Need some input on a few analysis texts.

In summary, the conversation discusses different textbooks on measure theory and real analysis, with the speaker seeking recommendations for an easy-to-understand book for self-study. Suggestions include books by Cohn, Wheeden and Zygmund, Folland, Berberian, Riesz and Nagy, and Lang. The essential difference between these books is their approach to Lebesgue integration, with some using measure theory and others using a simpler approach. Ultimately, the important concepts to understand include the completeness of the space of Lebesgue integrable functions, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and the concept of absolute continuity. It is advised to consult with an expert in the field before making a decision on which book to use for self-study.
  • #1
The textbook of which I am interested in obtaining some input are the following:

Cohn- Measure Theory
Wheeden and Zygmund - Measure and Integral
Folland- Real Analysis.

Let me be frank here, I am looking for the easiest textbook. I will be working through the text for a self-study project. As I mentioned in a previous thread, I will be using the text alongside Kreyszig's Functional Analysis (which is already proving to be exceptionally clear). Thank you very much in advance for your input. Other book suggestions are very welcomed.
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  • #2
Let me add a remark. By "easiest textbook," I mean that the author(s) is/are actually trying to teach you. For instance, I enjoyed Munkres' very expository style in his Topology text. The aforementioned textbook read as though he was carefully explaining the material to you. It was a pleasant experience! Don't get me wrong: I do enjoy "filling in the gaps" in proofs. Learning is an active process. However, I am a novice (and working alone). Hence, these I desire a few gaps -- not chasms! The exercises, of course, need to be doable as well.
  • #3
My friends who are expert analysts liked Wheeden and Zygmund. I who am not, always liked as a student, everything by Sterling K. Berberian.

Be aware there are several ways to do "Lebesgue integration", namely with and without measure theory. In my own opinion, treatments that do not use measure theory may sometimes be easier, but may leave you ignorant of what some feel is a basic topic.

Berberian's books do cover measure theory as I believe also does Wheeden and Zygmund. A book that does not is the classic by Riesz and Nagy. A book that makes a hybrid of the two points of view is Real Analysis by Lang. Lang's book can be very abstract and overwhelmingly general.The essential difference is this: It is possible for a sequence of functions whose Riemann integrals exist to converge pointwise to a function whose Riemann integral does not exist, even though the sequence of integrals does converge.

There are two solutions to this problem: the usual, measure theory way is to start all over with a new definition of the integral using hard measure theory for complicated sets much more complicated than the intervals that Riemann's theory is based on, and show that in this new theory the limit function does have an integral which does equal the limit of the integrals of the Riemann integrable functions.

Another way, to me much easier is to simply say that the limit of any function that arises as a pointwise limit (almost everywhere) of a sequence of Riemann integrable functions with convergent integrals, is integrable and its integral is that limit. Then one has to prove that this limit is independent of the choice of Riemann integrable functions converging to the given limit function. I find this approach much simpler.

In both approaches one wants the result that the Lebesgue integrable functions form a complete metric space, in the L1 (i.e. "integral") norm, in which the Riemann integrable functions are dense. I admit that in my preferred "simpler" approach, one has to prove then that every L1 Cauchy sequence of functions does converge almost everywhere pointwise to some function, the limit function.

Purists however may feel that Lebesgue measure is so beautiful that it deserves to be developed on its own. Ok. Just be aware that different books are trying to serve different purposes of their own, not necessarily to get you where you want to go as quickly and easily as possible.Basically, no matter how you slice it, you need to prove that every L1 Cauchy sequence of integrable functions has a pointwise limit almost everywhere, and that for any two L1 Cauchy sequence sequences with the same pointwise limit a.e., their integrals converge to the same limit.

Then you want a fundamental theorem of calculus, basically that an integrable function g is the derivative a.e. of its indefinite integral, and a function F is an indefinite integral (necessarily of its derivative) if and only if F is absolutely continuous.

This is my take on a subject I am not at all expert in and have always been puzzled by, so run these opinions past an actual analyst in a university, before betting on them.
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FAQ: Need some input on a few analysis texts.

1. What is the purpose of analyzing texts?

The purpose of analyzing texts is to gain a deeper understanding of the content, structure, and meaning of a written work. It allows for critical thinking and evaluation of the author's message and techniques used.

2. What are the different types of analysis texts?

The different types of analysis texts include literary analysis, rhetorical analysis, comparative analysis, and thematic analysis. Each type focuses on a specific aspect of the text, such as character development, persuasive techniques, similarities and differences between texts, or recurring themes.

3. How do you approach analyzing a text?

The first step in analyzing a text is to read it carefully and make note of any initial observations or questions. Then, you can begin to identify the main elements of the text, such as the plot, characters, and themes. From there, you can delve deeper into analyzing the author's techniques and the overall message of the text.

4. What are some common challenges in analyzing texts?

Some common challenges in analyzing texts include identifying the main point or argument, understanding the author's use of literary devices and techniques, and interpreting the meaning of the text. It can also be difficult to remain objective and avoid personal biases while analyzing a text.

5. How can analyzing texts benefit me as a reader?

Analyzing texts can benefit you as a reader by improving your critical thinking and analytical skills. It allows you to engage more deeply with the text and gain a better understanding of the author's intent and message. It can also help you to develop your own writing and communication skills by learning from the techniques used by the author.

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