Negative Absolute Temperature: Defying Gravity?

In summary, the recent research on negative absolute temperature has established a new fundamental limit in Nature, similar to the speed of light. While this concept is not entirely new, it has been confirmed through experiments and has potential implications for our understanding of gravity. This research also sheds light on the behavior of fermions in an optical lattice and their relevance to condensed matter.
  • #1
Dr. Achim Rosch, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cologne in Germany, who proposed the technique used by Dr. Ulrich Schneider and his team to create in laboratory negative absolute temperature, have calculated that whereas clouds of atoms would normally be pulled downwards by gravity, if part of the cloud is at a negative absolute temperature, some atoms will move upwards, apparently defying gravity.

The matter is still under debate, but in my view it's no more certain to affirmate that gravity is only atractive: one ought to suspend judgement until peer review goes ahead.

Interesting enough, but in my view the most relevant thing about the new research is that it seems to establish a new fundamental limit in Nature, somewhat analogous to c. Absolute zero temperature can't be reached, but can be surpassed!

See also:


Braun, S. et al. Science 339, 52–55 (2013).

Medley, P., Weld, D. M., Miyake, H., Pritchard, D. E. & Ketterle, W. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 195301 (2011).

Rapp, A., Mandt, S. & Rosch, A. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 220405 (2010).

Mandt, S., Rapp, A. & Rosch, A. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 250602 (2011).
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  • #2
Did you actually read the references?
If you do, you will see that the effect described is predicted by using the standard model for gravity. So it does not allow to draw any conclusion about some exotic, unknown yet, behavior of gravity.
See the PhysRevLett paper.
  • #3
Dear nasu,

I thank you very much your kind observation. In my view the most relevant thing about the new research is that it seems to establish a new fundamental limit in Nature, somewhat analogous to c. Absolute zero temperature can't be reached, but can be surpassed! I'm transposing this discussion to a new tread: "A new limit in Nature".
  • #4
Some of the titles in the science media may give you the wrong idea about the "new" part.
The concept of negative temperature is quite old. I can find papers from 1950s mentioning the concept. Probably is older than that.
So if it is a "fundamental limit", it is not so new.
If you want to call it this and make an analogy with speed of light, is your choice. I don't see the relevance though.
  • #5
Tollendal said:
In my view the most relevant thing about the new research is that it seems to establish a new fundamental limit in Nature, somewhat analogous to c. Absolute zero temperature can't be reached, but can be surpassed! I'm transposing this discussion to a new tread: "A new limit in Nature".

If you are not able to read the Phys Rev Lett 2011 article, I recommend reading the ArXiv article ( Aside from T < 0 not being a 'new fundamental limit', the Hubbard model contains more than simply gravity- it's not correct to claim that particles 'fall up', especially since the T < 0 particles are at the bottom of the cloud. It's not clear from the articles, but it appears that this system also realizes a Brownian ratchet.

To summarize: fermions in an optical lattice are a very interesting model system, displaying many unique and novel features that provide broad relevance to condensed matter.
  • #6
Tollendal said:
somewhat analogous to c. Absolute zero temperature can't be reached, but can be surpassed!
In addition to the other comments, this seems to be a misunderstanding of c. Photons and other massless particles do reach c, but there are no known real particles that surpass it.
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FAQ: Negative Absolute Temperature: Defying Gravity?

1. What is negative absolute temperature?

Negative absolute temperature is a physical concept that describes a state of matter where the temperature is below absolute zero, which is the lowest possible temperature on the Kelvin scale. This means that the particles in the system have more energy than they would at any positive temperature.

2. How is negative absolute temperature achieved?

Negative absolute temperature is achieved through a process called population inversion, where the particles in the system are manipulated to have a greater number in higher energy states than lower energy states. This can be achieved through various methods such as laser cooling or using magnetic fields.

3. What are the implications of negative absolute temperature?

The implications of negative absolute temperature are still being studied and understood, but some potential applications include creating more efficient engines and engines that can operate at higher temperatures. It may also have implications for quantum computing and studying extreme physical phenomena such as black holes.

4. Does negative absolute temperature violate the laws of thermodynamics?

No, negative absolute temperature does not violate the laws of thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics apply to systems in thermal equilibrium, and negative absolute temperature describes a state where the particles are not in thermal equilibrium. Therefore, the laws of thermodynamics do not apply in the same way to systems with negative absolute temperature.

5. Can negative absolute temperature be found in nature?

Negative absolute temperature is not commonly found in nature, as it requires specific conditions and manipulation of particles. However, some scientists have suggested that certain systems, such as in the cores of certain stars, may exhibit properties of negative absolute temperature due to extreme conditions. Further research is needed to confirm this.

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