Need to find the riemann curvature for the following metric

In summary, the Riemann curvature for the given metric was calculated using the Riemann curvature equation, with the non-vanishing Christoffel symbols found from a textbook. The possibility of transforming the metric to a manifestly flat form was also discussed, as well as the concept of the Riemann curvature and its relationship to the connection coefficients.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the Riemann curvature for the metric:
ds2 = -(1+gx)2dt2+dx2+dy2+dz2 showing spacetime is flat

Homework Equations

Riemann curvature eqn:


The Attempt at a Solution

I know that the non-vanishing Christoffel components are as follows:


My guess is that the middle terms disappear creating:
The sinθ's cos2θ's cancel each other out making the answer sin2θ

Is this answer correct? My confusion is that I received this answer for the curvature for a different metric (namely, ds2=R22+R2sin2θd[itex]\vartheta[/itex]). Will I always receive the answer sin2θ? I am not understanding fully what the Riemann curvature is...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
How did you find those Christoffel symbols? Since the metric is almost flat already, maybe you should try to find a coordinate transformation which transforms the metric to ds2=-dT2+dx2+dy2+dz2. Then it's manifestly flat and you know that the Riemann tensor vanishes.
  • #3
Thanks for your help! I found the Christoffel symbols from an appendix in the back of my textbook. Yes, this sounds like it would work because the second part of the problem asks us to transform the metric into Minkowski form (I have figured this part out). However, I think the questioning is asking to explicitly show that the Riemann curvature makes the metric flat. I've spent hours trying to understand this Riemann equation and how to work with it, but I just can't seem to fully understand.

So working with the equation ds2=-dt2+dx2+dy2+dz2, would the Riemann curvature equalling 0 be equivalent to the tensor vanishing? If so, how would I show this?

I guess you could say that I am completely confused about the basic mathematics of applying the Riemann curvature on a metric.
  • #4
So remember that the curvature tensor itself is independent of coordinates. You can write it as
[tex] R = R_{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} dx^{\alpha} dx^{\beta} dx^{\gamma} dx^{\delta}. [/tex]
Now, if for some coordinate system the componenents [itex] R_{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta} [/itex] vanish identically, that means that the entire tensor is 0 as well, and the components must vanish in all coordinate systems.

The connection coefficients on the other hand do not form a tensor, so you may initially have nonvanishing connection, but then find a coordinate transformation which causes all [itex] \Gamma^{\rho}_{\mu \nu} = 0 [/itex], and as Riemann tensor is proportional to the connection, the calculation becomes trivial.
  • #5
This helps a lot - I really appreciate your help!

FAQ: Need to find the riemann curvature for the following metric

1. What is the Riemann curvature for a given metric?

The Riemann curvature is a mathematical concept that measures the curvature of a manifold, or a space with multiple dimensions. It is represented by a tensor that describes how the manifold bends in different directions. In order to find the Riemann curvature for a given metric, one must first calculate the Christoffel symbols, which are then used to compute the Riemann curvature tensor.

2. How is the Riemann curvature related to general relativity?

The Riemann curvature is a fundamental concept in general relativity, a theory of gravity developed by Albert Einstein. In this theory, the curvature of spacetime is directly related to the distribution of matter and energy in the universe. The Riemann curvature tensor is used to describe the effects of gravity on the motion of objects and is a crucial component in Einstein's field equations.

3. What does a negative Riemann curvature indicate?

A negative Riemann curvature indicates that the manifold is negatively curved, meaning that it curves in a way similar to a saddle. This type of curvature is commonly found in hyperbolic spaces and is associated with negative energy densities. In general relativity, a negative Riemann curvature can also indicate the presence of negative gravitational energy, which can have repulsive effects on nearby matter.

4. How do you interpret the components of the Riemann curvature tensor?

The Riemann curvature tensor consists of 16 components, each of which describes a different aspect of the curvature of a manifold. These components can be interpreted as the rates of change of various geometric quantities, such as the slope of a geodesic curve or the angle between two vectors. The overall structure and symmetries of the tensor can also provide information about the geometry of the manifold.

5. Can the Riemann curvature be measured or observed?

Since the Riemann curvature is a mathematical concept, it cannot be directly measured or observed. However, its effects can be observed through its influence on the curvature of spacetime and the motion of objects in it. For example, the bending of light around massive objects, such as stars, is a result of the Riemann curvature tensor and has been observed through astronomical observations and experiments.

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