Need verification on a spring force problem regarding a bungee cord.

In summary: It seems like you have a good understanding of the concepts and equations involved. Great job!In summary, a bungee jumper of mass 70 kg is riding a bungee cord with a spring constant of 50 N/m and an unstretched length of 9 m. Using the equation for simple harmonic motion, the amplitude of the jumper's oscillation can be calculated to be 21.79 m. This assumes no loss of energy and that the jumper starts from the point where the cord is attached and falls 9 m before the cord starts to stretch. The initial height of the jumper is not given, but it can be assumed that it is just high enough for the jumper to barely touch the ground when the cord is fully
  • #1
Hunter Arcanu

Homework Statement

A bungee jumper of mass m=70 kg is riding a bungee cord with spring constant k=50 N/m. Its unstretched length is L=9.0 m. What is the amplitude of the jumper's oscillation?

m=70 kg
k=50 N/m
L=9 m

Homework Equations

omega = (k/m)^(1/2)

The Attempt at a Solution

(70)(9.8)(9+x) = (1/2)(50)x^2
25x^2 - 686x - 6174 = 0
x = 34.58

(L+x)/2 = (9+34.58)/2 = 21.79 m

I'm not really sure how to use the equation for simple harmonic motion to determine the amplitude, but shouldn't the amplitude just be (L+x)/2 given that air friction is negligible and total energy is conserved?
Physics news on
  • #2
What is the initial height of the jumper? I've never jumped myself, so no idea!
If the cord is hanging, unstretched, and the guy takes hold and drops, then the height should be just x, not 9+x. The 9+x means he is taking the end of the cord and climbing a ladder up to where the cord is tied before jumping.

Yes, I think you are supposed to assume no loss of energy since no measure of the loss is given.
  • #3
The height of the jumper isn't given, so when I set up my potential energy equation, I assumed he was just high enough so that he barely touched the ground (the length of the cord plus the max displacement of the cord) so that I didn't have to deal with gravitational potential energy on both sides of the equation. I'm also assuming that he jumps from where the cord is attached so that he'll have fallen 9 m before the cord stretches.
  • #4
Okay - sounds scary!
Your solutions looks great.

Related to Need verification on a spring force problem regarding a bungee cord.

1. What is spring force?

Spring force is a type of force that is exerted by a spring when it is stretched or compressed. It is a restorative force that acts in the opposite direction of the displacement of the spring.

2. How does a bungee cord work?

A bungee cord works by utilizing the spring force of the elastic material to absorb the energy of a falling object. As the object falls, the bungee cord stretches and the spring force increases, slowing down the object until it comes to a stop and starts to rebound back up.

3. How do I calculate the spring force of a bungee cord?

The spring force of a bungee cord can be calculated using the equation F = -kx, where F is the force, k is the spring constant, and x is the displacement of the bungee cord. The spring constant can be determined by measuring the force and displacement of the bungee cord at different lengths.

4. What factors can affect the spring force of a bungee cord?

The spring force of a bungee cord can be affected by various factors such as the length and thickness of the cord, the material it is made of, and the weight of the object attached to it. These factors can also affect the spring constant, thus altering the overall spring force.

5. How can I verify the calculations for a bungee cord spring force problem?

To verify the calculations for a bungee cord spring force problem, you can perform experiments with different lengths and weights to see if the results align with your calculations. You can also use data from previous experiments or research to compare your results and ensure accuracy.
