Negative heat capacity and thermal reservoir

In summary, objects with negative heat capacity increase in temperature as they release energy and decrease in temperature as they absorb energy. This means that they cannot reach thermal equilibrium with a reservoir. If they come into contact with an object with positive energy, the negative temperature system will transfer energy to the positive temperature system, increasing entropy. This shows that thermal equilibrium is the state of maximal entropy. Another way to understand this is to consider the system's movement towards or away from equilibrium. I hope this helps clarify things.
  • #1
Afonso Campos
Say you have an object with a negative heat capacity. This means that the object increases in temperature as it radiates energy and decreases in temperature as it absorbs energy.

I don't understand why this object cannot be in thermal equilbrium with a reservoir.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
If it is contact with something with positive energy, the negative temperature system will transfer energy to the positive temperature system. The entropy always increases as long as the sign of the temperature is different - but thermal equilibrium is the state of maximal entropy.
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  • #3
Another way to look at what mfb said is suppose you aren't at equilibrium. Does the system move toward it or away from it?
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  • #4
Thank you. I understand it now.

Related to Negative heat capacity and thermal reservoir

What is negative heat capacity?

Negative heat capacity is a phenomenon in which the temperature of a system decreases when it absorbs heat, and increases when it releases heat. This is in contrast to traditional heat capacity, where the temperature of a system increases when it absorbs heat.

What causes negative heat capacity?

Negative heat capacity is caused by certain materials or systems having a higher number of accessible energy states at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures. This leads to a decrease in temperature when heat is added, as the energy is distributed among a greater number of states.

What is a thermal reservoir?

A thermal reservoir is a large system or environment that is able to maintain a constant temperature, and can supply or absorb unlimited amounts of heat without changing in temperature. This allows for a stable heat source or sink in thermodynamic processes.

How is negative heat capacity useful?

Negative heat capacity has practical applications in refrigeration and cryogenics, as it allows for cooling without the need for external energy sources. It also has implications in materials science and can lead to more efficient heat storage and transfer systems.

Can negative heat capacity violate the laws of thermodynamics?

No, negative heat capacity does not violate the laws of thermodynamics. These laws still hold true, but negative heat capacity is a result of systems or materials with unique properties that follow these laws in a non-traditional way.

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