Scientists continuously work to improve the simulant and make it more accurate for research and testing purposes.
