Need method for trilateration of 3 GPS satellites

In summary, the GPS signals from three different satellites intersect at two points. The method for finding these points is unknown, but requires the use of a nonlinear least squares method.
  • #1
Can someone please shed some light on the exact method for finding the two points at which the spheres created by the GPS signals from 3 different satellites intersect? I have been working on a uni project for 4 days now and still can't get this relatively simple part of my MATLAB code to work. I realize the 4th satellite is for a time error, but that's not part of my report, i just have the position of that to select the intersection point with the range closest to the pseudorange from the 4th satellite.

the data i have is 4 satellite positions and their corresponding pseudoranges.

if someone could give me the mathematical method, or if you're able even the MATLAB process required as I am a bit rusty with it.

any help much appreciated, cheers.
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  • #2
after a bit more research iv found i need to use the non linear least squares method in MATLAB, but still having trouble coding it.

if the ranges from the satellites were perfect i could use the simultaneous equations

0 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is1(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is1(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is1(3,1))^2 - rho_1^2;
0 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is2(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is2(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is2(3,1))^2 - rho_2^2;
0 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is3(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is3(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is3(3,1))^2 - rho_3^2;
0 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is4(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is4(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is4(3,1))^2 - rho_4^2;

where ri_ia is the receiver position (1x3 vector), ri_is is the satellite position (1x3 vector) and rho is the corresponding range from receiver to satellite (scalar). Also rho includes unavoidable errors.

as the measurements are not exact i must use the least squares approach minimising the error dri_ia.

dri_ia1 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is1(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is1(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is1(3,1))^2 - rho_1^2;
dri_ia2 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is2(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is2(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is2(3,1))^2 - rho_2^2;
dri_ia3 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is3(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is3(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is3(3,1))^2 - rho_3^2;
dri_ia4 = (ri_ia(1,1)-ri_is4(1,1))^2+(ri_ia(2,1)-ri_is4(2,1))^2+(ri_ia(3,1)-ri_is4(3,1))^2 - rho_4^2;

thing is i have no idea how to get MATLAB to do this for me, could anyone lend a hand. i know the function is LSQNONLIN but i am not experienced enough with MATLAB to understand the help file and implement it.any help would be great, thanks.

FAQ: Need method for trilateration of 3 GPS satellites

What is trilateration?

Trilateration is a method used to determine the position of an object by measuring its distance from three known points.

How does trilateration work with GPS satellites?

In the case of GPS satellites, the known points are the satellites themselves, which transmit their precise locations and time signals to receivers on Earth. By measuring the time it takes for the signals to reach the receiver, and knowing the speed of the signal, the distance from each satellite can be calculated.

Why is trilateration necessary for GPS?

Trilateration is necessary for GPS because it allows for accurate positioning and navigation. By using multiple satellites, trilateration can account for errors and provide a more precise location than using a single satellite.

What are the limitations of trilateration?

Trilateration relies on accurate time measurements and a clear line of sight between the receiver and the satellites. Any obstacles or interference can affect the accuracy of the trilateration results.

Are there any alternative methods to trilateration for determining location with GPS?

Yes, there are alternative methods such as multilateration, which uses more than three satellites, and differential GPS, which uses a stationary reference station to improve accuracy. However, trilateration is the most commonly used method for GPS positioning.

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